do you remember when:
[x] you could fall in love with a teacher and it wasn't weird
[] lettuce was unhealthy
[x] falling down the steps was an everyday thing~ it still is.....
[x] you could be emo and nobody would blame you~ poor emo pplz
[] stars weren't so freekin' bright
[x] yearbooks included "first kiss"~ lol!! my grandma's yearbook has that!!
do you remember:
[] how you got that ring on your finger?~ no...... xD
[] what time it was when you were born?
[x] when you last laughed?~ on the bus when a dsi pic went wrong o 3 o
[x] where you went to elementary school?
[] what elementary school was like
[] what you ate last
[] when you ate last
[] the guy you liked in 2nd grade
[x] your favorite video in daycare~ TELLITUBBIES!!! i always liked to point out all the "wrong things about them. what a sick, perverted little kid i was. ._.
remember your first....
[] kiss
[x] fall
[x] love
[] math problem
[x] game system~ GAMECUBE!
[] birthday
[x] word~ it was "goddammit"..... .3.
your favorite......
food: ravioli *says in british accent*
song + singer: hrm that's hard i like so much @_@
drink: pepsi throwback?
restraunt: Fortune Pavilion~ <3
animal: lolcat biggrin
mythical creature: hollows. 'cause they kick a**.
color: dark blue.
crush?: uhm no eek
emote: sweatdrop
anime/manga: TONS OF IT look in tags plz >_>
which theme (above question)? : oh theme song? prob. daia no hana from Black Cat
character: the shortie from FMA..... now what was his name....? (Edward: WHO'RE YOU CALLIN' A HALF-PINT RUNT NO BIGGER THAN A PINTO BEAN?!!?! scream ) xD
person: rob pat
you are a:
a) nice person
b) bad person
c) okay person
d) RAPIST!!! <------
you like:
a) everything
b) nothing
c) cream puffs (: <------
d) stuff >3<
you feel:
a) happy <----
b) sad
c) normal
d) I FEEL GOOD (duhduhduhduhduhdudhduh) YOU KNEW THAT I WOULD NOW!
you want:
a) a toy
b) more eyeliner <-------
c) anything as long as it's from the heart *smiles*
if you chose mostly.....
a's~ you are a happy, little kid who follows the rules. you don't want to stand out too much, and you don't want to get in trouble. you're the quiet kid who sits in the corner, and nobody pays attention to you. but that's how you've always wanted to be.
b's~ you are an emo little b***h who's parents were taken away by some *accident*. nobody knows the accident was YOU.
c's~ a good kid. you have good potential, and are probably willing to risk your life to save others. people sometimes see you as a great friend, but you've had a little twists in your past that makes you imperfect. but you know that nobody needs to be perfect, and you set your hands down on the table and be as good a friend as anyone could be.
d's~ O_0 you scare me.
( but I got equal answers.... WHAT DOES THAT MAKE ME?!?! A SADIST?? XD )
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I can't write
Wtf was I doing as a kid help me get help from those darn professionals I can't take this anymore slap me
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Come a-knockin' anytime, cause this wagon's ALWAYS rockin.'