Always Been Loveless
{An Ace and Bunny love story}
Characters {main}:
Bunny {Yours truly} Ace {Jeff Bennett}
Lil Arturo {Jeff Bennett} Snake {Tom Kenny}
Big Billy {Jeff Bennett} Grubber {Tom Kenny}
Karissa {Kolulu Butai} Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup {Cathy Cavadini, Tara Strong, Elizabeth Daily}
Characters {Secondary}:
Professor Utonium {Tom Kane} Mom {My mom}
Dad {My dad} Him {Tom Kane}
Ms. Keane {Jennifer Hale} Mayor of Townsville {Tom Kenny}
Ms. Sara Bellum {Jennifer Martin} Mojo Jojo {Roger L. Jackson}
Fuzzy Lumpkins {Jim Cummings} Sedusa {Jennifer Hale}
Princess Morbucks {Jennifer Hale}
Part 1
{A sunny day opens with birds chirping, horses neighing, cows mooing, chickens clucking, and rooster crowing. Scene opens with a bedroom as harp with music from George and Anwyn Leverette with a song called Lark in the Morning plays. Camera lands on a sleeping teenager. She wakes up after fluttering her eyes open, stretches and yawns while getting up and opening her window and gets dressed. She gets downstairs and feeds the animals. She then goes into the kitchen as the music ends.}
Dad: “Morning, Sleeping Beauty!”
Bunny: {Yawns} “Morning Mom, morning Dad. Hey, do you know where Kari went? Last I saw her, she was hyped up on M&M’s!”
Mom: “Kari, you don’t tell your sister that she is a moron! Now come down and get your breakfast!”
Bunny: “No, no Mom. Its okay, its fine. You know how she is in the mornings, always cranky but always rocking to her music at night.”
Mom: “{Sigh} you’re right, you’re right. I completely forgot. Anyways, why were you so hyped up yesterday Kari?”
Kari: “Cause a new band came here and I wanted to go so I got myself crazy and hyped up and I went.”
Bunny: “There was another band here last night? What were they called?”
Kari: “I don’t know, I don’t remember the name, but I do remember that they had disgusting green skin. Probably cause they suffered frostbite or something like that.”
Bunny: “Hmm. They sound kind of interesting. I wish I could join a band. I’m really good at the electric guitar, the acoustic, and the flute.”
Mom: “Well, who knows? You might end up joining a good band, what with you being cute and all.”
Bunny: “Mom…you always say that I’m cute. I’m not 6 anymore.”
Mom: “Oh, yeah. That’s right! I almost forgot that today is your 16th birthday and the day that you decide if you want to stay here or you want to move somewhere on your own.”
Bunny: “Oh yeah! And I know just the place where I want to move to…”
{Its nighttime and everyone had eaten dinner. Bunny sits on the gateway by the horses and stares down the road past the hills. Her parents come up to her and she notices them.}
Mom: “Oh, Bunny. Its getting late, shouldn’t you be in bed?”
Bunny: “I wanted to look at the night sky tonight.”
{Star of the county down plays by George and Anwyn leverette}
Dad: “Oh yeah. Beautiful huh?”
Bunny: “Yeah. {Sigh}”
{Mom and Dad look at her seeing the fireflies dance around her with a sad face on.}
Mom: “Uh, Bunny? If there’s anything you want to tell your dad and I, you can feel free to.”
{Sits next to her on the gateway.}
Bunny: “Oh, well… its just…{Sigh} I’m just sort of tired of all this. I want to see the world, I want to see more than just greenery and forests and everything. I want…{Sigh} I want to live in a city. I want to live here.”
{Shows her a picture of Townsville.}
Mom: “You want to live HERE? But honey… isn’t that place dangerous?”
Bunny: “Well, yeah, but, well, I know you want to protect me from all the dangers of the world but… I’m grown up now Mom! I’m not 6, im not the little girl who you think I am anymore; I don’t go up to you and run into your arms like I used to.”
{She says this as her mom’s eyes fill with tears but she wipes them away for her. She then hugs her daughter.}
Mom: “I know. I trust you on your own. I just got so caught up caring for you I forgot you’re all grown up now. Well, if you really want to live there in that city, then I guess its okay with your dad and me right?”
{She says as she looks at her husband, who nods his head.}
Bunny: “So I can go tomorrow?”
Mom: “Of course. After all, your sister needs a new room for all her stuff.”
Bunny: “That’s true. Well, I better go and pack up my belongings. See you in the morning.”
Mom: “Yeah. Yeah, see you in the morning.”
{After she goes to the house, the father turns to his wife and talks to her.}
Dad: “Honey, are you sure you’re gonna let her do this? You know Townsville is a dangerous city, that’s why we moved here before she was born, kind of broke her sister’s heart that she had to say goodbye to all her friends at the highschool, but still are you really gonna let her go there by herself? I mean, who knows what kind of trouble she could get into?”
Mom: “I know! Im not really gonna let her go there by herself to a dangerous city. Im gonna ask somebody to watch her.”
Dad: “Who?”
Mom: “Her sister.”
{Meanwhile, as Bunny was sleeping, the mom went up to her sisters room and knocked on the door.}
Karissa: “Come in.”
{Goes into the bedroom that was covered in boy band posters and had perfume bottles, make-up, nail polish, papers, and books on a desk. On the bed was Kari sprawled out reading a boy’s magazine.}
Karissa: “Oh, hey mom.”
Mom: “Hi. Listen; can I talk to you about something? It’s something very important.”
Karissa: “Sure, what’s up?”
Mom: “Well, talk quieter first. I don’t want your sister overhearing about this, but your sister wants to go to a city tomorrow.”
Karissa: “Tomorrow?!”
Mom: “Shhh!
Karissa: {More quietly} “Tomorrow?! Why tomorrow?”
Mom: “Well let me explain. Your sister is tired of the country and she wants to live in a city and so she showed me a picture of the city that we used to live before she was born.”
Karissa: “Wait, let me guess, Townsville?”
Mom: “Mm-hmm. And you know as well as I do that Townsville is a dangerous place for a young teenager like your sister to live in alone. Of course, for you, it wasn’t a problem because you were tougher than your sister but I was still concerned along with your dad and that’s why we moved so we could protect her from danger.”
