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shybears journal of death
it scares me
heres a sneak peek at a fanfic i wrote
My name is Angel Hikari. I am an orphan and had a painful past, at the age of 10 I was adopted by a sweet woman who had her only niece living with her named Sarah. Sarah is nice, warm, loving and kind whereas I am cold, mysterious and extremely distant with people and can’t stand idiots, which Sarah sometimes is. Sarah has short chocolate brown hair with big sweet pink eyes, which makes her look very cute. I have dark shoulder length silky hair and beautiful cold dark eyes which in the mist and night look mysterious. I love and am brilliant at beyblade. My Bitbeast is a panther of Light. Yes you’ve guessed it I have an elemental and sacred Bitbeast called Shyao.
"Wake up Sarah!" I yell impatiently for the third time.
It was 7:30 am and I tried getting the lump to wake up for the first day of school. "I’m up already." she grumbled swinging herself out of bed and, ended up falling out of bed, face down. I chuckle softly. "Come on sleepy head." I murmur.
"What time did you wake up?" she asks running to her bathroom and quickly washing and getting dressed. I had a black outfit on and wore a black hoodie over it. Sarah wore a pink top and jeans, which made her, look childish but cute. "I woke up at 6 o clock." I reply smiling at her expression.
We both ate breakfast and slowly walked to the school. "Oh, and Angel, try and be nice to people!" she begs me.
"Hmm," I reply glaring at the path ahead of me. A boy with dark blue gray hair and a cap runs into Sarah. "Oh. Sorry!"
He helps Sarah up.
"Tyson!" a whining voice yells. I groan inwardly as I see a gang of people coming. Two guys were exceptionally hot one had gray and black hair with a loner attitude and the other seemed cat-like. I instantly recognized them as the G-revolution team. "Oh hey guys I bumped into this girl." I glanced coldly at Tyson. "Hey. Sorry again. My names Tyson and that annoying girl there is Hilary." He introduces. Hilary opens her mouth but the blond boy quickly cuts in and says, "I'm Max."
The cute cat-like guy says, "I’m Rei"
"Kenny but everyone calls me Chief."
The hot gray haired boy didn’t say anything but was looking at me. Soon everyone was looking at me curiously. "Am I really that interesting to look at?" I ask and at once everyone except him turn away.
"Yeah well I'm Sarah." Sarah quickly says. Then she looked at me expectantly but I just walk on. She rolls her eyes "Sorry about that you guys, her name is Angel." Tyson had a big goofy grin "Its alright she’s just like our own Mr. Sunshine over here, his name's Kai. Umm what's with the hoodie?" he asks me, walking alongside as the gang match my stride.
I don’t answer but Hilary says bossily, "Hoodies are not allowed in the school uniform policy."
I roll my eyes and stop. Kai watches me in silence as I lower my hood. Everyone gasps as my hair tumbles down on either side.
"Wow you're very pretty." Daichi says getting hearts in his eyes. I have a faint smirk and continue walking towards school. I finally arrived at the school.
I find out that all of us are in the same year and unfortunately in the same Home Room. "Class we have two new students joining us today would you like to introduce yourselves?" the teacher asks in a bubbly tone which I instantly disliked.
"Well hi my names Sarah!" Sarah says in such a bubbly tone I withdraw from her giving her a stare. She ignores me and smiles at the class while I glare at anyone who dares to even make eye contact.
"This is Angel she's my cousin! She’s the opposite of me and is really n-"
At this I whisper, "That's enough about me," my cold dark eyes flash but Sarah continues as though nothing had happened "Yeah as I was saying I love animals and kids! But she hates them both and loves to beybattle plus-.”"we'll be getting to our seats." I interrupt swiftly once more giving her an I-dare-you-to-challenge-me glare. "Oh um Miss Hikari may sit next to Kai and Miss Lave may sit next to Max" The teacher says with a sweat drop. I sat next to Kai who stares at the window. Sarah grins at me while I close my eyes. "Ok class today I would like you to draw something or someone that is very close to you. You may begin." The teacher says handing me a sketchbook.
I pause for a moment and pick up my pencil and start drawing me with my panther and light emitting out of it. When I had finished, Kai looked at the drawing. "Is that your Bit beast?" he asks me softly. I’m kind of surprised to hear him talk this gently.
