so im still up here in washington visiting my sister
and on saturday, i did probably one of the most exciting things in my life
i went to Forks!!
yes, THE Forks!
and also...La Push!!!!!
La Push is sooo pretty!!!!
but just because i havent been able to really tell anybody about my trip, i shall type it all here
soo, to start things off
we arrived in Port Angeles :]
theen, we had a [long] drive to Forks
but it was completely worth it, because the scenery was breathtaking.
everything that you could never see in the valley, was there
trees that werent dead by the roots.
i even saw a waterfall! -that was pretty cool
but yea, anywho, we get there and we go straight to the high school.
they actually had the sign from the movie (:
it was cool. the sign is now my screensaver on my phone. haha
theen we went to a flower shop that we had read about online that carries a lot of twilight stuff.
then we got directions on how to get to Dazzled By Twilight. that is THE official twilight store.
theres one in Forks, and one in Port Angeles
but yea, they have EVERYTHING twilight.
i got 3 shirts
one says 'Jaspers army'
another says 'our kind are easily distracted by sparkly boys'
and the last one i got at a store in La Push. it doesnt have anything to do with twilight, but the actual place.
but ironically, it has wolves on it. i think its cool
then after that we went to go find the 'Cullen' and 'Swan' inspired houses
omg that was really cool
but it was kinda weird, cuz the big white house, the 'Cullen' house was actually a Bed and Breakfast
and the 'Swan' house, was literally a house!
like, i went to take a picture of a sign in their front yard, and i could hear kids in the backyard swimming in their pool. hahaha
but yeaaa, anywho!
after we were done looking at Forks, we headed down to La Push
La Push baby, its..La Pushh hahaha yea, i just had to type that
remember how it says in the book, that to get there you have to take that long, twisty, windy road?
well yea. its very true
and you drive right next to the lake, so that helped with the view :]
but yea, we got there and we headed down to the beach and ommgggg
to actually get ON the beach, you have to take this insanely tree infested hiking trail thingy
but it was awesome, because i felt like Bella having to go hiking and watching out for where i walk cuz there were a bunch of stairs kinda when you got to the beach
and the beach was amazing!
exactly how you would picture it from the book
driftwood, the fog, everything
it was awesome!!
but yeaa
im getting kinda tired, so imma go to bed now
oh, and i should be posting pictures on my myspace of all of this when i get home, so yeaa
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That sounds so superbly beyond awesome!
And in the official Twilight store was there any James stuff in there?
Just asking, haha.