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Um......my books im writing and my poetry....
I write alot of poetry and im writing on 3 books. i post them on other sites too just never thought to here, so here ya go and enjoy
My newest boo i just started it last night

theres one thing i cant stand, thats people who think they know everything,every time they talk its "oooo and did you know so and so did this" or "so and so did that!?"
they never think that maybe it coulve been a lie, they never notice if something is bothering someone, theyre too involved in whatever theyre saying to notice those around then in pain.
I used to be like that. Back when i thought i knew it all, but then.....i met him...and he changed everything.

Chapter 1.

I looked out the window of my brand new blood red Cadilac and smiled at the sun shinning through the small white fluffy clouds. I looked through my windshield and stopped on the break. "s**t!" i yelled and hit the steering wheel. Never look out the window and not pay attention to the road....I thought angrily to myself. I berated myself all the way to my school. It was the last year of hishschool. The last chance i had at getting a decent boyfriend. The final year of constantly watching my friends walking around with their boyfriends and giggling being all lovey dovey. No one in my school, guy wise, could treat me right...they constantly wanted my body and nothing more. No one saw behind the smile....no they only saw what i wanted them to see. A happy girl talking with everyone who wanted to talk to her.
I pulled into the school parking lot with a cheerful smile in place. As i parked one of my friends ran up to my car her long golden curls flying wildly and smiled at me through the drivers side window.
"Wow! Nice new car Jess!" she exclaimed. I just smiled and turned the key in the egnition to shut the car off.
"Thanks Kala. My dad got it for me for my 18th birthday." i said brightly and went to opent he door and she moved so i could. As i got out i saw my other 2 friends running over with their boyfriends. Kala just stood there gawking at my car.
"Nice Cadilac Jessika." David, my friend Mily's boyfriend, said apriciativly.
"Yeah, i like the color!" Mily exclaimed n her soft tone.
Sarah ran her hand over the top of the car and smiled at me. "I love it. When can i drive it?" she teased and i laughed.
"Never girl. This is my baby now." i said and we all laughed.
"The seats look like theyre leather." Michel said startling me. He wasnt known to talk much. He normaly kept to himself most of the time. Michel was dating Sarah at the time. She smiles at him and he gave his usual shy smile back.
"Anyways guys, lets get inside before the wheather decides to be bitchy like it has been all summer." I said and grabed my friend Mikayla by her arm and started dragging her away from my car so we could go inside. "So how are you guys? I heard most of you went out of town." I was reffering to Michel and Sarah along with Mily and David.
Michel blushes and Sarah said "Oh we were great!" she held out her left hand to show a ring with a bright shinning dimond on it. "I'm engaged!" she exclaimed and we all stopped to gawk at her and Michel. Michel's face grew redder and he looked down.
"Sarah....when did you guys get so serious?" i asked in a soft voice completely filled with shock. She just grinned and winked at me and i sighed. Here goes one more victum of the marvolous Sarah Black. i thought darkly...She doesnt even notice how much she hurts them when she does this....
"Sarah...." Michels soft voice interupted my thoughts. "I really don't think they need to know this..." he was always so closed up.......he didnt talk much, but when he did he made sense.
"Oh c'mon Michel! Lighten up dude!" David said hitting Michel on the back softly, yet he still lurched forward. He glared at the ground and whispered something i couldnt hear but his eyes always gave me the creeps.
"Sooo....Jess have you met anyone that has caught your interest?" Mily asked, obviously noticing my look, she sighed.
"No i haven't Mily." I answered, my tone harsh enough to make her flinch. "Now enough about love lives, lets get goingso we aren't late the first day of our Senior year." i said cheerfully.

We all headed to class and ended up going sperate ways, I went to enlish, Mily to physics with Sarah, and David and Michel went to their science class. While in class i sat there and figited with my pencil for an hour, we had done this last year and i already had all the notes and everything for this class. I glanced up when the teacher announced we had a new student from some other country. It surprized me and I just stared at the teacher as he walked to the door to let the student in he paused.
"Be nice to him...hes not used to the American customs." the teacher said and smiled as he opened the door.
A tall slender male walked through the door. His hair hung down to his mid-back in small waves of ebony tied back in a tight ponytail that was near the top of his head. His cloths wear different...he wore a black t-shirt with a band name i didnt know, and a pair or leather pants. When he turned i noticed he was paler than most here in California. His eyes met mine fleetingly and i noticed they were a deep emerald green and i just about started to hypervenilate whe he smiled before he looked away. As he stood there he towered over the teacher, so i guess he was about 6"4 or 6"6. His shirt, i noticed, was taunt around hsi chest pronoucing he was muscluar. Then he spoke to introduce himself and i was caught off guard at his voice.
"Um...hello...." his voice was silky smooth, it was deep and it had a small accent from england. I stared at him. "My name is Vincent...um....i just hope to meet someone who can show me around the school so im not lost..." he laughed nervously, his laugh also startled me, deep yet soft.
The teacher then started talking but i didnt hear him, i was staring at Vincent and then the teacher pointed to the only empty seat, which was by me, for him to sit down and i blushes noticing i was staring. I looked down quickly at my notebookd and started sketching.
"Hello." Vincet said kindly as he sat down and turned to me. He held out his hand for me to shake and i looked up slowly and turned. "I'm Vincent."
"I'm Jessika...."i muttered and shook his hand softly. I almost jumped at the shock of electricity that coursed through me when out hands touched. His face looked as shocked as i felt. We shook hands then i turned back to my sketch and started sketching again and he turned to the teacher slowly his eyes straying to me at small moments and i just sketched more.
When class ended i stood up and grabs my things quickly, hurrying out the door. I didn't know why i was hurrying or why i was trying to get away but Vincent....everytime i looked at him my heat lept into my throat. It confused me.

