[img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v156/Little_Red-Bird/GN%20Version%202/Tiger4.jpg[/img] :cute: my babys :3nod:
"][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v498/moogleluver/calla.jpg[/img] :heart:
[img]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j26/tigeress12/492cf7a5.jpg[/img] :cute:
"][img]malformed url[/img][/url]
[img]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a227/Kohaku_Honoo82/icedragon.jpg[/img] [img]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a227/Kohaku_Honoo82/iceprincess.jpg[/img]((me rp, but no bangs))
"][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v498/moogleluver/calla.jpg[/img] :heart:
[img]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j26/tigeress12/492cf7a5.jpg[/img] :cute:
"][img]malformed url[/img][/url]
[img]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a227/Kohaku_Honoo82/icedragon.jpg[/img] [img]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a227/Kohaku_Honoo82/iceprincess.jpg[/img]((me rp, but no bangs))
Community Member
RP Name: Lenne Chikadae Marrow
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Rank: C
Division: 13
Element: Water and Plants
Riatsu Color: Lilac
Species: Shinigami
Height: She refuses to answer... I don't think she knows.
Weight: 130?
Hair:In Picture, Brown, short inverted bob
Eyes: Green/Gray
Clothing: Lose short robes with a tanktop and long shorts
Physical Appearance: Lenne is somewhat slender, but soft. Not skinny, but not chubby/heavy. Only excersizes when she has to and so is obviously not an athlete. To make up for little muscles she learnt multiple Kidou techniques. She is rather pale.
Lenne was working towards becoming a healer/energy worker before she 'passed on'. She had been enrolled in courses to learn fencing, archery, and ballroom dancing, she had excelled at fencing. She lived with her parents and sibling(s) and still tries to find them in her spare moments.
Lenne is rather optimistic and always thinks the best of every situation.
A sweet, gentle, and somewhat naive girl. She can be both suspicious and gullible because she tends to trust people unless they give her a reason not to. Lenne is generally happy, but is sometimes shy, especially when it comes to relationships. Easy to tease and frustrate.
Soul Burial
Sending a ghost to Soul Society or hell. It is a main duty of a shinigami.
Hakufuku (白伏, White Crawl)
This technique muddles the consciousness of its target.
Shunpo (瞬歩, Flash steps)
A movement technique that allows the user to move faster than the eye can follow. The focal point that determines the bases of this technique is speed. As speed is the main point of the technique the method is best characterized by how fast one can get from point A to point B in the least amount of steps. Training and skill are what determines how fast a user of shunpo can move; those of little skill in the technique or those who haven't used it an extended amount of time would obviously be out of practice, causing those individuals to be considerably slower, which requires the use of more steps to achieve higher speed and become winded far easier in a shorter amount of time.
#1. Sai (塞, Restrain)
Locks a target's arms in place behind their back.
Incantation: Unknown.
#1. Shō (衝, Thrust)
Pushes the target away from the caster.
Incantation: unknown.
#4. Hainawa (這縄, Crawling Rope)
An energy rope entangles the target's arms.
Incantation: Unknown
#4. Byakurai (白雷, Pale Lightning)
The user fires a concentrated, powerful lightning bolt from their finger.
Incantation: unknown.
#8. Seki (斥, Repulse)
Creates a round shield that seems to temporarily paralyze and repel whatever strikes it.
Incantation: unknown.
#9. Geki (撃, Strike)
Engulfs the target in red light, completely paralyzing them.
Incantation: "Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini!! Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat!"
#11. Tsuzuri Raiden (製本雷, Bound Lightning)
Electric current flows through any object the user touches and is able to lead electricity, damaging any target that is in contact with the object the current runs through.
Incantation: unknown
#12. Fushibi (伏火, Ambush Flare)
Momo Hinamori uses this spell in conjunction with Shot of Red Fire and a Kidō net that has entangled her opponents resulting in a large explosion around them all.
Incantation: unknown.
Sealed Zanpakuto razz urple handle
Shikai: A rapier style sword with metal willow leaves in the blade and along the hand guard. The effect from it's tap makes the opponent's mind sluggish and slow.
Send them to sleep! Nemutai Tamashii!
Bankai: Much like Mayuri Kurotsuchi and Retsu Unohana, Lenne's Bankai physically manifests itself into a silent wolf. The wolf breathes out a concealing fog in which a forest of willows forms to trap the opponent. The willows are made mostly of water, though the leaves are shards of metal
Howl silently at fate! Nemutai Tamashii yume!
The only weapons she carries are her Zanpakuto
Packets of powder in her sleeves, as in sewn into the insides of her sleeves, of an inflammitory which can either suffocate or blind. How strong the effects are depends on how much she throws.