Well today I was watching The Lion King over and over and over again
Because it's one of my all time fave movies!!! >w<
Well except when it comes to the part when Mufasa dies then I'm like O~O
Any ding-dong way.......
Hahaha, yeah I'm super bored >.<
But anyway I needed to find a place to put their bios and all
I was gonna put it on Deviantart but I didn't really like how I took the picture o~o
Anyway, here we go :3

Zuri(lioness on the left) and Baya(Lion on the right)
Name: Zuri (means Good in Swahili)
Alias: Zu
Age: about 20(dunno how to calculate lion years >.< and yes she doesn't really look her age)
Gender: Female
Status: Twin of Baya
Quote: "Baya you clumsy oaf! C'mon!" "Baya, for someone with the alias as Big Bad Baya you're very kind ya know?"
Name: Baya (means Bad in Swahili)
Alias: Bay or Big Bad Baya
Age: about 21
Gender: Male
Status: Protector and Twin of Zuri
Quote: "Zuri, be careful alright?" "Zuri! Watch out!"
Bio: Zuri and Baya were both cubs of Zira and Scar. They both we're taught to hate and dispies the lions of Mufasa's pride. Although, they were taught this, Baya was the one who didn't like these principles. He believed that there was always another side to a story. Zira and Scar both rejected him as a cub and left him alone on the savannah. During the time they kept Zuri and taught her the techniques that are needed to kill, Mufasa and Sarabi took in the abandoned Baya and raised him as their own, he grew up to be fit to be the next king. Baya was not given the chance to be the next successor of Pride Rock due to the fact that he was Scar's son and not Mufasa's.
Baya believed that Zuri deserves a better life than living one of an outsider lion. He wishes to leave Pride Rock pride but dosen't want to leave the family that took him in when Zira and Scar didn't want him. The times that Scar has come to Pride Rock he always asks for his sister, Zuri, but he is always given a flat out "Well, wouldn't you like to know."
Baya got his alias after he attacked Scar at the watering hole when Scar didn't tell him where Zuri was. Zuri, who was near by at the time attacked Baya trying to protect her father from his assaulter. During thier battle, Scar fled from the scene to try and find help for Zuri. Finally being able to pin the ravenous lioness down Baya was able to convince Zuri that she shouldn't be on Scar's side and join him in the pride that took him in.
Zuri was accepted into the pride, and at the time young Simba was born. Scar learned to hate his own cubs and had another cub with Zira named Nuka. As Simba grew he was very close to the two siblings, normally accompanying them when they were just out to play or on short errands that were given to them by Mufasa or Sarabi,such as breaking up fights at the watering hole or delivering a message to the other animals of the Pride lands. Although they were Scar's cubs they were appointed by Mufasa to be his right hand lion and lioness, almost always acompanying him on his daily walk or defending the Pride lands.
Even though they knew that Scar, their sadist father, had much hatered for their adpoted father, Mufasa, they had no idea that he had enough hatred to even kill him. When the two were searching for the brave and adventerous little Simba they didn't know that Scar took him into a gorge to have him trapled or gord by a herd of Wildabeast. After the stampede they were the first two on the scene to investigate what had happened but only to have their hearts torn into two. The great king of the serengeti, Mufasa, had died. The sight of seeing their adoptive father dead was a great blow to them.
As soon as Scar took over the pride lands they were banished to the Outlands by Scar. Baya attempted to take over the Pride because he knows that his blood father is not suited to be king but he lost the challenge with Scar since Scar had help from his hyenas. Zuri attempted to help but it wasn't good enough. The two once again were banished.
For the months that Scar had ruled they've been training to take him down. Nala found the two and got them to go back to the Pride Lands while she tried to look for help. Although the two tried to hold off the tyrant Scar while Nala looked for help they were taken as prisoners. Once Simba returned they helped him in the fight for the Pride Lands and won. Like Mufasa before him, Simba appointed the two to be his two other two right hand men next to Pumba and Timon. They were a bit confused with having the two in the pride and almost tried to eat them at a point but they learned to get over that.
When Nala gave birth to young Kiara Zuri treated her as if she were to be her own little sister. Zuri has turned into Kiara's caretaker and Baya watches the border of the Pride Lands to make sure that no Outlander lions are to set foot into the Pride Lands.
At first they reject Kovu just like Simba did but soon grew to accept him as Kiara and Nala did. They also fought against Zira's lionesses.