*Battle of Love*
In the battle field of the great war, a yound kunoichi was at her best, fighting for her nation;grass. her long glossy pink hair bounced in the darkness, as her arms latched to her long jonin coat. Her eyes like spring grasses, and the paleness of her skin, made her a goddess.
feeling the urge of the fight she ran, and ran, and ran. killing many ninja. she stumbled across a field of sound ninja and an other ninja that intruiged her. a man of the leaf. from his fighting skill, she had no doubt that he was from the hyuuga clan, posessing the byakugan. in a blink of the eye, the man killed all others around him. As she stared in aww, her heart pounded, wondering if she should enter his pressence. Her chakra still high, felt she should be cautious and stay hidden...but when she turned to where she saw him last, he was gone. "hello..." she bounced out of the tree tops and stood her ground. the ninja from before, whom she had been watching, had spotted her. "w-what do the likes of you want..?" she tried to sound tough, but fear caught her throat. "oh, nothing...i just couldn't help but see a gorgeous girl in the bushes. i thought i would say hello." she could finally see his face uncover from darkness. ravin black hair, that complemented his grey eyes. in a formal stance he said,"my name. is kaiyo. please to make your aquantance princcess." in a scuff of a voice she said, "are you always this polite to your enemies..?" " only when their cute..." hecloseed his eyes and disapeared only to appear behind the kunoichi, holding her hands behind her back.in a low tone he said, "and what is your name, might i ask?" she responded with no emotion, "sakurai. now, hear me. are you here to fight? or make a date? 'cause im all for the first choice." laughing he said,"why cant i be friendly?besides, i feel like i'm supposed to be with you. forever."
sakurai's face turned red from his words. she focussed her chakra to her fists and broke from his grip. "g-get away from me!" she quickly lunged her fist towards his face but his speed was unmatchable. he quickly ran around and picked her up and carried her in his arms to safety. for he knew there was going to be a massive number of sound ninja comming to attack.
*read in 2nd chapter!!!!*
II sakura haruno II · Wed Apr 08, 2009 @ 03:51am · 0 Comments |