"Yeah this is Shyao." I glance at his drawing staring at it in awe. He had drawn himself riding on a phoenix. "Wow nice sketch." I whisper surprising myself that I was actually having a conversation. Kai faintly blushed before telling himself not to be stupid.

During lunch I sat on a low tree branch while Kai sat on the same one watching the sky. I glanced at Tyson pigging out with Daichi while Sarah is laughing.
Why does Tyson remind me so much of someone I know? It's his eyes... they're exactly like He-... no he can't be related to him...can he? But Tyson is such an idiot. How he ever won the championships I will never come to understand I think shaking my head. I look around and my eyes lock into dark crimson ones. Kai and me both blush and look away. It turns out that Kai and me have all the same classes and so does Ray.
After school Sarah and I got invited to go to Tyson’s. At first I refused but Sarah managed to persuade me.
"Besides it's not like you have anything else better to do." She tells me. I cast an icy glare and mutter darkly, "oh sure who wouldn’t have anything better to do than have their cousin embarrass them?" Kai chuckles softly making me faintly smile.
After we had all met Tyson’s weird grandpa we were all lounging in the room. "Let’s play truth or dare." Hilary suggests. "Yeah it should be fun since there’s girls especially a hot one." Daichi says smiling at me. “I just snort as everyone made a circle.
“Aw c’mon Angel we don't need another Kai clone! Kai come on!" Tyson drags Kai and me.
"Ok Tyson truth or dare?" asks Hilary.
"Dare!" he strikes a pose, making me roll my eyes.
"I dare you to survive one day without arguing with Daichi." She says triumphantly. I raise an eyebrow and think that’ll be the day hell freezes over.
Tyson dared Max to kiss Sarah’s cheek. Soon after a few more dares Tyson asks you "Truth or dare Angel?"
I pause a moment and reply, "Truth."
He looked disappointed but asked me, "Which two people do you hate most in the world?" I tense and a long silence filled the room so I reply
"A Russian beyblader guy called Tala and an old hag called Rosie." Everyone looks shocked,
"Tala? As in the Demolition boys Tala?" asks Ray a fang glinting. Whoa! He has a fang? Oh well he is cat-like... I just nod and stare at the floor squeezing my eyes shut as terrible memories filled my mind. I abruptly stand up shocking everyone. "I need... to g-go." I say quietly in a shaking voice and put on my cloak and wearing my hood. "Bye." I say leaving the room fast.
Everyone’s POV-
Kai stands and walks after me. Sarah also rises but Ray prevents her "No its best to leave her, Kai's going." He consoles her feeling a pang. Sarah sits back down sighing.
Angels POV-
I walk fast out of the house and to the courtyard. Why? Why did those memories have to come out now?
I bump into someone and am knocked a few steps back.
Part 2
I quickly look up and see a tall young man with deep shiny brown eyes and blue violet hair. "Oh sorry I bum- Hero!?" I ask in shock. "Well Angel it’s been long hasn’t it?" he says with a small smile. "Angel why are you wearing a hooded cloak?" he looks at me seriously.
“I have my reasons; anyway it’s been good to see you, bye now!” I say and walk quickly out of the yard. Kai fallows me and is surprised when I go to a deserted park. I sit on a bench and take in a deep and shuddering breath. A memory flashed before my eyes of Tala. ~~~~ Tala watched me sitting on the couch. He sat beside me grinning. Well it seems as we have the night to ourselves. He says licking his lips. I feel uncomfortable and edge away but he comes closer and grasps my arm. What’s the matter Angel? Don’t you like me? He asks harshly. The frosty purple eyes glanced at my chest. I do but- I start but he crashes his lips down on to mine. I struggle but his grip is too tight. He starts to remove my shirt ~~~
I feel a tear slide down my cheek but wipe it. Stray hairs fell across my face but I didn’t care. I close my eyes and sigh. I suddenly felt a hand tuck back my stray hairs. I look up startled and find my eyes locked into gray ones. "Oh. Hey" I murmur as he sits beside me. I close my eyes again and think. To my surprise my thoughts are always on Kai! Damn it! I’m not falling for him am I? I ask myself.
