I'm not afraid to speak my mind, and I don't care what people think about me or what they say about me. So if you have something to say to me, go tell it to someone to cares. I don't care.
Mehhh I'm so ******** bored Dx I've been in Michigan since...last Saturday. Dx Its so boring here. Since Sat., there's been non-stop rain and clouds. Thank hell the sun has FINALLY come out. Yesterday me, my mom, my aunt Carol, and cuzin Ashley went to Suttons Bay. Wait...thats picture from last Christmas xD Hang on.
There we go :3 That's Lake Michigan. Right by Sutton's Bay. Which is the picture abouve the Lake pic...cept its Christmas in that pic sweatdrop But fawesome, right? xD These are pictures of our cottage :3 My grandpa built it about fifteen years ago, I think. It had to be more then fourteen becuz he died when I wasw born sweatdrop So I think its about twenty years old. We're renovating everything cuz we've got our first renters July 10th xD Just before I leave to go back home. Palarski Family Cottage -- Lake Ann -- Traverse City -- Michigan
Lolz xD Alright. Um...toda I was supposed to the Sleeping Bear Dunes...
But I didn't becuz I've been every year for the past fourteen years...-.- See why I'm bored up here? And my Aunt Carol, Uncle Greg, and cuzin Ashely are all goin to leave and go abck home to Detriot tomorrow -.- So I'll be stuck here with my parents and lil bro and Uncle Lee and Auntie and Aunt Nette -.- boring. We do this TWICE every single year -.- Winter and summer -.- And I hate the snow xP Enough of my complaining. I've sorta had fun, but I"m just gettin more and mroe lonely every day Dx Bleh.