Real name: queeneegeesee
What i am: pheonix
I control:Fire
Bio: born from an egg, no mother to be see, i saw a mirror, looking into it, i saw firey wings behind me, and my eyes hid a blaze so painful even for myself to look at.I am a nice person, but my temper has been known to destroy many many villages.
I havent died yet and im only 13,Ive meet one other of my kind, We are to be wed in 6 years and have a child. My only job is to survive.I have been seen as a god to many people, i run as far as i can.Many want to contain my power. But like i said i have to survive.I have one sister and she is gone.

Real name: queeneegeesee
What i am: pheonix
I control:Fire
Bio: born from an egg, no mother to be see, i saw a mirror, looking into it, i saw firey wings behind me, and my eyes hid a blaze so painful even for myself to look at.I am a nice person, but my temper has been known to destroy many many villages.
I havent died yet and im only 13,Ive meet one other of my kind, We are to be wed in 6 years and have a child. My only job is to survive.I have been seen as a god to many people, i run as far as i can.Many want to contain my power. But like i said i have to survive.I have one sister and she is gone.