Kai’s POV-
Kai watched me sit on the bench thinking. Her sadness is making her more beautiful to the eye damn it! I am becoming like a poet. Wait!? Is she crying? He asks himself as a tear slips down my cheek. He slowly leans over me brushing back me hair. "Oh." I say softly as he sat back.
Angels POV-
I could feel Kais cold eyes staring at me. "So you want to explain why you set off like that?" He asks. I sigh and reply calmly "Now isn’t the right time or place." He nods in understanding. Then he took hold of my hands making me look deeply into his eyes. I feel a tumble of new emotions I had never felt before. My cold dark eyes soften as he says "Angel I’m no advice giver but if you ever need to talk you know you can speak to me. I have a feeling that you and I have a lot more in common than we let on." I feel a faint smirk tug at my lips "true but Kai I-" I was interrupted by a yell "Guys they’re over here!"
I groan inwardly as I see Tyson and the gang. "So have you two lovebirds talked?" I glare at Tyson and so does Kai. Everyone gets an anime sweat drop. "Those two must be related" Max says. "If not they’re made for each other." Chief says. I roll my eyes and jump onto a low tree branch and rest. Tyson and Daichi have a beybattle. Daichi starts up two tornadoes of dust and Tyson can’t get in. "Tyson if you use your head and go to the center you’ll find his weakness." I say surprising everyone. Tyson obeys and wins. "How did you know that?" Max asks in shock "just did." I reply "Daichi’s a strong player but you need to strengthen your stamina." Daichi just grins at me. "Well Miss I-Know-Everything how about you and me beybattle?" he then challenges me. I jump down and prepare to launch my black and silver beyblade. Everyone yells, "321 LET IT RIP!" my beyblade goes across the grass at lightning speed and smashes into Daichi’s. It wobbles but regains balance.
"Whoa!" yells Max. Daichi and me encircle each other. The beyblades also spun and kept hitting. I see Daichi’s blade heading towards me so I somersault and so does my beyblade, which completely dodges his. Everyone is in shock at how brilliant I was. Daichi called on Strata- dragoon as I called Shyao. The two bit beasts attack each other with roars. "Dust storm!" roars Daichi "Light Beam of Purity!" I yell back. My Bitbeast grows into light and the two attacks collide. We are both thrown back but I land gracefully on my feet but Daichi doesn’t. "Humph I win." I say as my beyblade flies into my hand. "Wow you’re brilliant!" Daichi laughs shaking my hand. "Not so bad yourself." I reply with a soft chuckle. Ok now I see why he’s one of the champions... Sarah and me went home. I dress into a sexy nightgown and go to bed. Why can’t I stop thinking about Kai? I ask myself and go to sleep with his face still in my mind. The next day Tyson had invited Sarah and me over for a small reunion with other ex-rivals and now friends. "Yeah sure we will!” Sarah exclaims. I glare at her and question, "Who is we?" Tyson just laughs and says, "It won’t matter because we’ll just drag you to the party!" I frown and "humph"-ed. Ray smiles warmly at me making me faintly smile back. "So dress up tonight!" Hilary says grinning. I shudder at the thought of it but keep an emotionless face. "Oh. Angel. Can we talk?" Kai asks me. I nod and he leads me away from the others out of earshot.
Everyone’s POV
"Aw look at those two birds." Hilary says fondly. Tyson on the other hand looks nervous while Ray mutters 54321
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN TALAS COMING!?" My voice bellows. Everyone jumps and Tyson sighs.
Angels POV-
I’m glaring at the sky as rage sweeps across my mind. "I’m sorry Angel I guess I don’t know what Tala has done to hurt you in the past but I promise you he has changed." Kai says looking at me sadly. I sigh "Well I guess I could still go but I’m not promising that I’ll talk to him ok?" Kai has a rare smile that flashes across his face. "You know I’ve never seen you smile Angel." I look at him with my mysterious eyes "who knows maybe you’ll see me smile sooner than you think" I whisper smirking. "Thanks Kai." I say giving him a swift kiss on the cheek. He blushes "What was that for?" he asks trying to act calm.
"Everything," I reply and calmly walk to the others. "So you still gonna go?" Tyson asks. I just give him an icy glance.