Karissa: “Yeah, but what does this have to do with me and my sister moving to a dangerous city? I mean she’ll be fine on her own.”
Mom: “I know! But you always said you wanted to see your friends and go back to Townsville right?”
Karissa: “Right.”
Mom: “Okay, but I want you to keep an eye on your sister so she doesn’t get into trouble all the time with Mojo and the other criminals there, okay? Promise me you’ll protect your sister.”
Karissa: “I-”
Mom: “Will you?”
Karissa: “I…I promise.”
Mom: “Okay. Remember what I said.”
{She said as she went out the door.}
Next Morning
{Everyone is up as the sun is at the crack of dawn. Bunny was standing at the bus stop, waving to her parents and sister as they waved back. Then the bus pulled up and as Bunny got on, she gave one last wave to her family. Then when the bus got out of sight, the mother leaned in to the sister who already had her motorcycle out and with her on it.}
Mom: “Make sure she doesn’t get hurt.”
Karissa: “Right.”
{She sped off on her motorcycle as the mom calls to her.}
Mom: “And remember to call always!”
Karissa: “I will!!”
{On the bus, Bunny was reading a magazine on guitar tips while tuning her own. It was a handmade acoustic guitar that was especially made for her on her 16th birthday. The bus driver, who was called Joe, noticed her and recognized her from earlier times when Bunny was just a baby.}
Joe: “Hey Bunny! How are ya girl? Wow, you sure have grown up, haven’t ya? The last time I saw ya, you and your family were taking my old bus to here with your older sister. How old is she now? 17?”
Bunny: “Hey Joe! Wow, I didn’t recognize you either. You sure have gotten old pretty fast, huh? I’m fine and thanks, I have grown up. Also, Kari is actually 18 now.”
Joe: “Wow. So where are you heading to, now that you’re old enough to move somewhere?”
Bunny: “I’m moving to Townsville.”
{As she said this, Joe was drinking from a coffee mug and he spit it out on the window, where Bunny from this sudden reaction, jumped in her seat from the back of the bus and stared at him in surprise.}
Joe: “{Cough, cough.} Bunny, don’t ever scare me like that again, girl. Are you sure you’d want to go a place like Townsville? It’s a scary place for a young girl like you to live in all by yourself.”
Bunny: “I know, but I really, really want to live there. I think it’s a nice place to live in, besides all the criminals and everything.”
Joe: “Okay…”
{While the bus was driving past the hills and mountains and Bunny was still looking at the magazine tuning and strumming her guitar, Kari was following close behind, Bunny unnoticing her sister. At that time, a song starts fading in to play.}
Well, it’s a sunny day, and I feel brand new
There’s no one else that I’d be with rather than just you.
I’m really tired of this old place; want to see something new in my life
And I’ve got nothing with me, except this old guitar and fife.
Well let me see this new world in my teenage hood, while I strum this guitar made out of old wood.
I want to see the whole city with my eyes, and I sure can tell you they don’t tell me lies.
{As the bus is shown in front of Townsville on the bridge, Bunny pokes her head out as she gazes at the city with a look of awe.}
I want to have some happiness, joy, and excitements, and I also want my life to smell of freshments. You know I want to.
Oh, oh yeah, you know that’s right.
Well, I want to see the whole city with my eyes…
And I sure can tell you they don’t tell me lies.
{Song ends as the bus pulls in at the bus stop.}
Joe: “Alright, little missy, I guess this is your stop. Welcome to Townsville.”
Bunny: “{Gasp} Wow… Its even more beautiful than I imagined it would be…”
Joe: “Well, that’s Townsville for ya. Say, have you heard of the Powerpuff Girls?”
Bunny: “Who? Oh yeah! The Powerpuff Girls! Yeah, I’ve heard of them.”
Joe: “Well, it just so happens that they live outside of Townsville. You know that little white house with the three round windows that we passed?”
Bunny: {Nods.}
Joe: “They actually live there.”
Bunny: “Wow. Seriously?”
Joe: “Yeah. You’re living in Powerpuff Girl town now. See ya!”
{Joe says as he drives away, leaving Bunny all alone in a part of the city.}
Bunny: “Well, I guess I oughta go and find a job, but first since mom and dad gave me a bit of money, I guess I’ll get a makeover first.”
{Camera shows Bunny walking around the city, where she first came to a Goth shop and she buys the first yellow t-shirt with a skull and cross bones on it, some red shoes with a golden buckle on each, and some black gloves up to her elbows. Next, she visited a hairstyle shop where, since she had such dark, long and untidy hair, she went for the wash, trim, and dye. Bunny got her hair dyed to a beautiful almost golden dirty blonde color with the tips of her hair at the bottom {and some tips in her small ponytails} a bright red color. And finally, she came to a beauty shop where a beautiful lady got her nails trimmed and painted them a hot pink color. While that was done and drying, the beauty lady also gave her some bright red cherry flavored lipstick, which would make Bunny’s pale red lips stand out a bit.
At the end, Bunny went to a food court where she got a bit of lunch. Then when she left, she tried looking for a job, which she didn’t have much luck getting. When she started to eat, she saw something that made her stare. She saw an attractive looking man named Jake, who had curly blonde hair and was a buff man. Girls everywhere followed him around, but when he saw Bunny, he focused his attention on Bunny now and walked over to her.}
Jake: “Hey there, gorgeous. What’s your name?”
Bunny: “B-Bunny.”
Jake: “Bunny, huh? That’s a cute name for such a cute girl. Hey, do you want to come over to my place sometime?”
Bunny: “O-okay.”
