Ezric Mezmonic
Was born on the cruel streets of Searra leon.
My home was a place known for it’s loose morality and misfortune. The exact date of my birth had always been a mystery, since my mother never cared enough to tell me. I never really celebrated any kind of passing of the year. So eah whatever you know. To make a guess I would say..um…20?
My father was an ex-con, or so I herd though the drunken rants of many people, family included.
The story goes that when my old man had himself a baby boy on the way. Well business was not exactly on the up an up. It seemed that it was too difficult to pull con’s knowing what kind of world he was inheriting to his flesh and blood. As far as I know his new found conscience caused him to get knocked off. Then again these are things I just piece together. More than likely he just left. Perhaps he couldn’t let a pregnant broad get in his way. Regardless I never met the guy and I might never will. I can live with that. Why not I have been dealt a lot worse.
Mother did whatever she could to make sure I would leave home at an early age. Lovely gal my mother, heh well I never implied that I had a loving childhood. I guess she used to be quite something, my mother. All I have ever witnessed was a few cracks in the skull due to mommies nightly liberations. Yeah liberations that’s what it was. She would free her self from the bonds of being a good mother and take out her anger and frustration on me. Don’t worry she was not the only one. No, Uncle Marrious, Uncle Kitzor or that damned landlord would stop by and due a little parenting of there own. After they where through slamming her around and beating the piss out of me I was often left alone to gather up the pieces. Mind you there was some good times. I mean some times mom didn’t even come home for days. Hell after a while I just stop coming home. I used to wonder if she noticed.
As far as siblings go I have been around this town and have yet to run into anyone who shares either of my prize-winning parents. I don’t doubt that there are some out there but I sure hope not.
Where do I live? Well in the best place a guy like me could. I live in a loft just above a sleazy bar. Don’t go disrespecting it too much. “The Wet Flask,” it’s manager and it’s staff have always been there for me through the tuff times. The smell of dusty bourbon soaked floors…it smells…like home. Occasionally some of the girls stop by after their shift. When they do life isn’t so bad.
The loaft is a small rustic bachelor pad. There is a window that over looks the city near the foot of the bed. Dark rain soaked streets and alleys are just below the windows view. No need for a kitchen for since I can get what ever I need from the bar bellow. I am not much of a cook anyway.
My wolf dog’s Juda and Cricket sleep at the base of my bed. They have themselves an old jacket to rest on.
I have a hat rack and a bookcase though there is little on either.
I am a gambler, a magican and a bouncer.
I work when I need to. My time is important so I try not to bother with small paydays.
I have no problems talking to anyone. It seems that some people are too stuck up to talk to me.
Cats give me some serious sneeze attacks. So the pooches are always on Patrol.
I maybe right handed but I fight with my left. That is if I like you.
My voice is deep slow and smooth. It carries with it a wealth of sadness.
The girls seem to like it enough. They are always trying to get me to blab on about myself.
My life is a bit over barring so much that it seems like a big joke.
So I constantly joke about it :
I occasionally say certain things like;
“I got hot”
“Want to see me break a record?”
“My friend”
“You have problems? I can’t solve your problems…unless”
“Forget it that’s chump change”
What’s in my pockets let’s see:
A deck of cards.
Enough money to by one more drink at the bar.
Do I have quirks;
Well one sure sign that I don’t care is if I am whistling while you are talking.
Flares nostrils during a stare down.
Always stretches before a fight.
Tend to be pretty quite around strange women.
I have a hard time talking about my past to the opposite sex.
Bar waitresses seem to be the only women that I feel comfortable around.
An annoying habit of mine. I roll my “R’s” when I am drunk.
My childhood was pretty typical for a b*****d child with an average education.
If it weren’t for abusive alcoholic mother who knows what kind of miscreant I would turn out to be.
Be leave it or not my first memory is a good one. I think every one deserves one first good memory. It’s a fuzzy memory of a beautiful day in a strange and vast courtyard. I remember sitting on the steps rubbing my dirty little hands on the smooth marble steps. Behind me the steps seem to reach on forever. In front of me blossoms and just blown a crossed the ground. A light breeze had caused them to make dancing pink cyclones.
My schooling was based on four fundamentals reading, writing, arithmetic and war tactics.
