My name's Courtney. There's a lot about me to tell, but it's day by day. No one can ever fully understand me. Only one person in the world know everything about me. She's the best friend I could ever ask for. There's a story about me. I don't want anyone to come to me, asking what it is. I'm only telling you, so that you'll understand that there's a reason I act a certain way, or do certain things. Not even some of my closest friends know the whole story, only bits, except that one friend I told you about. If you ask me, I'll ignore you. I don't intend to hand out what's happened--happening--to me to strangers.
I think I have a spontaneous, wild, crazy personality. That's one side of me. The other is dark, sad. I know what you're probably thinking. "Oh, another poser." You can believe what you want, I makes no difference to me. I'm no poser. I don't have a stereo type. I'm And I never try to be anything else. You can give me a stereo type, or a label, or whatever, but I know the truth.
I'm from FL. I love animals. There are many animals in my family. My cousin has two dogs. My other cousin has two dogs and two cats. My aunt has three cats, and three dogs. My aunt and uncle have a dog. I have two dogs and a guinea pig. A lot of animals to keep up with, huh?
My main interest is art and drawing. I think I'm a good drawer, and off w/ your head if you don't. blaugh Even though I love to draw, I'm still hoping to be a photographer. Ever since I saw Spider-Man, I wanted to be a photographer for a often-read newspaper. The only reason is because animators, cartoonists, etc. all use computers for their animation. I'd rather stick to paper and pencil.
I think you'll be able to get along w/ me, as long as you're not a girly-girl, cookie cutter fluff ball. Or, if you're a guy. I get along w/ guys so much better.
Oh, and one more thing: I'm insane about heart Inuyasha heart .

I think I have a spontaneous, wild, crazy personality. That's one side of me. The other is dark, sad. I know what you're probably thinking. "Oh, another poser." You can believe what you want, I makes no difference to me. I'm no poser. I don't have a stereo type. I'm And I never try to be anything else. You can give me a stereo type, or a label, or whatever, but I know the truth.
I'm from FL. I love animals. There are many animals in my family. My cousin has two dogs. My other cousin has two dogs and two cats. My aunt has three cats, and three dogs. My aunt and uncle have a dog. I have two dogs and a guinea pig. A lot of animals to keep up with, huh?
My main interest is art and drawing. I think I'm a good drawer, and off w/ your head if you don't. blaugh Even though I love to draw, I'm still hoping to be a photographer. Ever since I saw Spider-Man, I wanted to be a photographer for a often-read newspaper. The only reason is because animators, cartoonists, etc. all use computers for their animation. I'd rather stick to paper and pencil.
I think you'll be able to get along w/ me, as long as you're not a girly-girl, cookie cutter fluff ball. Or, if you're a guy. I get along w/ guys so much better.
Oh, and one more thing: I'm insane about heart Inuyasha heart .