**Later on**
I dress into a tight black Goth but cool outfit and wear a silver hooded cape. Ray and Tyson were coming to pick us both up. Sarah dressed herself in baby blue and pink.
Ray and Tyson both drool over me but I glare at them. "Hey Angel I never asked but what’s with the cloak?" Tyson asks me scratching his head. "I have my own reasons." I reply coldly. Ray shakes his head smiling and leads us all to Tyson’s house. There was a bonfire and I was introduced to some people. I was watching Tyson and Daichi argue with Raphael when Kai came from behind me. "Hey Kai," I smile though he can’t see it. "Wow Angel, you look brilliant but why are you wearing your hood?" he asks frowning. I sigh in annoyance. "If it makes you feel better I’ll take it off." I say grudgingly.
I remove it and all the boys around me drool. I blush and go nearer to Kai for protection that seems surprised but gives me a reassuring look. Then 4 boys head my way. My eyes widen as I instantly recognize the Demolition Boys. I squeak and am about to walk somewhere else but Kai has a firm grip on my arm. “Let me go Kai!” I whisper. He raises an eyebrow at my struggle to remove my arm. “Don’t worry I promise I’ll be there for you.” He whispers consolingly. I give up and look at the ground. “So, who’s your friend?” Tala asks, his voice warm, making me feel strange.
I slowly look up avoiding eye contact. “Wow Kais really lucky to have such a hot babe.” Bryan exclaims while Tala studies my face. “Ever heard of shutting up?” I ask cruelly. Tala gasps while Ian and Spencer both laugh. “Angel?” Tala asks stepping forward. I back up into Kai. “The one and only,” I reply pulling my arm away from Kai and walk over to Hero. “Hi Angel, glad to see you could make it.” I feel my eyes soften but don’t smile as we both catch up on old times. I was feeling rather shaken after meeting Tala. Well he does look like he changed but I can never forgive him for what he did to me. Hero and me both watch Tyson screaming as a cat chased him around the fire.
"Here kitty, kitty," Mariah calls her pink hair all around her. I chuckle softly and watch as Raphael and Julia do tricks with their beyblades. Suddenly a hand claps at my waist and over my mouth dragging me into the house. I turn and nearly scream, "Tala!?" Tala’s warm light purple eyes study me for a second but my fear instantly replaces itself with anger. "Why did you drag me in here," Tala frowns at me but then looks at the floor. "Well I love staring at the floor too but is there a reason why you took me with you?" I ask sarcastically folding my arms. "I don’t know why I brought you here." He confesses. I glare at him and walk back out and bump into Kai. "Are you ok?" he asks concerned. I manage to smirk and nod. Soon it was time for me to go home. "I’ll walk you there and Sarah will be staying because she feels a bit sick." Kai tells me.
I smile and let him walk me home. It was kind of dark and soon you arrived at the porch. "Well thanks Kai." I say turning to face him. My beautiful cold dark eyes lock into his gray ones. "No problem." He whispers his warm breath hitting my face. I have a true smile on my face. "Wow your smiles are beautiful you should do it more often." Kai murmurs, cupping your cheeks. "So should you" I reply as he tilts my face up. My lips meet his. He dominates it making it rough but passionate. He holds me to him hungrily kissing me as I wrap my arms around his neck. We both break off gasping for air. I smile gently and open the front door. "Goodnight Kai" I murmur and close the door. "Yeah goodnight Angel," he mutters walking back smiling to himself. I slip into my nightgown and rest in my bed touching my lips.
I drift off to sleep with a smile on my lips. The next day I went to Tyson’s house to fetch Sarah to find Mr. Dickinson. "Hey glad to see you made it Angel!" Daichi yells hugging my knees making me look surprised but I say nothing. Sarah is grinning at me and everyone else had broad grins on their faces too. "Ok so can anyone tell me why all of a sudden were in happy Ville?" I ask slowly. Mr. Dickinson just chortled and Tyson comes up to me. "There’s gonna be a new beyblade tournament!" he exclaims.
I raise an eyebrow "And?" I ask though feeling excitement. "This year the rules are a bit different." Ray says. Everyone looks at Mr. Dickinson who coughs. "I see I’m the one who should explain. The tournament will be the same but will involve a few changes. The amount of members on each team

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