Total Value: 75,350 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Radioactive Blue Raving Goggles~Bought
Ninja Sword~
Apocaripped Broken Black Glasses~Bought
Eye Bandage~Bought
Ghost Cape~Bought
Coocoon (5th Gen)
Mad Scientist Rubber Boots~Bought
Trendy Dark Skinny Jeans
White Leather Belt~Bought
Platinum Gray Pinstripe Vest~Bought
White Hot Top~Bought

Total Value: 87,046 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Red Cat Collar~Bought
Pink Neko Cosplay
Rose And Milk Quartz Headband
Elegant White Lord's Shoes
Lex's White Shorts~Bought
Pink Lemonade Checkered Kerchief Bikini Top~Bought
Red Candy Striped Stockings~Bought
Ribbon Luv Sleeves Pink~Bought
Pink Belled Ribbons

Total Value: 56,231 Gold, 1,000 Tickets
[Item Information]
Item List:
Black Skull & Bones Arm Tattoo~Bought
Gold Mountain Tie (black Heart)~Bought
Chain Link Belt~Bought
Orange And Yellow Reversible Bracelets~Bought
Drop Dead Gorgeous Midnight Heels~Bought
Gray Peasant Gloves~Bought
Whip of Fire
Jack's Bat Clip~Bought
Gold Metallic Speedies Top~Bought
Soft Black Underwear~Bought
Jackster Leggings~Bought

Total Value: 122,100 Gold, 7,500 Tickets
After Exclusions: 53,940 Gold, 7,500 Tickets
[Item Information]
Item List:
Radiant Prism
Lunar Scythe
Dark Elf's Aura
Canary Yellow Pimpin' Cane
Aoi Cache Shades
Velvetine Neck Ribbon
Gold Heart Hairpin
yellow JACKsASSh
Gold Hoop Earrings
Wine Gothic Bat Boots
Black Fishnet Stockings
Golden Gloves
G-LOL Bruise Mistress Skirt
Purple Pinstripe Vest
Woolen Tavern Wench's Cincher
Royale Purple Pimpin' Hat