~Character sheet~
~Username~: Yomiko Rose13
~Ninja Name~: Keiko Rose
~Age~: 16
~Jutsu~: Demon rain hail, Demon wind thrust, and Fire storm jutsu {{ that is her main jutsu's }}
~Chakra Element~: Water {{ 水, Mizu }},Fire {{ 火, Hi }}, Wind {{ 風, Kaze }}
~Crush~: Unknown
~Rival~: Unknown
~Rank~: Chunin
~Personality~: Kind, and lonely
~About me~: Keiko felt different from everyone else. Life was hard for her to get use to as feeling lonely. She never talked to any one or they would hurt her. But the most is she is lonely and wants someone to love her.Keiko trys to get stronger every day. To show she can be stronge and find her love.
~Ability~: Very good hearing, and Very good sight
~Appearance~: The first pic is her in school uniform. The Second pic is her in her daily outfit.