I graduated.
I feel nervous. I was scared sitting there on that plastic and metal chair between Bunny and Jara. I hated the speeches from Savannah and Alec but liked Marshall's simple sincere speech. I liked the fact that we were on Silke field facing Springfield Middle where we all met. It was cool and surreal and very full-circle-ish. I'm glad to be done with it. I will miss art class, DeLoretto, The Schulls, Schmidt's chalk dust of death, and that safety that comes from government imposed structure. I am happy about who I spent high school and the ceremony with. I only regret not joining choir and being so shy. Ms. Rytlewski came to me on Wednesday in our last Econ class and gave me a hug and said she loved me and would miss me. I am one of her favorite students apparently and she thinks I'm a great person and wants me to visit. I really love her too and I want to visit. The same goes for my bus driver Heidi. I love her a lot and know so much about her. I can not wait to become a librarian and for all the other little moments that will happen to me.