{After that, she came to his place everyday where she would normally hang out at until she would get a job and an apartment of her own, which sadly, she never ended up getting. But she and Jake would go out on dinner dates, and one dinner date at a restaurant, Jake gave Bunny a silver locket with both of their pictures in it and Bunny’s life was happy. But one day, she came over to his place where he said that he would have something planned for both of them, but there was nothing on the table for them. And Bunny heard strange noises coming from Jake’s room, where she found Jake doing something that made Bunny stare shocked! After Bunny shut the door undetected, she heard Jake say something that made Bunny stare at the floor with horror. And Bunny ran out of the apartment where she sat and cried at another apartment until she slept there all night. When she came back, she sat and waited for Jake to come back after realizing that he wasn’t there. She sat there all day and all night until she realized that he wasn’t coming back. She laid her head in her lap and started crying. Then she started getting boiling mad, really mad and had a look of rage on her face. Then she got up and started doing many horrible things to the apartment. After realizing what she did, she ran out and sat on the yard behind the building and waited until she heard Jake get back at his apartment. She heard him from inside freak out and she got up and walked away from the building.}
{Meanwhile, a dump shows and in the background was the sound of two teenagers, a male and female, screaming at each other in a wooden hideout. While the two teens were fighting, four other boys were lying on the floor or on the couch, covering their ears and looking as if it was hurting them, but they weren’t noticed by the screaming teens.}
Boy: “Hey! Dis is MY place and you can’t tell my boys or me what ta do at OUR place!”
Girl: “Well, EXCUSE ME for doing that, but you’re the one that I should be yelling at because YOU were staring at another girl behind my BACK! So don’t tell me it was ‘all in my head.’ Because I can tell that you were lying when you said you weren’t looking!”
Boy: “Uh, EXCUSE me, but dat was YOU STARING AT ANOTHER BOY! I was just doing somethin’ with my boys when ya stared at dat JAKE person! Don’t ya know dat he cheats on other girls like ya self?”
Boy: “DAT IS IT! {Slams down his fist on the table, which made her stop and stare at him} FROM NOW ON, YOU, MY FRIEND, ARE NO LONGER IN DA GANGREEN GANG! MA BOYS AND ME DON’T WANT YA HERE ANYMORE! RIGHT GUYS?”
Snake: “Yeah, we don’t likesssss ya like us and Ace usssed to be!”
Little Arturo: “Si! Get a move on!”
Big Billy: “Duh, YEAH!”
Grubber: “Thhhpppppppttttt!”
Ace: “YEAH! We used ta think dat you was cool and all, but now, we don’t want ya here anymore! And from now on, consider ya self dumped. So…GET OUTTA HERE RIGHT NOW!!!”
{As he pointed to the door in a booming voice, the girl freaked out and ran out the door screaming.}
Girl: “That’s OKAY with me! Cause I have a REAL BOYFRIEND AT HIS APARTMENT! So GOODBYE boys!”
{As the girl ran off, Ace and the others were glaring at the door and watched as she ran off into the distance. Ace then groaned as Snake came up to him and lead him to the couch where he started massaging his shoulders to help ease his pain.}
Snake: Bossss…Whatsss do we do now, now that she issss gone and not in the gang anymoresss?”
Ace: “I guess… we’ll just have ta be ourselves without her. She was a jerk anyways. I cant BELIEVE I even AGREED ta let her be in this gang anyways! {Groans} My shoulders hurt now…”
Snake: “Hey, itsss okay now, bosssss. Shesssss gone and we don’t have to worry about her anymore, ssssso you should just relax.”
Ace: {Sigh} “You’re right Snake. This place feels so much better without her here ta bother us anymore.”
{Then it shows him with a person at the windows point of view, and then the camera shows Bunny running as fast as she could down the road.}
Bunny: “{Sigh} Man, if I was in there when it happened, I wouldn’t know what he would do to me. But he deserved it anyway… Huh. I wonder what time it is.”
{She glanced down at her watch and looked at the time.}
“ 7:35p.m. And I did that to his apartment at…7:00p.m. Well, I might as well try to catch a bus ride.”
With Joe
{Joe was sitting at his house where he was reading the paper and his wristwatch started beeping.}
Joe: “Oh, almost time to get to my late bus ride job. Better use the bus like always.”
{He said as he started to the door and he started using his keys to lock his house until.}
Mayor: “That’s him, boys! He’s in cahoots with the evil punk girl that ruined this man’s apartment! Why its just not normal, its, its uh-”
{He was gonna say, but was interrupted by his secretary, Ms. Bellum.}
Ms. Bellum: “Let it go Mayor, let it go. {She then brought out a picture of Bunny in a wanted poster.} Is this the same girl that you brought here to our city the day before yesterday sir?”
Joe: “Why yes, but what could she have done that got her in so much trouble? I’m sure there’s a good explanation for something that she might have done, but whatever she did, she’s actually a very good teenager. And I need to do my late night bus job.”
Ms. Bellum: “I understand sir, but we really would like you to come downtown with us so we could ask you a few questions.”
{She says as Joe was put in handcuffs and was forced to the police car.}
Joe: “Oh! Agh! You guys, I really need to do my job.” {He said as he was thrown in the car.} “I can’t just leave someone there, alone.”
With Bunny
{She started wandering around the streets where she glanced at all the things in shops windows. When she got to a bus stop, she waited until after the time that the bus was supposed to come didn’t, she started getting mad.}
Bunny: “Joe’s not coming. He hates me, he totally hates me…No, wait a minute, he probably doesn’t hate me, he might of just got held up or maybe the bus broke down or maybe he just forgot or…Maybe he does hate me. Oh, well. I might as well just wander the streets alone.”
{Bunny slowly walked through the empty streets of Townsville as she glanced at all the stuff in the shops that she passed by. When she got to an electronic store, the TVs that were on at the window started showing different channels of the news.}
TV #1: “The cause? A teenaged girl.”
TV#2 with a man on a talk show: “Should the damage of someone’s apartment by someone else be illegal?
TV #3 with the Mayor: “A great travesty has befallen on one of our beloved citizen’s home.”
TV #4 with Jake: “I was just coming back with my girlfriend after our date from all day when I come in to find MY apartment totally trashed with no reason why someone did this!”
TV #1: “The devastation? Devastating.”
TV #2 with a lady on the talk show: “Of course it should be illegal!”
TV #3: “Used to be a time when you could come BACK to a decent and proper place!”
TV #4: “And there was burnt curtains, burnt furniture, even my CLOTHES were burnt!”
TV #1: “Estimated dollars in damages? A whopping, 200-”
TV #2 with a punk man on the talk show: “I’m offended just looking at her!”
