~|~Selene Cheryth~|~

Character full name: Selene Cheryth
Reason or meaning of name: Pure as the moon, Surrounded by darkness.
Character nickname:Selena
Reason for nickname: Not sure, ask Caleb?
Birth date: December 18
Gender: Female
Blood Type:AB
Physical appearance:
How old does she appear? : 25
Weight: Light
Height: 5' 8"
Body- build: Slim but tone
Eye color: Purple
Glasses or contacts: None
Skin tone: Normal
Distinguishing marks: She has a tattoo of a gray rose on her back shoulder.
Predominant features: None.
Hair color: Blond
Type of hair: Long
Hairstyle: Down most of the time, except when sparring.
Voice: Soothing, calms people.
Overall attractiveness: Shes very beautiful and fully aware of it.
Physical disabilities: None
Usual fashion of dress: Blacks or whites, dresses, long skirts, jeans.
Formal wear: Dresses, long skirts, blouses, blazers.
Favorite outfit: Her white dress along with the matching black one.
Jewelry or accessories: White/Black arm gloves. Silver shield earrings and blue ball amulet, two silver rings.
Good personality traits: Caring, sweet, kind
Bad personality traits:Obsessive, moody, likes to play games.
Mood character is most often in: Calm, caring mood.
Sense of humor: If she gets the joke, yes.
Character greatest joy in life: Sparring
Character greatest fear: Her fear that she will surrender to the darkness.
Why?: Selene is constantly fighting between right and wrong, good and evil. If she Surrenders to one side she fears she will hurt the ones she loves.
Other Phobias: Bugs. She can't stand bugs. She kills them for fun.
What single event would most throw this character's life into complete
turmoil? : If her friends turned on her.
Character is most at ease when: Reading a book
Most ill at ease when: She has no control over something.
Enraged when: The pople she cares for are hurt or killed
Depressed or sad when: The people she cares for are upset. When shes having fun.
Priorities: Making sure she finds those worthy of being great Judges
Life philosophy: There is always a reason for everything.
If granted one wish, it would be: Nothing.
Why? She doesn't believe that one wish will fix anything.
Character soft spot: Unnaturally cute looking things.
Is this soft spot obvious to others? Yeah, probably.
Greatest strength: Optimism
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Not being able to believe in something
Biggest regret: Letting her anger take over as she killed a human
Minor regret: Abandoning her father.
Biggest accomplishment: Becoming headmistress.
Minor accomplishment: Ability to keep herself in control
Past failures she would be embarrassed to have people know about: She failed her drivers test twice..
Why? Why not?
Character darkest secret: She enjoys being evil
Does anyone else know?: Not sure. Maybe?
How they deal with stress: Listens to music, sleeping, reading a book, Sparring.
Drives and motivations: To be able to do things just to know she can
Immediate goals: Find love maybe?
Long term goals: Accept her darker side fully.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Random spouts of inspiration always help.
How other characters will be affected: They probably wont, much.
Hometown: Argentena
Type of childhood: Hidden. She was looked upon as a mixed everything that no side wanted. Good/evil demon/human.
Pets: None
First memory: Seeing swirling blue lights.
Most important childhood memory: Getting a fox plushie from a stranger
Why: Because it was the first act of kindness toward her from someone outside her own family
Childhood hero: None
Dream job: None
Education: Graduated from Trenkhaf, Transferred and graduated from Judge academy.
Religion: None
Finances: Ehh..she's working on it..
Social Status: Nobody. She doesn't get out much.
Nationality: Demonic?
Ethnicity: British/Demonic
Where they've traveled to: Human cities, towns, demonic cities, towns, academies.
Current location: Judge Academy
Currently living with: No one
Pets: None.
Religion: None.
Occupation: Headmaster of Judge Academy
Finances: Headmaster Salary.
Mother: Demon, Deceased
Relationship with her: Wonderful. Her mother taught her to fight, care, and stand up for what you believe in.
Father: Human
Relationship with him: Horrible, they never got along when she grew older. He did teach her to color code and draw and look at things logically.
Siblings: None
Relationship with them: None
Other important family members:
Color: Black/White
Least favorite color: Orange.
Music: Country
Favorite Food: Watermelon
Least favorite food: Raviolis
Literature: Any human written book. The demonic ones get so old...
Form of entertainment: Sparring, dancing, listening to music, poking fun at her fellow headmasters, pretending.
Expressions: Smiling, laughing, annoyed.
Mode of transportation: Astral Projection, car.
Most prized possession: Fox plushie that the stranger gave her.
Hobbies: She draws from time to time, likes looking at and making up quotes, kicking random demons around when Caleb isn't available.
Plays a musical instrument? No, shes horrible with them.
Plays a sport? Fencing, if that counts.
How she would spend a rainy day: Selene would pull up a chair next to the window and think.
Spending habits: She spends most of her money on books and dresses. Also tuition for human college.
Smokes: No! She hates the smell as well as how annoyingly addicting they can be to humans.
Drinks: Yes
Other drugs: No
Other bad habits: If she finds someone annoying, she'll use her position to play with them
What does he/she do too much of? Drink
What does he/she do too little of? Sleep
Extremely skilled at: Dancing, writing essays.
Extremely unskilled at: Cooking
Languages Spoken: Demonic, English
Nervous tics: Laughing at situations that aren't funny.
Usual body posture: Standing straight in a professional posture
Manner of writing: She prefers to be detailed so anyone who reads what she writes can get the full description of what it is that she has wrote.
Manner of speaking: Usually straight to the point, sometimes she prefers to ease into a conversation if it's something touchy or delicate.
Manner of walking: Confidant stride
Places in their schooling they excell(ed) at: English, anything written, physical combat.
Mannerisms: Usually kind, polite, patient. Until she finds something she can't stand or something that makes her angry. then she will become blunt and harsh toward them.
Peculiarities: If she does sleep, she likes to sleep with many pillows.
Health Problems: None.
Optimist or pessimist? Both. Optimism on the outside, pessimism on the inside.
Introvert or extrovert? Introvert
Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil
Logical or emotional? Both, acts more on emotions though.
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Methodical and neat
Prefers working or relaxing? Working
Confident or unsure of herself? Confidant most of the time.
Animal lover: Yes
How she feels about herself: Selene feels confidant in what she does and even though touchy situations come up she will try her best to solve them, even if she doesn't enjoy doing so.
One word the character would use to describe self: Persistent
One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: Didn't we just do this? Anyway...Selene would describe herself, as persistent. She enjoys to push herself to the limit to prove that she can. Being a Woman, as well as a half demon, she is often looked down upon. She likes to stand out in the crowd. Selene, despite her dislike for her father, lives a human life outside of the academy just to please him as well as to satisfy her own curiosity about humans.
What does the character consider her best personality trait? She would probably pick her patience.
What does the character consider her worst personality trait? Her impatience XD
What does the character consider her best physical characteristicProbably her eyes
What does the character consider her worst physical characteristic? Her forehead.
How does the character think others perceive her: She never concentrated on that, she doesn't really care.
What would the character most like to change about herself: Her human half. It causes too much trouble for her in the long run.
Relationships with others:
Opinion of other people in general: She has no problem with other people. They usually are kind to her so in return she is kind as well.
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Yes, most of the time anyway.
Person character most hates: None
Best friend(s): Eloise/Caleb
Love interest(s): None
Person character goes to for advice:Eloise/ Caleb
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: No one.
Person character feels shy or awkward around: No one.
Person character openly admires: No one.
Person character secretly admires: Caleb
Most important person in character life before story starts: Mother
After story starts: None yet.