Well.....I don't really plan to do anything for summer. But on Monday, June 1st, I'm going to that summer school thingy. That way, I can get into higher level math.
I already got my glasses, and I'm getting braces sometime next week. Last Wednesday, they put these rubber band thingys in my mouth. It felt kinda weird. But the next day, my teeth started hurting. The next day, my teeth started hurting even more and I felt like punching something really hard until I bust my hand.
But now, the pain has eased. It only hurts a little bit when I bite. So it's been kinda difficult for me to eat.
But then, Jeremy told me that one of his friends that had braces said that when he got his the first time, it hurted for 3 weeks. -shivers-
Well.....I am now eagerly waiting for the next episode of One Piece since it left like a REALLY MAJOR cliff hanger, Shugo Chara Doki, and Higurashi Rei.
In One Piece at the moment, well.......that Admiral, Kizaru really freaking scares me to death. He took down 4 powerful captains easily. And his power is FREAKING DESTRUCTIVE!!!! More scarier than Luffy's grandpa! -_-
Shugo Chara (Doki!), however......I don't know. I mean......it's getting back on track with the manga with just a few filler episodes in between it. I'm also eagerly waiting for the next chapter to come out as well.
In Higurashi Rei, however...... †☼.::Spoiler::.☼†
Let's see. The gang were riding their bikes on a road on the mountain.......Rika rode headlong into a truck and was be-headed. She woke up in a nurses office at her school to find that Hanyu used a forbidden power to save her.
Rika is now in a Hinamizawa that is totally different.
Irie, Takano, and Keiichi aren't in this Hinamizawa. Satoshi, however, is there. Rika and Satoko don't really get along. Rena's name is her original name, Reina, which means her parents are still together. Rika's parents are still alive and this time, her mother is the reincarnation of Oyashiro-Sama.
And last but definitley not least, Oyashiro-Sama's curse does not exist in this world.
Hanyu is unable to enter the world because there's this fragment in that world that's keeping her from entering. Rika has to destroy that fragment so Hanyu can enter and bring Rika back to her old world. However, the fragment can be hidden inside anything. Which means, it can be hidden inside a human. And if it is, she has to kill the human.
I already know where the fragment resides in but I ain't gonna say anything.
So, this season is going to be really good. I could tell. Unfortunatley, there's only going to be 5 episodes.
The first ep is just a little filler episode. The other 4 are going to be about Rika in that weird Hinamizawa place.
As for Pandora Hearts, I'm always looking forward to the next episode. That anime is awesome! I've had my eyes set on it before it came out.
AnimeCrazy.net is very reliable on updating you on the new and latest anime coming out!
Anyways, I am back into playing gba sp. My motivation for fully beating the game, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance(FFTA), has come to life.
But the thing is, I don't think that I'll really beat the game. There're so many dispatch missions and other missions that need certain items in order to do it.
So I'm going to try to go as far as I can and then I'll start a new game on my file again. Doing the story mode is fun. But when I start over, I'm so going to miss being strong again!!! Doing like.....100-200 damage and all. Ima miss my assassin and ninja!!! I wish you could name your side characters though.
The only things that you could name yourself is the main character and the clan name.
Currently, my main character's name is Kamon. Yes, Kamon. I made him waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before I even started role-playing. So he's my character to begin with.
The clan name is Clan Spirits. Ima change it to something different when I start over. The thing is, I have no idea what to name it shen i start over. Hmmmm......
Oh well. Ima come up with it eventually. I just miss fighting the totemas and Remedi. But the thing is, sometimes it's a pain in the a** to fight them. BUT!! It can also be easy if you get your characters to a high level to be ahead of them.
Though, I hope I get Nosada early for my ninja. That way, he can hold two katanas and attack twice in a row.
By the way.....has anyone heard of a Japanese Drama called Hana Kimi? If not, then you should watch it!!! It's really awesome and really funny!!! You can watch it on dramacrazy.net under Japanese Drama. I heard it was kinda like Ouran High School Host Club so I decided to check it out. I immediatley LOVED it on the first epiosde!
My MOST favorite character is Nakatsu Shuichi! He's kinda like an a** at first but he's an awesome person! He's one of the main characters.
Here's a few videos!
Nakatsu Funny Moments
OH MY JUUUUUUUUUUULIA!!!!! You just gotta love Nanba-Senpai!! And poor Kagurazaka!
Hana Kimi Special Funny Moments
Sano's expression.....Priceless!!!
Nakatsu's Monologue!!!
By the way.....
I looked up Vampire Knight on tektek and found these avatar of Yuuki and Zero in the Cross Academy Uniform. It wasn't actually the uniform but it really looked like it!
So I edited them to look like the Guardians in mines and Masha's rp, Awakened Soul since we decided that we would have the same uniforms as Vampire Knight because they're awesome!





Oh and, I made an avatar of Kotone from our rp. Here's my impression on her of what she should look like. I decided for her color to be pink and that she's an alice-like character.

As for Ran, I'm having a little trouble with her. Her theme color would be red because Ran means Orchid in japanese. Plus Ran makes me think of something red and dark pink and all.
As for Toshi, I am so clueless with him. He's a laid back character. Someone who goes with the flow.
So anyways, that's all for now.
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