TV #3: “The kind that you can only find here in Townsville! {He shows the cameras 4 crime scene pictures of different parts of the apartment.}
TV #4: “And now, Katie’s crying.” {Then it goes to a reporter with them.} “Well, it seems that-”
TV #1: “The hatred from this man’s friends and family is running rampant on-”
TV #2 with a Jamaican woman on the talk show: “That crazy, country-”
TV #4: “Freak. Back to you, Linda.”
{Then goes to a lady with blonde hair talking to a man next to her.} “She is a little freak, isn’t she? With more on this subject is-”
{Then it shows all of the TVs being looked at by Bunny in front of them, staring at them with wide eyes and mouth open with a shocked look on her face, and then she walks away from the shop with a dejected look. Then the TVs change to a news flash.}
TVs: “We interrupt this program for an important news flash. Arrested today in connection with the attack of a man’s apartment was a bus driver responsible for bringing the destructive girl, Bus Driver Joe. Upon incarceration, Joe had this statement to make.”
Joe: “Please, just let me go. That poor girl, she needs me. She doesn’t know I’m in jail. What if she tried going home herself? She can’t find her way if she doesn’t take a bus. Please, she’s only an innocent teen who is probably cold, scared, and maybe even…lost.”
With Bunny
{Bunny was walking along the city past the apartments, shops, and homes until she stops at a dump.}
Bunny: “Well, its official. I have no idea where I am now! {Sigh} Well, can’t say it’s been the BEST day, but it probably couldn’t get worse.”
{And then it starts raining softly.}
“…Okay. Possibly it CAN get worse. {Sigh} I might as well make myself at home.”
{She then starts setting her stuff under this tent that she found out of a tarp and she curls underneath it with her legs close to her chest. She was about to go to sleep when she felt a tapping of someone’s shoe hitting her shoulder.}
Man1: “Hey, girl. You’re sleeping in MY place! HEY! GIVE ME THAT!!”
{The man says as he grabs his coat that she curled up in. Then another guy grabs her by the shirt.}
Man2: “Hey, what’s your story?”
Bunny: “Um, I-I’ve been trying to find my way home.”
Man3: “Huh. Hey, fellas, she’s been trying to get home!”
Man2 in a copycat voice: “‘been trying to find my way home.’ Ha ha ha!”
Man1: “I said that a LONG time ago.”
Man3: “At least you know where it is! Why are you looking for it? It should be looking for YOU!”
Man1: “Besides, the people here including that Jake character doesn’t care. Forget em.”
Bunny: {Starts to say something but then starts getting mad with a few tears in her eyes.}
“You’re right!! They don’t care! And if they did, including JAKE, they would have treated me better! Well, if they don’t care, I DON’T CARE! I don’t care if I NEVER see Jake OR anyone else again!”
Man3: “Yeah! Forget em! Ha, you’re one of us criminals now! HA HA HA HA HA! Here, make yourself a bed! {Throws scraps of cloth on her for her to make a bed as they walk away laughing. Bunny just flicks the cloths away as she gets out of the tarp with her stuff and walks a little away until she comes to a stop at the middle of the dump and she pulls the locket that Jake gave off her neck and looks at it.}
Bunny: “{Sniff} I’ll never be able to go back to that place anyway. {She says as she drops to the ground and drops the locket also. She then takes out a knife and starts trying to stab the locket while talking.} {Sniff} never, never, {Sob} never again. {Voice breaking} This is my home now. Forever being trapped in a dump, with no one around as friends.”
As she started to stab the locket harder, the rain also started getting harder and the thunder louder.} “It just isn’t FAIR! IT ISNT FAIR, IT ISNT FAIR, WHY DO PEOPLE LIKE THE POWERPUFF GIRLS GET LOVE AND RESPECT FROM PEOPLE AROUND HERE, WHILE PEOPLE LIKE ME GET TREATED LIKE NOTHING BUT GARBAGE?! IT’S ALL JAKE’S FAULT!” {As she screamed this, she finally slammed the knife down on the locket and it breaks in pieces as she sobs and slips on the mud, making her dirty all over. But she didn’t bother. All she did was just stand up, walked over to the tarp, sat down and sobbed. While nearby, there was a hideout that looked like a tree house without the tree. Inside the hideout was home to some troublemaking boys called the Gangreen Gang. Most of them were playing poker while a big boy called Big Billy was with a little midget named Little Arturo at the window, looking out at the rain.}
Little Arturo: “{Sigh} When the rains come, it sure is long, isn’t it?” {He says, as he looks back at one of his friends, a tall boy who had slick back hair, groovy shades, and had some colorful clothes who went by the name of Ace. He was one of the boys who were playing poker with the other two boys whose names were Snake and Grubber. Ace was looking back at Little Arturo and while unknown to him; one of the boys called Snake was looking at his deck of cards.}
Ace: “Well, it may seem like its long, but it don’t last forever, ya know?”
{As he said this, one of his watchful eyes behind his shades caught sight of Snake and now aware of Snake’s peaking, he glared at him and then screamed at him.} “SNAKE! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TA TELL YA TA NOT CHEAT?! {At this sudden surprise, Snake then screams and the chair tips over too far from the sudden shock that he fell backwards with it onto the floor.} “NO! FORGET IT! I DON’T WANNA TALK TA YA SO DON’T TRY TA TALK TO ME! I’m goin outside.”
Snake: “To whatsss?”
Ace: “ TA GET AWAY FROM YOU!” {He says as he slams the door behind him. Snake just looks at Little Arturo as he helped him up.}
Little Arturo: “Don’t worry. He’s just having trouble trying to cope with HER being gone. It’s okay, he’ll cool it off eventually.”
Snake: “I hope your right…”
{As Ace walked a little away’s, he then heard a girl scream as the thunder and lightning made a loud cracking sound. At first he jumped from the surprise, but then he realized that it was because it was close, so he followed the sound until he came upon Bunny, curled up under the tarp, with tight legs curled up to her chest, sobbing pitifully, and covering her ears as if to block out the sound of the thunder and lightning. Ace was shocked to find a girl like her out here in the middle of a storm like this. He then went up to her and placed his hands on her shoulders and as he did, she gasped and looked up at him with eyes as wide and frightened as an innocent little lambs.}
Ace: “Whoa, whoa! Its okay, don’t be scared. Im not gonna hurt ya. Are ya alright?”
