Total Value: 1,304,654 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Red Traveller Boots
Elemental Hair
Western Zodiac
Gogh Reed 5th Gen.
Skipper's Crimson Coat
Infernal Spirit 7th Gen
Changeling Baby Boy 2nd Gen
do you like this one?

Total Value: 1,903,457 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Nano-C 6th Gen
Nano-C 10th Gen
Infernal Spirit
Anima Adamantea 5th Gen.
Anima Adamantea 2nd Gen.
Anima Adamantea 3rd Gen.
Anima Adamantea 3rd Gen.
Anima Adamantea 3rd Gen.
Anima Adamantea 2nd Gen.
Anima Adamantea 4th Gen.
Changeling Baby Boy 2nd Gen
this one is good isn't it?
my current dream avi is good too, right?
i'm replacin the girl with the random king!!!

Total Value: 1,494,553 Gold
After Exclusions: 1,489,641 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Super Powers
Super Powers
Blue Traveller Boots
Padmavati's Lotus 9th Gen.
Western Zodiac
July Birthstone Crown
Skittles Crazy Core Contacts
Elegant Black Satin Vest
Inari's Beads
Changeling Baby Boy 2nd Gen