I met up with everyone at lunch and we all sat at a table together, they all chatted happily but my thoughts kept straying to Vincent, even as i laughed and smiled with my friends. When i looked at the clock over the door i noticed Vincent standing in the doorway and looking around nervously. I stared at him for a moment then turned to my friends.
"Hey guys, mind if i invite the new guy to join us?" i asked and pointed at Vincent.
Mikayla squealed softly and whispered. "ooooooh deffinantly hes a hunk!"
Everyone else said i could and i stood up. I walked over to Vincent and smiles kindly at him as i aproched him. "Hey Vincent...sorry about how i acted at the end of class." i was glad my voice sounded sincere. "I was wondering if you would like to sit with me and my friends over there?" I motioned with my head and they al waved. He smiled gratefully.
"I would love that, Jessika." He said and his voice rang true with every word he spoke.
I lead the way over to them and stopped in from of them. "Mily, David, Sarah, Michel, and Mikayla this is Vincent. Vincent this is Mily, David, Sarah, Michel, and Mikayla." as i said each of their names they raised their hands and smiles warmly. He smiled back and nodded at each one in turn.
"Its a pleasure to meet all of you." He said in his silky voice.
Mikayla starred at him as he sat down gracefully and i sat back in my chair, which was across from him, and i elbowed her softly in the ribs, and hissed in her ear "I know hes hot but dont gawk at him like hes my car!" she giggles and stopped staring at him instantly.

After lunch we all headed out to the parking lot. As seniors we only had half a day. We had once class for 3 hours. It was really boring, but we wnet anyways. Vincent tagged along for a moment then veered away as we headed towards my car. When we reached it they started chatting and ranting about how cool it was and everything, then we heard a loud sound from about four cars away and we alllooked up to see Vincent drive past in a jet black lambergini. We all gawked and he did a U turn and stopped next to my car about 4 iches from Mily who almost fainted.
"Nice car Jessika." he said with a smile.
"I could say the same to you." i muttered breathlessly. He just smiled and pulled out and sped out of the school parking lot. All over us stared at where his car had just been. "Was he driving what i thought he was driving?" i whispered and the all nodded. "I'm going home." i said and opened my door sliding into the seat slowly. They all just walked away as i pulled out i saw my ex-boyfriend wave at me and i looked out the windsheild and drive quickly out of the parking lot to get away before he could dash over.

When i was finally home and callapsed on my bed and looked at the ceiling. what was wrong with me. gawking at him like that, then the electricity, and now becoming breathless over a car, not to mention one of the best cars, with him in it? whast going on.....I wondered silently to myself. I sat up and sighed then looked at my cloths. I stood up quickly after noticing they were covered in dust and a line of curses flew out of my mouth almost silently. "DAMN HIM!" i whispered in anger, knowing the dust was caused from Vincent's damnably perfect car. I took my shirt and my new skirt off and tossed them in the basket by the door in my room grabbing my pakamas and walking into the bathroom muttering darkly to myself. I turned on the water to the shower just as my cell rang and sighed.
As i entered my room and grabbed my cell i noticed i didnt know the number. I hesitated then answered it figuring that it was a wrong number. "Hello?" i said in my fake cheerful voice, then froze as Vincent's voice floated from the other end.
"Hey, Jessika?" he asked in his silky smooth voice and i stood there. After a few moments passed he sighed and muttered, "I guess....i got the wrong number...sorry about this."
"Wait!" i said quickly.
"Um..sorry if this is the wrong number." he said again.
"Vincent...you didnt call the wrong number, you just shocked me, howd you get my number?" i asked curiously.
"Oh! I didnt? okay" he sounded relieved and i could hear the smile in his voice. "Your friend..um...Mily i think gave it to me."
I cursed Mily in my head, "Oh she did? well then...." i sighed. "Can you call back at another time? I was...kinda doing something..." he chuckled and i could tell he was trying not to just laugh out loud.
"Sure." and he hung up and i stared at my phone for a moment and tossed on my bed shaking my head. Damn you Mily. i thought as i walked back to the bathroom.

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