Draw Julius for me? He desperately needs it too!
Draw him however he inspires you, that probably will make whatever it is turn out the best!
heart ________________________________
[[name;; Julius Cauren
[[nickname(s);; Juls (Pronounced like JEWELS.)
[[rank;; Created as a Slave / Uke
[[age;; Nineteen
[[gender;; Male
[[species;; Crow Demon
[[sexual orientation;; Homosexual
[[appearance;; fly with me to the clouds.the skies glory.Julius is.. short for being male. He stands at a very un-intimidating 5'6", and weighs less then 130lbs. Physically he's no challenge. His hair is shoulder length, and blond. A naturally highlighted goldy blond color. His hair isn't curly, but it's not straight, you could call it wavy. It curves around his jaw just right. His eyes, oh those are interesting. His right eye is completely normal, the pupil is black, the iris is a bright lavender color. His left eye though is an oddity, though not damaged at all. His pupil is completely white and his iris is a sharp emerald green color. He has two wings that sprout from the under curve of both his shoulder blades, he still has the ability to fly. Most crow demons have completely black wings, but not Julius. His left wing is completely soot black feathers, but on his right wing, the first six inches of feathers are pure, unsoiled
white feathers, further down the white bleds back into the black feathers. His body is slender, and muscled, course those muscles aren't ones you really seen. His skin is a creamy pale and he doesn't seem to ever tan, even when he spends forever flying in the sky under the sun. He normally dressed in plain fitting, but comfortable, and a little loose, pants. His tops vary. Either he wears a long sleeved billowy shirt that has two slits down the arms from his elbows to his wrists, letting his lower arms have more freedom to move. He doesn't normally wear shoes, though if he has to he will. All his shirts has specifically cut holes for the roots of his wings.
[[personality;; Juls is.. different then your average slave. He doesn’t care to hold his tongue and he straight up won’t. He doesn’t give a damn about your pedigree papers and how much money you have, he’ll bad mouth you no matter what if he wants to. He’s a really caring person, mainly referred to as sweet, but that all depends on what terms you meet him and how he treat him. He’s got a quick temper and doesn’t care to put a leash on it. He won’t go down without a very very tiring fight. So, watch it, cause if you start something, you better damn finish. He’s protective of people he cares about, which isn’t many in the slave trade. When he’s not angry, he’s normally laid back, almost serene. He can be kinda silly and enjoys to laugh, he’s not just one stick in the wall.
[[biography;; Julius was found abandoned on the edge of the city. He doesn’t know how he even got to the edge of the city, and neither does anyone else. He’d never been seen within the city, and Julius knows that this city isn’t and hasn’t ever been his home. Though his appearance hindered him from leaving once he was awakened. He was passed through many different hands till they finally settled him in the slave market, though he’s been through many of those too. He’s never had a master keep him for more then two months total. The longest time he was kept, he ended up being attacked by his master’s wife, and from there he ran away. Julius doesn’t remember all that much of his life before he popped up at the brink of the city. But he knows he had a little sister, Leena, who stayed by his side, and who he loved immensely, all he can remember past that is the sky, and the trees sweeping out beneath him for miles. (Still under a bit of construction.)
[[puppeteer;; The Doll