It was very typical education of a boy in my generation.
I had problems with a group of toughs in school. They didn’t take kindly to those who didn’t give them instant respect. Leave it to me to see a jerk for a jerk. They called themselves “the solders of spade”.
I learned to fight quite early. There is no better tutor then fighting for your life every day. Submission holds brawling and crowed control tactics was refined in the daily hustle and bustle in the bar.
I never met anyone that I respected enough to look up to. My role models where those I read or heard about such as Rinon Hiera . Since I really didn’t know what they where really like to begin with you can say my own ideas where my role models.
I got along with my mother the only way I knew how. I brought her things when she needed it. When she was in her moods I did my best to stay out of her way. She really was a helpless adult. So I tried my best and loved he all the same.
When I was a kid I wanted to be a storm tracker. I was always interested in the shear power that the wind has wrought on our lands. Despite every thing our people have accomplished we are still at the mercy of the wind.
Some of my favorite passed times as a kid was skipping stones, playing cards and listening to the stories the neighborhood children where told as they drifted off to sleep.
When I was young I was a scrapper. I didn’t talk much. Often I whistled to myself tunes that I heard playing in the streets. I preferred my own company. I really didn’t let other kids get very close. Often I was too hurt or bruised anyway.
My first kiss was when I was young. I had it in my head that I would run away from home and find myself a place in the woods to call my own. I was really tired of living my life like a city rat. I spent a few nights out there. On the third morning fate so happened to bring with it a mischievous little sprite. The female fairy like creature spotted me lying next to a tree half asleep. She fluttered her way to me hoping to steal a kiss while I was unaware. As she placed here sweet lips to mine I opened one of my eyes. I caught a glimpse of her and closed it so that I would not frighten her.
At the age of thirteen I found myself meeting up with kids with families like mine. With little super vision around we ran around, played and got into horrible trouble. This kind of education causes a kid to catch on to the most grown up of activities. We taught each other how to steal, kiss and make love. Calleigh was a sweet tempered girl of fifteen with eyes as dark and deep as midnight. The two of us found ourselves one afternoon with nothing to do. We stowed away in an old factory. After the childish games of hid and seek was finished. We lied next to each other on an old red curtain next to some wooden crates. We where so young. Nothing could protect us from the beating of a heart.
I think I really begin to notice my abilities when I was about 15. A group of adults had caught a few kids and I breaking into their building. They beat us senseless and since I could take more they made sure I received more. Though I took the brunt of the beatings I was far less bruised than the others. They where amazed. Then I had started to notices that the beatings I had received where not as painful as they once where. It was then I started to pay more attention to what was going on with my body. I still don’t understand it fully.
The most important event in my life was when one of the city kids died in my arms.
It was a cold night in and snow had blanketed the city floor. I had left my home and mother for about a year then. To my guess I would have be about 17 or 18. The turf was tough for a runaway in the dead of winter. Due to a new law that allowed vigilantes the right to kill the home less we suddenly became hunted. Just finding a warm place for the night gave people every reason to strike you down. The poor kid just picked the wrong place to stand. He was only about 12 and already on he way to meet his maker. The man who killed him was a local shopkeeper that had grown frustrated at the recent vandalism to his shop. The furry the man had as he stabbed the boy was intense. It could have been anyone standing there on that cold winter eave.
Later I found out that the kid had a home and family. He was just playing to far away from home.
This moment pushed me to get myself off the streets.
There have been all kinds of people that had etched themselves into my lasting memory.
I would have to say at least my landlord has some regard for me. The old guy has certainly helped me out. Not just a bed and a job. All though he is rough cranky the guy knows how to best handle my particular attitude. Him and his bar are apart of this world that I hope never changes.
All time greatest achievement would have to be when I broke the vice principals jaw.
After all the suspensions, plotting to expel me, and crap he gave me all through school.
I though he deserved a graduation parting gift.
My only regret is simple. It is a regret that much of the worlds people have. At times it throws many into disappear. The regret is a deadly one. I have forgotten what I want to live for.
