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1. Introduction/General
2. Pointless Misadventures/Noob Hunting
:: Waving O_o ::

Caption: The pointless start to the pointless misadventures. Hotaru (now known as iiHotaru) and I (previously known as X my-Toxic-fate X) are quite fascinated by this waving option in Virtual Hollywood, and later, we find it a way to annoy a certain duo of Gaia dogs we find. xD Hotaru will be using this wave in lots of pictures
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:: Takers? ::

Caption: I = fail. Fo sho xD
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:: Mr. Sign ::

Caption: The sign wants secks. o_O
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:: This is my b***h. ::

Caption: While capturing the previous screencaps, this noob came into the room we were in. I got him to stand beside me as I took the picture. ;3
Oh...and Mr. Sign still wants rapeeee.
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:: Mommy's Hands On ::

Caption: One of my favorites. Just because of what Hotaru said. Notice my ninja b***h is stalking us nao.
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:: Hi, Dad! ::

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:: Discovery xD ::

Caption: I had no idea there was a name for that type of thing until xXDoveyXx told me. xDD I had to shout it to someone.
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:: Bob Marley Has a Boner ::

Caption: Beginning of the series "Bob Marley Has a Boner." I saw this noob sitting alone on a bench, and I went up to him and said "OMG you look like Bob Marley!" Before he could reply, I left to meet Hotaru at the bar. He followed me there, and the following screencaps are streaks of what happened once we arrived at the bar.

Caption: I forgot why I said that o.o

Caption: Hotaru was on BRB, and Bob Marley asked me what happened to my buddy.

Caption: This was totally meant to be random. xD But I never expected his reply to that.

Caption: Rofl. Just wow. xD

Caption: This was actually closer to the end of our little chat with Bob Marley. He was about to leave (claiming he was "boutta get laid" wink , but then Hotaru typed that, and Bob did that nooby WTFFF thing.

Caption: Hehehehe that made Hota-chan laugh. :3

Caption: Bob Marley turned her on xDDD She told me on the phone, too. I wasn't. I just found that as a guilty pleasure but a sick waste of time. : PPP *not easily impressed- cough*

Caption: Note. Bob Marley has a boner.

Caption: XDDDD
I didn't capture what I said o_O
Previously mentioned.
This concludes "Bob Marley Has a Boner."
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:: omg. ::

Caption: Yeah....I told you your avy was screwed up. : P
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:: What about pants? ::

Caption: No shirts, no shoes, no service. But what about pants? I wasn't trying to be funny xD It was a moment of realization, whereas I JUST noticed that mannequin had no pants on.
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:: no boobz in teh bra ::

Caption: xDDD
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:: Pink Sushi ::

Caption: Squid + boredom + Alt + Print Screen = this
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:: Stealin' Ur Foodz ::

Caption: Stalking you in your house, Grey!
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:: A Blunt Insult ::

Caption: Just change your username and insulting people is as easy as that!
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:: The Love Circle ::

Caption: They were fun to annoy
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:: I love YOU more! ::

Caption: OoeyGooeyKissyKissyGooGoo I LOVE YOUUUU
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:: o 3o ::

Caption: I was watching Star Wars, and her hair reminded me of Princess Leia. O.o So I screamed that. It's my job. I'm supposed to annoy people, funny or not.
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:: Rape you so hard ::

Caption: xXDoveyXx and I were making "Rape Version" yo momma jokes, and these were one of them C:
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:: Just One Sex? ::

Caption: The beginning of the series, "Just One Sex?" This noob wouldn't stop bothering me until I gave him a sex. xD I wasn't pissed at all, but got a LOT of enjoyment of being mean!

Caption: Hehehehe :3

Caption: Nobody tells ME to lay down >_>
I tell them to lay down <3

Caption: It's impossible to get a screencap of everything, so I just record the convo instead. C;

Caption: . . . . . . . . . .

Caption: . . . . . . . . . . . .

Caption: . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Caption: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Caption: Well.....this concludes "Just One Sex?" XDD
Community Member
I have one where you told him you'd make his balls bleed out of hate, and we were outside. ;P
I swear, I remember being outside when that happened. xDD