There was a house, well more like a mansion. On top of a steep hill, with a beautiful view of tree covered hills and rolling pastors and rivers, and off in the distance, a mountain. I walked into the house and wanted to find my room. So I searched for a long time, but I could never find mine. I see all my family and friends, even acquaintances. I see every room on the first floor, except mine. People talk to me, yet I don’t hear a single word. I yearn to lie in my own bed, which I only remember vaguely. In despair I almost gave up, when I spied the glorious stairs. My search continues.
The second floor held others parents and teachers I knew. There were my parent’s friends and work partners. My grandparents were there and well, smiling quietly. Another set of stairs greeted me as I finished searching this floor. Third floor was full of strangers, but ones with authority. Everywhere I looked there were men and women in different uniforms all standing solemn and silent. As I ascended to the next floor it became darker, dimmer, and cold. I peek over the top, where my head was level with the ground and saw the dead.
The dead famous persons walking round like they were alive and well. Once again I slinked from room to room, trying to find the one which I seek, but I searched in vain. I sighed as I climbed yet another set of stairs. Once again the temperature changed dramatically with every step I took. The air became hot and humid, and so thick it felt like it was gathering on your skin like dew drops on a spring morning. When I finally got to the top I saw a strange and gruesome site. Hunched backed, naked figures dragging themselves across the floor slowly, sickeningly, there skin stuck to the floor like gum to a shoe. Some were shapeless blobs of sticky flesh with a somewhat face slipping in and out of view. Wait, I’d seen those people before. They where the so called celebrities everyone adored for some reason, moving aimlessly they took no mind of me as I carefully picked my way across the floor and from room to room. Some I saw walked upright in at least underwear. It was only when I headed for the stairs that they grabbed at me for dear life, trying with all there might to stand, trying not to melt away. The writhing mass of shapeless flesh cried out is words made by none of a human. I kicked the pitiful mass off me and rushed up the stairs. I could hear there moans and groans all the way to the top.
An empty floor met me, and on and on it went, floor after floor of empty rooms. None of which were mine. Finally I reached the top story, no walls, no ceiling it was all support beams, as if it weren’t complete and yet it felt like it was. The clouds floated lazily through the non-existent walls, the air was refreshing, clean and real. So gentle and soft you could fall into a blissful sleep by the very sound of it, yet is was so strong and powerful it could carry you away like a feather on high. I couldn’t see a single soul, yet there was a presence that was so absolute that u could feel it all around you and inside you, like a beautiful song or a delicious smell. Even in the perfect place with the sun warming you from you skin to your soul, the desire still tugged at my heart. I want to see my room! I yelled in frustration.
Images faded into site filling the four empty frames of the walls. The one directly in front of me was that of a room with walls an indescribable shade of blue. In the center there was a huge bed that looked softer than clouds. In fact from there you could see the clouds since this room in on the wall had no roof and as I watched it began to rain lightly with the sun shining bright as ever. I stared for a long time and my heart ached for it. Eventually I reluctantly tour my eyes away from my personal paradise, and looked at the next room. There was only a single chair under a hanging light, which glowed faintly and flickered constantly in the sea of black. No light reached a wall or other indication that it even ended, that it wasn’t just and endless expanse of deep dark despair. It was a sad site so I looked away and to the next image. Illuminated with a rustic light this room was a mess. Everything that I owned was broken, torn apart or smashed in an apparent rage. The room still seethed with it, hitting me like a heat wave, messages were slashed angrily in black paint on the wall. Now I knew these rooms were all mine. Fear mounted within me as I turned to the fourth and final room. This time it was a white padded room, with black ink and blood splattered on the walls and floor. As I stared at the image I hear a ‘drip, drip, drip’. I look down and I’m wearing a straight jacket stained with blood and ink, I slowly raised my head and saw I was in that room. I looked around franticly but there was no door. I stared at the ground my thoughts racing ‘No way out. No way out.’ I fell to my knees and screamed “NO WAY OUT!!”
And.. I woke up
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