I crippled, no I crushed a childes dream. The tike wanted nothing more then to be a hero. He was a smart little guy I will give him that. I was at least five years older than he was before I really noticed a grave in justice that festered in our city streets. He got it in his little head that he would work for the city guard. What he didn’t know is that same city guard that he admired where among the most corrupt. The day he told me he was going to beg them for a job was the day I took him to the house for orphans. I am sure he hates me with all his heart for that. They will make sure that he grows up with the things he needs. Those guards would have killed that boy where he stood. Ever since the homeless have been targeted not many are safe these days.
The time in my life that I was most freighted? I was sleeping in the streets for some time. I hadn’t really slept or ate for several days. I was dieing. Wild city dogs used to see me as a threat to their food and water sources. Now they just roamed around me waiting for me to die. Some times I think they still are. At my bleakest moment I found a reason to live. Wish I could remember what it was. Such a reason is often comes at the worst timing. The change in me came just as some b*****d shoved a knife in me hoping to put me out of my misery. At the time I was barley conscious and I had not even noticed his presence. As soon as that knife enter me chest I woke up. I squirmed and I gasped and I moaned in octives. The dogs that surrounded me attacked the man driving him off. It was the same day I stumbled into the wet flask for the first time. I owe the bartender my life. It’s odd but some times I wonder if that man was my father. Oh and incase you where wondering the dogs still live with me to this day.
Most embarrassing thing that ever happened to me?
I fell asleep at the bar. Rolled on to the floor with a barstool wrapped around me legs.
Soon enough I was dreaming of Callegh. I called out her name in a room full of drunks.
I was probably fondling the chair. Sigh I guess it could have been worse.
I think I would have tried to force my mother to leave this town with me.
I believe that would have been our only chance. I am just not cold enough to leave this town with out her.
I don’t care what she has done or who she is I won’t abandon her completely.
Good memories are few and far between.
I would have to say when the bar tender called me son.
I think that was one of my best memories. It was the single time I could think of when I had seen the old guy smile. I wish I knew why he puts up with me though.
Between almost dying, destroying a child’s dream and living the nightmare that is my life….well I suppose there is always room for more isn’t there. Death has followed me around when I was living the street life. After word got out about the dead kid and my uncanny ability to take a beating no one wanted anything to do with me. Hard to believe but it was even worst than before. I don’t really blame them. For those who did get close enough to help me out, well they met a terrible end. The vigilantes were following me. I had quite a few knock out brawls with them. At first it was always some one new. Some guy on the look out for a hobo to kill. I guess it seemed librating to them to take their problems out on the homeless. Then it was not just one guy but a few. The faces were becoming far more frequent and familiar to be quincedence. They where organizing themselves. Seems that I became kind of a boogie man among them. They kind of decided I was a bit too much to chew. So they followed me and took there vengeance out on anyone I got close to. They figured if anyone fraternized with me than they where like criminals. That I was some evil figure that had bewitched the unsuspecting. Simply laying eyes on me was grounds for the vagelants to brutally attack. My presence lead to the pain an mystery of so many. All though I tried to stop this group more and more added to them every day. A family was killed in broad daylight because I picked up a little girls doll that she dropped. This lead to me attempt at suicide.
I am basically a pessimist. Too much evil dampens over the world to think in any other way.
My youthful years have racked up quite a criminal record. I have never seen it but it cant be too bad. Can it? I have not see a bounty on my head yet.
Greatest fear: Ezric strives every day to make something of himself. It is not status he cares about. Simply needs to prove to himself that he is not the street trash he came from. There are so many people how has had a negative effect on his life. They each represent something he hates. To be like the like his father ( The man who abandons others when the going gets tough) His mother ( the women that hides in a fantasy world) the guard ( people who pretend to be something they are not) The major ( one who passes judgment on those he does not understand) Or the city people ( who commit acts of violence simply to forget there own miss comings) to end up being like any of them would cause him to loss faith in himself. Ultimately what scares him is that the path he has chosen will cause him to become much worse then all of the others. That he will one day become the thing that causes all others to commit there heinous acts. He fears becoming completely and utterly unredeemable by neither himself, others or god.