{Bunny was about to speak when a lightning had cracked loud and she covered her ears while crying even harder and whimpering as her shoulders shook even harder.}
Ace: “Its okay. Its just thunda and lightnin. Do ya wanna get outta this rain?”
{Bunny did nothing but nod in approval as Ace picked her up and held her close to his chest, which took her by surprise, but still she kept on crying and whimpering as he carried her over to his hideout. When he got there and opened the door, there were all the boys sitting around and when they saw him with a girl, they had wide eyes and had questionable looks on their faces.}
Snake: “Acssse, what the-”
Ace: “Guys, I’ll tell ya later, oh man, she’s wet and she’s shakin’ all over. Oh, she’s cryin’ too. All right, I’m gonna set ya down now, okay, careful, careful, alright. Alright now, take it easy, easy, easy girl, you’re fine, you’re alright. Now wait right here, I’ll be right back.” {He says as he went over to this cooler where he and the other boys had soda bottles and grabbed this bottle where it had orange soda and went over to the still shaking crying girl who had tearstains and more leaking out.}
Ace: “Here. Drink dis. It might make ya feel betta.”
{He said as he tried to give her the glass bottle, but it kept slipping out of her hands whenever she tried to take a drink.}
Ace: “Here, let me help ya.”
{He then used his hands to help her drink from it.}
“Okay, don’t drink too fast now girl, dat’s it, easy, dere we go.”
{He said when she finished the soda and then she stopped crying, but she was still shaking pretty badly from the cold and there were still some tearstains on her face, which Ace started reaching forward to wipe them away and Bunny flinched, expecting some sort of pain, but Ace just gently wiped her tears away with his thumb. Bunny then looked at him with a surprised look. She hadn’t expected him to do that.}
Ace: “Okay, dat’s betta, now ya won’t have ta look so sad all the time with those tearstains on ya face. Now dat dats taken care of, can ya tell us your name or something?”
Bunny: “{Sniff} B-Bunny…”
Snake: “Bunny? That’sss a weird name for a girl! Ha, ha, ha, h- D-OY!”
{He says, but he was upper-punched in the chin by Ace to silence him.}
“Acssse, what the hecksss wass that for?”
Ace: “Do ya wanna make her cry again? We’re tryin’ ta help her, not upset her all over again! Now be quiet unless it’s a question to her dat ya wanna say.”
Snake: “Yesssss bossss…”
Ace: “Ugh…{He then turns to Bunny who he had placed on the beaten-up ochre couch} Anyways, Bunny huh? Dat’s a nice name. Okay Bunny, what seems ta be da problem wit ya lately? We’re not gonna criticize ya or anything; we just wanna try ta help ya.”
Bunny: “Okay…Well, you see…Are you sure that you’d want to hear this?”
Ace: “Yeah. We’re all understanding ’cause we all have had our share of pain in our lives so if dere was someone like you who’s in trouble, we’d be dere for dat person.”
Bunny: “Well, okay. You see, it all started when I first came here from the countryside.”
Ace: “Da Countryside? Where is dat?”
Bunny: “The place where I was born with my mom, dad and older sister. It’s a wide, open spaced place outside of Townsville, past the mountains, over the hills and across the ocean from Citiesville to here. Before, I had gotten tired of the country and I wanted to live here in Townsville, so I left. When I got here a few days ago, I tried looking for a job but I had to get myself all dressed up pretty in these wet clothes that I’m wearing but I never had any luck, but I did meet this cute guy who I thought I could trust myself with.”
Snake: “Ya THOUGHT that ya could trusssst yoursssself with?”
Bunny: “Yeah, because during my first few days here he was being really nice and treated me like I was his girlfriend. That was until I found out he’s nothing but a lying, cheating jerk. Because when I came over where he lived that he said that he had a dinner date planned for us, but there was nothing when I came in. Then I heard strange noises coming from Jake’s bedroom.”
Ace: “Wait, wait, wait! JAKE?! The Jake wit the curly blonde hair and was really buff and every time he walked past a bunch of girls, dey always swooned over him?”
Bunny: “Yep, that’s the one alright.”
Ace: “Okay…Continue on.”
Bunny: “Well, when I came into Jake’s room to ask him what was going on, I SAW him in the arms of another girl! {At this, all of the guys gasped with horror.} And it’s like they didn’t even notice me standing there, they just kept- you know! So I quietly walked out of the room and shutted the door and when I stood there with shock, I heard Jake say that he never loved me, that he was just using me to make his girlfriend jealous, so then I ran out of there and just sat and cried until I fell asleep at another apartment building. Then the next morning, when I came to his apartment to try to talk to him, he wasn’t there so I waited all morning and all afternoon for him to come back, but he never came. {At this, the guys had went, {Awww…} while Bunny continued.}
Then when I realized that he was not coming back, I started crying and I cried for a good couple of minutes until I started getting mad, like really mad that I just got out of control. I got up and looked at the fireplace with a bit of curiosity. Then I started grabbing a piece of wood with fire burning at the end and started setting his curtains, his couch, his bed, and his clothes on fire, grabbed utensils such as knives, forks, and butter knives and started flicking them at the lights, where electricity sparked from them and onto the wooded floor. After that, I kicked a CD tower and it came crashing down, grabbed some of the ones that didn’t break and started flicking them at the walls, where they broke into a million pieces on the floor, ran into the bathroom and rubbed toothpaste on the mirror, knocked shampoo bottles on the floor, and broke the mirrors. Then, I looked at the room where Jake had paintings and drawings since he was an artist and started grabbing paint brushes and filling them up with paint, started painting all the pictures with black and brown paint and did it on the walls and everything, grabbed spray paints {since he also does spray painting} and wrote things such as ‘I HATE YOU!’ ‘DIE, YOU IDIOT!’ and many other horrible sayings. Then, I saw all the pictures that had Jake and another girl; I grabbed some of them and threw them into the fire while the others I just threw on the floor and they broke. Then there was one picture that showed me and Jake at a fair that I picked up and looked at it, then I walked over to a glass table and slammed the picture into it, where it broke and scattered all over the apartment floor. I didn’t know what came over me after that. After realizing what I did, I just ran out of the apartment and sat behind the building until I heard Jake come home with that girl and as soon as I heard him come into the apartment that I trashed, he went ballistic, so I left. And when I tried catching a bus ride, no buses ever came so I started walking the streets and when I came to an electronic store, all the TVs were talking about me, saying that they didn’t want me in this city, so I left and started wandering the streets until I realized that I was lost and that’s when it started raining and I found myself here in the dump. And that’s what happened.”
