Hello there!
Today i FINALLY joined Gaia online after having my computer fixed xd
Its been quite easy to follow and learn about how to use different things, But the House arranging tool still eludes me confused The plug-in wont work eek
Oh well, "Ce la vie" (that's life!) as they say.
I already have 2 buddies. One that i met randomly while walking around that big space with the grass, shrubs, trees, flowers and insects etc...whatever you call it.
Another..i don't know how they added me, but im sure they are both nice! 4laugh
I hope to learn more and meet some new people blaugh whee
So if you want to, PLEASE SAY HELLO!!! and i'll try my hardest to contact you in return.
much love
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Experiences on Gaia
My new experiences on this site, interacting with friends, learning how to use things and General Day-to-day stuff.
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