Religious views: Everyone's in the game. And at any given time your money is either on red or on black. And that, by the way, is what faith is: it's placing your bet; it's putting it all on the line for what you believe is true--not what I wish is true, not what I'd like to be true, not what I'm trying to conjure up or squeeze out a lot of religious feeling to support, but what I believe to be what the preponderance of evidence points to. That's faith. Placing my bet. You have to put it all on the line. Regardless to what you choose to follow there is always that fear at the back of your mind. That there could be a consequence for your actions. If there is if there truly is a god out there checking list and filling out your debt then you are best to believe. If you don’t then and you are wrong you have a lot to lose. If you do believe and you are right you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. It still is a gamble with all the ways out there you have to believe that your way is the right one. If there is a vengeful god out there who dislikes the way you worship him your in for it. You can really know. So you make your gambit and stick to it. There is no backing out. Or turning back. Once you go around the roulette table and it stops it’s over. Winning is going on to an after life that is much less painful than this one.
Political views: The laws of man have been changed to many times. Ever since we invested out time into creating rules for ourselves those rules have been used to insure our damnation. No one is safe. Politics is just a fable told to our people. The rules are a false since of security. No one is really being protected not even the most corrupt among us. You ask me and I say we are living in times where demons walk among us. They hold more power here than we think. They write our laws and manipulate our information.
Sex: Is a connection you share with another human. It is pure a natural. Nothing can be hidden when you the embrace of another. What ever lies where told suddenly proves them false or ceases to matter. The act is not evil. It is how others handle the act that causes sinful choices. I have little tolerance for the perverted. Sex and trust go hand and hand. With out trust there can not be sex.
I don’t kill blindly. This world is strange and twisted. Morally I feel tormented for any situation in which I must take a life. I don’t believe my life is worth more than an others. I believe I must continue on. That I have a chance to redeem myself for all my wrong doings. I feel like I can truly help those around me by becoming the man I strive to be. If there are those who would hurt or kill me or those around me to stop me from me goal, I will regretfully take my stance. If they prove that I am doing more harm then good, I will allow them to take my life. There are evils in this world that must be dispatched I believe that those evils can only be stopped by death.
The most evil thing a human being could do. Claim themselves to be all powerful god. Renounce the humanity with in them. Torcher and brain wash those around them to do unforgivable acts.
I believe that there are those out there who can understand you at a level know one else can. That there are those out there who are destined to walk a similar path you walk. Situations they have lived thought allow them to get a grasp on what you are trying to say or do. I don’t believe that there is only one person that fits this description. If there was only one person out there that could truly love your or understand you than fate would have it that few would ever be found.
A successful life is one that allows you to be your true self wherever you go. It is a life with out regret. It is one in which you need not beg for forgiveness on your deathbed. Success if not what you have at the end of your journey but whom you are when it is through.
I am honest with what I say. I am rarely candid with anyone. I am not the kind of man who should say the things I think or feel, at least not yet anyway. There are those who would not understand if they knew who I really am. I often hear ghost stories of my past. I do well to not draw to much attention and allow others to know that those stories are about me.
I feel that the wealthy and the men in uniform are not a lot worth knowing. If there is a diamond in the ruff than I would most likely not see. I have a large discuss with those who I have met in such positions. I still feel they are the tools of evil. Even though person to person there are those among them that are good people I can help but feel this way. Both groups have more power I have ever had. Yet they have allowed countless atrocities to happen on our land.
I refuse to see any man greater than god or myself. Even if it means my life I will not give up my loyalty to any man. I will not give the time of day to someone who claims greatness over others. Stranger’s boasts are meaningless. I believe what I see, I test others strength with my own and understand with my own heart.
I will die for the one person I respect more than myself. I will go to great lengths to accomplish a my dreams. Some times alcohol and women are forces that drive me to do outrageous things. That is just the kind of guy I am. I can think of nothing in this world that I am willing to sell my soul for. My ideal is that people are not currency. Regardless of there beginnings in this world. Ones worth is not easily measured. In a pinch I could be swayed to choose to sacrifice myself for the good of many. I am the keeper of my own ideals. Those I choose to die for must truly be special for me to through away my goals and my life. I have and will go out of my way to help those who remind me of myself when I was young. I also take the lesson the old bar tender so cryptically taught me as a young man. To help those in need even thought they appear to be worthless, unsaveable or downright rotten to the core. Do not expect anything from the people you choose to help.