{At the end, all of the boys were staring at her with mouths open and with shocked looks on each of their faces.}
Ace: “Whoa. That’s terrible!”
Snake: “Yeah, thatssss ssso sssssad.”
Big Billy: {In tears} “Yeah! SO SAAAAD!”
Grubber: “Phhhhht!” {Says while patting Big Billy on the back.}
Little Arturo: “Ay Carumba! That sounds so miserable!”
Ace: “And… wait a second, ya said dat there was another girl wit him, right? What did she look like?”
Bunny: “Um, let’s see, she had cherry colored lips, curly chocolate brown hair, green eyes, and she also had tan skin.”
All the boys: “OH… MY… GOD!”
Ace: “That’s the same girl WE kicked out of here!”
Bunny: “Really? You guys used to have another member here? What happened?”
Ace: “She kept acting as if SHE was the real leader here, dat’s what! And ma boys and I didn’t want her here anymore, so we kicked her out of here an’ now she’s gone…Oh my god. I can’t BELIEVE THAT SHE HAD THAT JAKE GUY FOR A BOYFRIEND AFTER ALL! An’ she told me dat she was MY GIRL! DAT LITTLE CHEATING LIER!”
Bunny: {Sighs, then nods} “Yeah, and now I don’t have a boyfriend or a home to go to.”
Ace: “Well… if ya want, ya can always stay wit us. You’re more than welcome.”
Bunny: “I can?”
Everyone: “Oh, yeah! Sure! Anytime!”
Bunny: “Oh, okay. I mean, I don’t want to be a burden on you guys or anything.”
Ace: “Aw, dat’s okay. But I s’pose dat means dat you have ta sleep wit one of us since da couch isn’t a very comfortable place ta sleep in. Ya won’t mind, will ya?”
Bunny: “Mm-mm.” {Says while shaking her head.}
Ace: “Okay, well, who do ya wanna sleep with?”
Snake: “Can Bunny ssssleep with me?”
Little Arturo: “No, I want Senorita Bunny to sleep with me!”
Big Billy: “Big Billy want Bunny to sleep with me!”
Ace: “Hold on guys! Geez, let Bunny decide who she wants ta sleep with. Bunny, who do ya wanna sleep wit?”
Bunny: “Um…I think I want to sleep with you Ace…”
Everyone: “WHAAAT?!”
Bunny: “Well, I just think I want to sleep with Ace, that’s all. And I just feel more comfortable around him…”
Ace: “O…okay. If dat’s what ya want.”
Snake: “B-but Ace.”
Ace: “Hey, if she wants ta sleep wit me, then dat’s her choice, not yours.”
Snake: “Yesss bosss…”
Later on
Bunny: “Okay boys, time for-”
{She says but stops when she saw the boys asleep in different places; Ace asleep on the couch while watching TV, Big Billy drawing on the floor, Little Arturo and Grubber playing cards, and Snake laying on the floor with drool hanging out of his mouth.}
{She then starts rolling Big Billy to the middle of the floor and laid him on his back while washing the drool off his face with a washcloth, placed Little Arturo on top of Big Billy’s stomach and washed the drool off his face while placing a blanket on both of them, placed Grubber beside Billy and did the same with him, along with Snake, then washed Ace’s face and laid him on the couch with a blanket covering him, after taking his glasses off him and placing them on top of the TV. Then she quietly started picking the papers that Big Billy drew on off the ground but saw one picture that showed all of them including her in the hideout and hugging. She then put the papers on top of a table, changed into her nightclothes, and cuddled up with Ace on the couch. But then she clutched his shirt and put her head to his warm chest. Ace then woke up and looked down at her.}
Bunny: “I just wanted to say thank you for bringing me in and treating me kindly like you and your friends have been.”
Ace: “Your welcome.”
{He said as he brought her closer to him and shut his eyes while falling asleep.}
Next morning
{The sun was shining as the sounds of the city started pouring in around the dump. Bunny’s eyes started fluttering open as she stretched and quietly yawned. Then she sat up and looked to see her friends at the round table eating breakfast, which was soda and pizza from last night. She got to the table and looked curiously at Ace’s soda bottle and piece of pizza. Ace then noticed her curiosity and looked at her.}
Ace: “Ya wanna bottle and piece?”
{Bunny now realizing that Ace noticed her curiosity, gasped and spoke shyly and gently to him.}
Bunny: “Um…uh, yeah…sure.”
{Ace then hands her a bottle of orange soda and a piece of Hawaiian pizza. She gently took it and started eating it slowly while sipping her soda.}
Bunny: “So, this is what you guys do all day? Don’t you guys do anything fun?”
Ace: “Well, dat’s not important, what’s important is dat we find out if you’re worthy of our gang. See, what we’re gonna do is dat we’re gonna give ya a little test. Ya know, ta see if ya can survive wit us.”
Bunny: “Oh? Like what?”
Ace: “Oh, don’t you worry your pretty little head about dat. You’ll see soon enough.”
Bunny: “Ohh, I’m not liking how that sounds.”
Later at night
{Ace, the gang and Bunny were walking around the city, looking for something. Then suddenly, Ace had stopped in front of the others, making them stop also. Ace then pulled Bunny beside him and started pointing at some gas station.}
Ace: “Okay. Now Bunny, do ya see dat gas station? I want ya ta listen very carefully cause dis is where ya little…test starts. Now, I want ya ta go in dere, unnoticed, and start grabbing all da stuff ya can carry, can ya do that?”
Bunny: “But Ace isn’t that stealing? I don’t know if I can do this.”
