EmileeDOB: June 9
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Skin: Light
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 110 lbs
Age: 15
Ethnicity: Caucasian(American)
Personality: She's a mischievous little troublemaker at times but other times she's calm and serious, more so then Erin, at least. She's usually pretty strong-willed and doesn't get scared easily.
Other: She possesses the power of a dragon. The dragon lives inside her and lends her his power when she needs it. Because of that power she can be stubborn because she thinks she's invincible.
X X XX XErinDOB: June 9
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Skin: Light
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 110 lbs
Age: 15
Ethnicity: Caucasian(American)
Personality: Erin's much ditzier than her sister. Sweet and innocent is a good way to describe her. She likes to have fun and doesn't always take everything as seriously as she should. She's also rather shy even though she seems very outspoken most of the time.
Other: Erin is Emilee's twin sister. She possesses the power of a Phoenix. Even with her power she's still not quite as headstrong as Emilee. She's not much of a fighter and usually ends up being pretty helpless.
X XX X XFayeDOB: October 25
Hair color: Black(human) Blue(fairy)
Eye color: Gray
Skin: Light
Height: 5'4"(human) 5'0"(fairy)
Weight: 120 lbs(human) 112 lbs(fairy)
Age: 16
Ethnicity: Caucasian(French)
Personality: Faye has a very passive attitude most of the time. She's laidback and doesn't show much emotion. She gets annoyed easily and can be very sarcastic and mean.
Other: She possesses the power of a fairy. When she uses the power of the fairy her appearance changes; she has pointed ears, wings, different color hair and she's slightly shorter. After some unfortunate events, her human body was stolen from her so in order to keep her form in the world she must rely on the fairy's power, otherwise she would just become a wandering soul. The problem is that the fairy that lives inside her isn't exactly a cute and charming little Tinker Bell; she's a total b***h, to say the least. The fairy takes advantage of Faye's predicament to stay in control of her. This is one of the main reasons for Faye's bad attitude.
X X X X JoeyDOB: August 17
Hair color: Red
Eye color: Light blue
Skin: Light
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 145 lbs
Age: 15
Ethnicity: Caucasian(Irish)
Personality: Joey's laidback, serious and calm. He doesn't get angry very easily. He's a sweetheart without even really trying. He's also very protective of Emilee.
Other: Joey is Emilee's boyfriend. He possesses the power of a wolf but doesn't use it often. The wolf is similar to Faye's fairy because he's very mischievous and enjoys causing trouble for Joey.
X X AlexDOB: January 12
Hair color: Platinum blonde
Eye color: Purple
Skin: Very tan
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 138 lbs
Age: 15
Ethnicity: Australian
Personality: Alex is always cheerful and playful. He usually gets picked on by everyone else (especially Erin and Faye) because he's never serious. He likes to keep the mood light and happy.
Other: He possesses the power of a cat(how terrifying) which is another reason why he is the center of all jokes. He doesn't always have his cat ears and tail out but it's more fun to draw him like that. The person he likes playing with most is Erin. Erin constantly pushes him away and acts annoyed by him.
X X XJamesDOB: December 5
Hair color: Dark blonde
Eye color: Dark blue
Skin: Light
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 150 lbs
Age: 15
Ethnicity: Caucasian(British)
Personality: In a way James has two sides to him- the side that Erin knows and the side that everyone else sees. Everyone but Erin sees him as an evil, sadistic b*****d. To Erin, he's funny and interesting. He likes to cause trouble occasionally and can be sadistic, but he's also charismatic and fun. Erin knows that there's a reason for his recent personality flip.
Other: He possesses the power of a fox. He is Erin's ex-boyfriend as she had to kill him to protect her sister. Using his own power and the circumstances of his death he was able to come back to haunt her but he had to steal Faye's human form in order to do it.
X XAngelaDOB: April 21
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Brown
Skin: Lightly tanned
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 117
Age: 22
Ethnicity: Asian(Korean)
Personality: Her hair color pretty much says it all; she's really blonde. She's ditzy, girly and almost always happy.
Other: She is Emilee and Erin's brother's girlfriend. She possesses the power of a butterfly. She mainly uses her power for healing. She and Faye don't get along.
Ref: none :/