Generally I spend more time talking to my dogs then I do other people. I keep my distance from others as. Not because I don’t care for people but for there sake. I have a past with getting to close to people. I keep my eye open for the group of murders that attack those around me. If I focus on them they seem to keep there distance. Often it appears that I am paying little attention to those around me do to this fact. It can appear rude during a conversation.
If asked I would say an Bartender was the most important figure in my life. I would be sure that most would that only a drunk would say a thing like that. It’s true that man gave me what I needed to change my life. He may have not been why I chose to change my life. Regardless he saw some one who was willing to change and did what he could to help. Now I cannot tell you who or what I was thinking about that day sitting in the street with a Knife in my gut. Knew the answer to that. The one thing in my mind that changed my life, well that would truly be the most important figure in my life. For now the Bartender will do.
There are know names that come to mind. I have little respect for many of those living including myself. We let the world we know keep on moving the way it dose. So often we just put the atrocities out of our heads. The world is corrupt and the horrors I have seen are proof enough of that. I respect those who are actively changing this fact. Not to gain power or put some one better in charge but ones those who are truly looking to make a difference. Those who are willing to sacrifice everything for this change. Often those that I respect don’t live long. They are all dead and gone.
Keep all these in consideration that it is a very complicated abilities and he is not going to understand how to use all. For the most part he will just appear as a talented brawler. The more difficult the challenge the more interesting Ezric becomes. I put a lot of thought into this. Enjoy.
The closest people two me are the bartender (Kegain Dapper) his head waitress Chloe Laracdia
And my two pooches Juda and Cricket. There my best friends and the only family I truly care about.
Mr. Dapper: Is an older chap with a push broom for a mustache. Example it’s often large bristly and dirty. He is a strait forward man. He would say he says what he feels. He’s not a fool about it. The guy eats and breaths with more respect than any noble. He may have a humble existence but sure as hell is not sum slum lord. The man can be pretty harsh if he sees something wrong in some one. His heart is in the right place. Ezric is often curious about Kegain Dapper because to him he seems to be an oddity in this town. He knows that everyone here has there secrets but something about him doesn’t feel like the rest of the people that live here. As much as anyone can guess is that Mr. Dapper was Ex military or militia or something but know on knows for what means or for who.

Aubern hair
Father was a romance novelist.
She’s and aspiring writer.
5 ft 2 in
Curvaceous features
Brown eyes
Sense of humor is important to her.
Catch phrase
“It was brilliant”
“I mean, the man is a circus freak”
Two real and then two step-brothers, so I kind of had four brothers really
She’s comfortable with male company. She has a special energy about her. Some say when she walks into a room it lights up. She’s psycho, funny, aggressive and sexual, but also sweet enough that you still like her. She is endearing in some way. Constantly teases Ezric in the worst kind of way. She loves him but would not dare to get to terribly close. She fears he will find out secretes she has been hiding from him. She never wears any out fits that would expose her sides. She carries a long scar crossed her left side. She is both proud and ashamed of this mark. It is the price she paid for protecting Ezric. If he ever saw it or found out about it, she would be destroyed. She knows what he would do if he found out. She cares about him far too much to let him throw his life away to right the wrong.

Juda: Breed: Irish wolfhound. Aaah Juda, He is a big stinky lovable bulldozer. I swear to you that he is the biggest damn dog you will ever meet. He is a guys dog so he is always wanting to wrestle and always wanting to eat. You got to keep an eye on him for in a blink of an eye he will have you pinned with wind knocked out of you. I couldn’t ask for a better friend. Part dog and part pack mule he is always happy to carry more than his fair share. With Juda at my side I feel like the world cant hurt me.

Cricket: Breed: unknown. Cricket and Ezric have an odd relationship far exceeding what you would expect due to their unlikely partnership. Cricket always stays at least a arms length away from anyone. To most on lookers this cautious manner would appear as a typical stray; quite, shy and skittish. Anyone who has spent any real time with this dog will quickly realize this is not the case. This dog’s stair is fearsome and sharp. Those eyes are an artic frost that chills all which stumble into them. His eyes are nothing less than a faint reflection and an ominous reminder of the cutthroat beast that dwells inside. The dog shows aptitude of higher intelligence that much is for certain. Often this proves to be quite a problem form time to time for. Despite Ezrics annoyance and time they have spent together Cricket has yet to allow Eric to lay a hand on him. Numerous attempts have been made by Ezric to touch cricket but they have all lead to painful and comical situations for the guy.