Ace: “Oh, okay. Well, dat’s fine. I knew ya wouldn’t wanna be in da Gangreen Gang like us.”
Bunny: “No! No, I mean I can do it; it’s just, {Sigh} I’m just not used to doing something like this. Ace…I really do want to be in this gang with you. I really do.”
{Ace then turns back at her to see her desperate look. He walked up to her, looked intently at her and then asked.}
Ace: “Are ya sure? Do ya really wanna?”
Bunny: “Yes. {She says as she took his hands and held them} I would do ANYTHING to please you Ace. I would, really I would.”
Ace: {Stares at her behind his groovy shades} “…Okay.” {Then he motions for her to go.}
Bunny: {Breathes deeply} “Okay, I’m going in. Wish me luck guys.”
{Bunny then walked into the gas station and peered in to look around. She spotted a teenaged girl with a red apron on trying to store some toilet paper, shampoo, and perfume on a tall shelf that was hard for her to reach. She had some headphones on at full blast so she couldn’t hear Bunny come in. Bunny quietly slipped behind the counter and started grabbing all the stuff she could off the bottom shelves, still undetected. So far, so good. But then she heard someone come in and go to the counter where she was.}
Man: “Excuse me miss? Are you behind there?”
Bunny: “Yeah, just don’t look! I don’t want you to scare me.”
Man: “All right, well, I need a pack of Two Hump Camel cigarettes, please.”
Bunny: “Oh, um, just a second sir.”
{She then tosses a pack of cigarettes to the man.} “There you go, just pay and go now, I’m very busy.”
Man: “Um, this is a One Hump Camel cigarette pack. I asked for the Two Hump kind.”
Bunny: “Oh, um, well let me look… ‘Dang, where the heck is that kind of pack of cigarettes?’ I’m sorry, I think we ran out of those, please come back tomorrow if you can.”
Man: “All right, see ya. I left the money on the counter for you.”
Bunny: “Thank you and have a nice evening!”
{Bunny heard the man leave and took a breath of fresh air. ‘Man, that was a close call.’ But then she heard the lady who works here come up to the counter and call to her from behind it.}
Red Apron Lady: “Excuse me. Is someone back there?”
Bunny: ‘Oh, snap! Oh snap, oh snap, oh snap, oh snap! What do I do?’
{Bunny then spotted a piece of an oak board that she quickly grabbed and waited until she got close just enough.}
Red Apron Lady: “Hello? Is someone there?”
Bunny: ‘Oh man, well, I only got one shot at this. It’s do or die now.’
{BAM! It hit its target smack dab in the face where the lady had fell to the floor with little birds floating around her head. Bunny stood up and looked down at her where she was fully knocked out.}
Bunny: “Eeeee… I can’t believe I knocked her out that badly… Oh yeah! The stuff!”
{She says as she kept on taking stuff off the shelves.} “Now what type of stuff did Ace say that they needed? Aw, what the heck. All he said was to just grab anything that I can carry. Okay, cologne, bread, peanut butter, perfume, shampoo, cheese, soda, ramen, apples, bananas, cherries, strawberries, ham, turkey, mayonnaise, hot dogs, buns, toilet paper, conditioner, eggs, cereal, hot cocoa mix… Okay. That’s all the stuff I can get. Wait! The money. Ace and the others definitely need money. Good thing I know how to work a cash register.”
{She says as she opens the register with ease and takes all the money that she can put in her bag and pockets. She pushes it fully down so no stray money can get out of her pockets or her bags. While running to the door, she stops in front of the knocked-out lady and looks down at her.}
Bunny: “Sorry lady, but it’s not you, it’s me.”
{Then she remembers that every store or gas station has a video camera. She runs into the camera room and pulls out the camera that showed her taking all the stuff and knocking the lady out, where she stuffs it into one of her bags. Then she runs out of the gas station with high speed and agility.}
Bunny: ‘Gotta get away, gotta get away, gotta get away.’
{When Bunny finally got to the place where she started at, she took a breath of fresh air and calmed herself down.}
“Finally got away. Phew. Well, I better go back to the hideout. The guys must be worried sick about me.”
At the Hideout
{Ace and the others were waiting nervously while Big Billy and Grubber were playing checkers. Then Bunny burst through the door, panting and sweating.}
Ace: “Well? What happened?”
Bunny: “I got it.”
{She said as she held up the bags of goods she stole. Everyone around her sighed with relief.}
Ace: “Nice job, Bunny. So what did ya get?”
Bunny: “Well I got cologne, bread, peanut butter, perfume, shampoo, cheese, soda, ramen, apples, bananas, cherries, strawberries, ham, turkey, mayonnaise, hot dogs, buns, toilet paper, conditioner, eggs, cereal, and hot cocoa mix, along with lots of money that I took out of the register. And I got this so I don’t get busted for what happened.”
{At this, she reaches into one of her bags that had the video from the camera and hands it to Ace, which Ace then takes it and looks at it.”
Ace: “Whew! Yes. Thank gosh. Good. I was worried that the police might’a got ya. Good job Bunny. You’ve proved that you can be a member of the Gangreen Gang. {He started petting her head affectionately.} Great job. I’m proud of ya, girl. Ya know, kid, you’re not so bad. You can hang out wit us anytime. I gotta hand it to ya, you can be pretty cool like me, ya know?”
Bunny: {Starts blushing and then does a cute giggle.} “Well… you know I would do it. Because, well…you know I would do anything for you. I really would.”
Ace: “R-really? Wow. Nobody’s eva told me dat before. Seem’s like you’re da first one.”
{Ace then started cupping her chin with his fingers and lifting it up to face him. Then he started tilting down his shades so she could look into his eyes, which caused her face to turn red.}
“Ya know Bunny. Ya really are something. And dat’s what I like ’ bout cha.”
{He said as he winked at her with a small smile. Then he took his fingers off her chin and pushed his shades back up. As he walked away, Bunny had a shocked look on her face. Then remembering his wink, her face turned into a love struck expression as she smiled while giving Ace unexpected glances throughout the rest of the night.}
Next Morning
{After Bunny, Ace, and the boys got up in the morning, they all started walking around the city. When they all got to a playground, Ace stops with Bunny stopping with him while the others kept walking as Bunny and Ace looked down at a ball in their way.}
Ace: “Ahem!”
