Hmm, but what to write about now... oh yeah, about the title. Spamtaro is a friend of mine from about a few months back. He's been really great and i guess this journal entry is to him. sweatdrop Oh well. Lanzer is sorry about the friendslist requests and will delete people when needed too. But as people may know that my friends list request is off so people that try, don't. Lanzer is also sorry it is a habit not to donate to unthankful people. This halloween event i did randomly giftwrap some ghost items i didnt neeed and is dreadfully sorry he did not pick others. Well, my ongoing quest for a RoRo is still underway and cannot donate to others if you ask. -Signed, Truly YOURS, Lanzer the 2nd.
Community Member
I LOVE YOU. <33 *Pulls up shirt*