Ezric is not married nor has he ever have been. He is a single guy and at the rate he is going looks like he always will be too. He has too much on his mind to carry the weight of another’s burdens. He is closed off due to the cross he bares. He will not look out of his own shadow until he can make since of his problems.
I look for strong women who that can stop a guy in there tracks if they need to. Red heads are always in season. A girl cannot be all skin and bones. Growing up on the street I more or less am disgusted by any girl that fancies a visible ribcage. Could be because most girls Ive seen like that where sick and half dieing. When you want to survive hanging around the sick is a death wish. Girls have to be willing to talk, get mad and argue. Kind enough to quite where they are ahead and smart enough to know when they have gone too far. Passion, Strength, Beauty a since of right and wrong. I don’t just want these things I need them. Some one who will love me for who I am and accept me for my faults. I don’t ask for any more that what I can return. I know right now it is not much. If I open up now the grief might be too much for anyone to shoulder. I have to follow my path and hope it prepares me for such a life with who ever I commit to.
How close am I with my family? Which one? The one I was born two and only met half of or the one I grew up with in the streets? I no longer live with my mother. The most contact I have with her now is when I take a night off of work. I shadow around the old place just to make sure she is not in too much trouble. Some nights I follow her around the city streets and leave a little money where she can find it. Besides that there is one other person I would consider family. He his not exactly the kind of guy I hope to see day in and day out. When I was younger and running around like a stray dog I met a boy a few years older than I. He wasn’t like the other street kids. He had things and he dressed himself in clean clothes. He was still alone. Just a bit smarter than the average kid. He worked the streets in a much different way from the rest of the kids. I learned the art of the con. Through this he made a good living of a 15 year old. He is the smart alic brother I never had. He has always been there when I needed him and even some times when I didn’t.
It’s the kind of relationship you need to get you though the streets in one piece. He is the first person I would think to turn to. He is the only one I would trust with the particular brand of problems I happen to run into. He is good with information and using his influence. He is still a little bit too unpredictable than I would like. Since I got older I rely on him for only the things I know he is willing to do. When it comes to protection it is a much safer bet to rely on my dogs. That isn’t to say the guy isn’t a good fighter. Hell when he shows up to a fight he certainly has no problem helping it come to a quick end. I keep all of the people I trust on one hand he is one of them. I believe I can trust Chloe and the bartender although I can count on them for protection I would want then to deal with the problems that come with getting involved with my life.
Who would miss me?
My mother with out my mysterious donations she would surly starve.
My street brother with out me he would surely lose what little bit of sanity he has.
The Urchins of Serra leon. I may be a boogie man among the people but in there case I stand out as a force that protects the down traughten. Chloe the bartender and the waitresses of the wet flask. Things would not be quite so lively if I was not around to stir up trouble.
Besides the upper class I despise the mayor of Serra Leon. He is a man who cares nothing about his responsibilities and obligations to the people of S.Leon. The laws he enforces only hurts the people here.
To be honest I just don’t use my words that much. If some one has a problem I let my actions speak for me. There has to be a really good reason for me to back down from a fight. I enjoy a good fight too much. I have worked so hard to be the man I am. Words have never meant much to me.
I tend to stay out of social situations. I feel that the more people get involved the worse things get. I never intend for anyone to follow my lead. I don’t wish for anyone to inherit my problems.
I prefer to stay out of big groups. I don’t want to be the center of attention. I have too many enemies that I don’t know their faces. Groups just make me paranoid.
I put up a big front. I would like to think that I don’t need anyone. Truth is there are people I have gotten close to. Despite my efforts I really care about what they think. I am driven to push for approval. Deep down I want the approval of my father who abandoned me. I want to meet him and show him that he made a mistake leaving me behind.
I enjoy fighting, rough housing gambling and drinking. That’s just the kind of guy I am.
There is nothing I carried of any particular important. Every thing I have ever owned has been sold, stolen or lost in a game.
I am fond of the color green. Especially when it is sported in women’s eyes.
There is nothing better than a cut of steak and a stack of hot chips.
If you see me sitting alone with a book it’s because I am in a pretty bad mood.