{As he says this, all the guys moonwalk back to him and Bunny.} “Well, well. What do we have here?”
{As he picks up the ball, three kids come up to them.}
Boy: “Excuse me mister and miss, but can we have our ball back?”
Ace: “Mister and Miss? You’re talkin’ ta Ace and Bunny kid. There are no mister’s or miss’s here. At least, I don’t think so. {He then turns to Little Arturo.} Um, Little Arturo is your name mister or miss?”
Little Arturo: “Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, no.”
Ace: {To Big Billy} “How ’ bout you Big Billy?”
Big Billy: “Dah, no.”
Ace: {To Grubber} “Grubber?”
Grubber: “Thhhpppt!”
Ace: {To Bunny} “Bunny, ya name mister or miss?”
Bunny: {Giggle} “No, of course not.”
Ace: “Yeah, I thought so.” {He then turns to Snake.} “Hey, is your name mister or miss, Snake?”
Snake: {Hissing giggle} “Yesss.”
{Ace then upper cuts him.}
Snake: “I meanss no.”
Ace: “Sorry! You three are way off track.”
Boy: “Well, can we have our ball back anyway?”
Ace: “Oh, sure. Why not?”
{Says as he holds the ball out to him. The boy smiles as he was about to reach for the ball, but Ace hits him then the other two kids in the faces as they tremble on the ground.}
Ace: “Hey boys, Bunny?”
All: “What is it Ace?”
Grubber: “Thhppt?”
Ace: “I don’t think these kids are having fun.”
Little Arturo: “Heh, heh! Do you want us to show them how to have fun?”
Ace: {Puts his fist in his hand} “Yes, Little Arturo, lets show them how ta have fun, Gangreen style!”
{He says as he hits his hand with his fist. Snake goes to a merry-go-round set and makes it go fast, sending kids flying in different directions, Grubber grabs a tire swing with his teeth and starts shaking it left and right, Big Billy lands on top of a few kids on the jungle gym and breaks it with his weight.}
Big Billy: “Jungle gym.”
{Little Arturo is playing in the sandbox with a toddler.}
Little Arturo: “Hey, look at this!”
{Then when the toddler looks at him, he throws sand in his face and makes the toddler cry. Ace grabs a swing with a little girl on it and flicks her off, making room for Bunny to sit on which she happily agrees and Ace starts pushing her on it, then it shows a little boy playing with a toy plane and making sound effects until Snake grabs his underwear and pulls it up way over his head, making his face red and sweating until he lifts him up into the air when he screams in pain. The Gang crowd around Snake and the little boy when Ace starts laughing and all the others join in while the little boy is helpless, being held up by Snake from his underwear. Then someone’s voice spoke up in a threatening way, which made everyone look toward the sound.}
Girl: “Let the underwear go.”
Boy: “The…Powerpuff…Girls.”
{Scene then shows the Powerpuff Girls with the theme playing, then goes back to the Gangreen Gang.}
Little Arturo: “The Powerpuff Girls?!”
Big Billy: “The Powerpuff Girls?”
Snake: “T-t-the Powerpuff Girlsss?!”
Grubber: “Tthhhppt!”
Ace: “Powerpuff Girls?”
{Ace then starts talking to Snake in a horrified voice.}
“SNAKE!? What are you doin ta that POOR CHILD?!”
Snake: “B-but youss ssaid-”
{Ace then uppercuts him. But then Buttercup starts giggling as everyone looks at her. Blossom then talks to her in a shocked voice.}
Blossom: “Buttercup!”
{Buttercup then stops laughing and did her usual glare while Blossom stared at her. Ace then gets a curious look on his face and drops to the ground in front of the girls in a sad, miserable voice.}
Ace: “Oh, Powerpuff Girls! And Bunny!”
{He motions for Bunny to come over and get down on the ground with him. Bunny does and Ace takes her hands while pleading.} Please forgive our foolish friend for his foolish act. For he did not know what he was doin. And Bunny, girls, I know deep inside our hearts that he would never do a thing like that EVER AGAIN! What do ya say girls?”
{He asks to both of them as he clutches Bunny’s hands while looking at her with pleading eyes, almost looking as if he would break down bawling.}
“Will ya forgive him? Will ya? Please?”
{At that last word, he said it in a trembling voice, sounding as if he was an inch to crying. Bunny looked at him as if SHE was about to cry while staring at him, the girls, however, were unmoved. Bunny glanced over to the girls and looked at them with pleading eyes as piano music plays.}
Blossom: “…Ooookay.”
{Bunny then looks down at Ace and nods. Ace then tips down his shades.}
Ace: “Thank you.”
{A ting goes off as he winked at Bunny. Bunny stares for a second, and then her face turned into that love struck look again as she followed Ace and the others back to the hideout.}
{As the door opens, all the guys laughed about earlier. Ace sits down on the couch, as Bunny is the last to come in.}
Ace: “Oh, look boys, there she is. What a girl! Bunny, ya did great!”
{He says as he puts an arm around Bunny’s shoulders.}
“Man! The look on your face was classic! I seriously thought you was gonna cry!”
{Bunny then sits beside him.}
Bunny: “Huh. You’re not a bad actor yourself. I was the one who thought YOU were gonna break down bawling. Your face and voice sounded not to mention looked like it was gonna.”
Ace: “Well, dat just goes ta show ya how good I am at acting. But like I said, you were classic the way ya acted.”
Bunny: “Why, thank you Ace.”
Ace: “No problem.”
{Then Ace puts his arm around Bunny's waist}
"Ya know kid, I think dat this could be da start of a beautiful friendship..."
Bunny: {While leaning against his shoulder} Yeah... 'Maybe even something more.'
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Bunny's Dream Log! <3 ( DO NOT TOUCH! w/out permission)
This is a book filled with Bunny's dreams and fantasys usually consisting of people from shows, cartoons and/or books she's read that she has crushes on.
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Invader Zim will DOOM YOU ALL! And I will too.
~~~~ Alexis the half human, half phoenix
~~~~ Alexis the half human, half phoenix