I tend to lose my self in war poetry.
A good idea for entertainment for me is causing some scene of irritation for the rich and powerful.
I also get quit a rush out of a thrilling game of high stakes gambling.
I smoke and drink. I am not proud of it. They contradict my drive to better myself. I deal with my problems on my own and sometimes a guy needs a little help.
A Saturday for me goes like this, I wake up at noon and make my way down stairs to the bar. The bartender gives me his latest rant for a while. Since business doesn’t really pick up tell nightfall I occasionally go for a walk and take in the city. Some times I take the dogs out for a bit of fun. When it starts getting dark I pop back into the bar and fade into the woodwork.
I can’t help but laugh when over blown and spoiled wind bags are forced to eat there own bigoted words.
Nothing gets under my skin that child abuse. I can’t ever grasp the concept of child exploitation. I am always shocked when someone sticks his or her neck out for me. It’s hard for me to take and I am not very good at showing my appreciation.
On nights when I just cant sleep I go to an old closed down gym. There I beat an old left behind punching bag until I can’t move anymore. After all that I sit silently and wait for sleep to come.
I drink to relax; I fight for acceptance and pleasure. When I am truly stressed I find myself spending the night with some one beautiful. I light candles. I watch the streets and I read war poetry.
To other’s I am sure I appear spontaneous. I am driven by my morals my goals and my faith.
The street life has taught me many lessons. Nothing is over until you let it be. So when I am in a situation be it trouble or a fight I am always paying attention and finding a way to come out on top. I don’t plan my fights all out before I start them. To me this is foolish. Your opponent cannot be trusted to act in the same way some other guy did. I have also learned that in a pinch you cannot save everyone. This is a sad truth. I will make damn sure to do my best to try. If I ever seem to be carrying out a plan or acting crazy it is because I am protecting something or some one.
Things that irritate me;
Men who are not men, (Guys who cry, shiver and shake, hide behind women and children, cannot protect themselves or others, can not provide for themselves or their families),warm beers and empty bottles. People who talk too much or long winded lectures that sound like it is coming strait from their a**. I don’t like being lectured. I hate bad hospitality, mosquitoes, hangovers and allergies. The smell of death. Miss treat meant of people, women or children.
I am used to doing things day in and day out. There are things about my routine I like things I have to do and there are things that get me through the day. So interruptions are welcome. Others are not. How I react when my routines has been messed with really hinges on what kind of day I have had. If you get in the way of my getting my job done at the bar then I am out of a home and out of work. Going with out a drink is fine but don’t expect me to be polite.
My greatest strength is my determination. I am headstrong and stubborn this aspect of my personality can be quite useful.
I have a difficulty excepting help from others. I can’t really trust anyone else.
If I could change anything about myself it would be my reputation.
I am introverted and messy.
Besides drinking fighting and gambling I consider myself good at predicting the weather.
I am also quite good at disappearing in a crowed room. Oh and I seem to be good at not only getting myself into trouble but getting right back out again.
No I don’t like myself. At least not yet.
Serra Leon is a horrible place to live. I would tell people that I adventure and put my life on the line for myself. I let people know that I only care about making myself worth something. Deep down I want to make life better for the people around me. I want the people of Serra Leon to no longer live in fear.
I want to change how people treat others.
I want to abolish the laws that enslave our fellow man.
I want to meet and earn the respect of my father.
I want to do these things before I die.
I see myself opening my own business.
In five years I hope to have my own place.
A place where I can have room to take care of those that might be in need.
I don’t know in five years I perhaps I will open an orphanage.
If I could choose how I was going to die it would be in a mysterious way.
I would like to die in such a way that people do not believe that I ever really left.
I don’t want anyone to watch me die. I don’t want them to mourn for me passing.
Very few people carried when I was brought into this world why should they when I am taken out.
If I knew I was going to die in 24 hours I would stop by the bar one last time and have a drink with Kegain. Leave everything I own to Chole. Walk off to some deserted city alley and let the dogs finish what they started years ago.
After I am long gone I would like the ladies to remember me for the incredible lover that I was.
The gents well I want them all remember me for the strength that can come from humble beginnings.
Words that others use to describe me.
Stubborn, brash, quite.
Advice for Ezric piece of advice it would be this. Know when to let go. You can be a lot happier if you would not take everything as a personal vendetta. Martyring yourself doesn’t do you much good after the lifetime of sin you have committed. Learn to take the help and advice of others. Learning everything the hard way is only going to cause you more heartache. Open your eyes there are people who care about you right under your nose. Stop drinking so much your going to give your self-liver damage. Read a book more often you will find that the stories in them can help you in trials you may face. Would you speak up people get tired of asking you to say the same things over and over again. Take a bath more often ladies are not attracted to the combination of leather, booze and dog. Stop being so picky about work your not that important. Stop blowing all your money on booze and gambling. You could be making a lot better use of it. Quit showing off so much people are going to think you’re a clown. Never stop believing in yourself.
Card power:
Well let me explain it myself. I am a diamond. How do I know? There is a diamond mark right here on my chest where my ribcage connects. Ever since the day I was born I have noticed that I was different. When I fell and scraped my knees like any other rug rats I fell hard. Some times I would be limping around for days. It’s like my body has always been under a great amount of pressure. As I got older I have noticed that those fleeting wounds like getting flattened by a table in a bar fight doesn’t feel like much anymore. I know it’s there and it’s always working on me. Some day I think it even ups the anti on me. Only to find out a couple of weeks later the extra bit of strength I got from it saved my life.
Prospective card power: For the RP leaders consideration. Ezrics card is in constant effect. Put’s a barrier of pressure on his body and the air around him. He has to stay in shape or he will die. Meditation and body control are also crucial to his survival. Although he may not sound it he is actually very deep. The point of the meditation allows him to constrictively control the forced air that is always trying to enter his lungs. With a higher amount of pressure on is space so is there on the atmosphere of are pushing on his lungs. If he where not so well adjusted to this change his lungs would undoubtedly burst. Unknown to him is that the cards power does fluxgate in times to save his life. Depleting the amount of aggressive force to allow him a better ability to perform tasks. As he said it also get’s harder on him if it perceives future danger. Also if they were where to be a foe far beyond his ability it would add more force to stop him in his tracks. Often if his body can reach and deal with a higher pressure it will stay at that atmosphere during for the rest of most days. Ezric has a good humor about it. He enjoys the challenge. He believes that more pressure is the only way a piece of crap like him will become worth anything. With enough pressure any piece of garbage can become a precious gem…a diamond.
Other prospective powers: If he ever raises that far.
Turning off his card.
Increasing the size of the barrier. (Foes standing with in feet would feel the same intense pressure that he endures)
Inverting the pressure barrier.
Causing a negative barrier. (Scary but interesting: he would have to hold his breath then again he would be able to damn near fly)
Moving the barrier to another object. (Incredibly nasty! Imagine fighting a foe that makes it so you have a difficult time moving or breathing)
Ezric Mezmonic: Human
An humorous young brawler. Has a shocking since of truth about him. Meaning he is not afraid to slip in terrible short facts about his disturbing childhood into causal conversation. His life was so meager and depressing it’s hard to believe he is telling the truth. Most think he is joking. Which is easy to believe for he never shows an inkling of depression about it. He lives above a bar with a couple of stray hounds. The dogs are quite an interesting story all on their own. His meeting with them is certainly something to pay attention to. He works as a bouncer for the bar at night. The weight of the world had always seemed to have always been on his shoulders.
Reasons why he is interesting to draw:
Near death scene involving him a mysterious man who had stabbed him and a pack of wild dogs. The scenery he is involved around is often very dreary. Rain soaked streets, vagrants and bar fights. The dogs are a very fascinating facet to his life. One being a mongrel animal with very unusual traits. He is a rustic urban kind of guy. Very little in terms of valuables just some clothes, a hat and a tan leather jacket.
Of course since I am looking into an ink drawing you won't be much concerned with back ground.
As far as physical features I don't have much narrowed down. I would like to see;
His trade mark tattoo ( A circle of black diamonds elegantly etched into the curves of his back muscles and shoulder blades)
His tan leather jacket
And prehaps a fairly impressive hat
appear in the drawing.
Really looking for a handsome drifter arch-type.
Some where along the lines of a Matthew Mcconaughey and a Antonio Banderas ( Like the movie "Desperado" wink