Large scale drawing. Title: "It's The End of the World As We Know It" Artist: Me Date started/ finished: December 2nd of 2008/ December 7th of 2008
Okay. I made this a while ago, but I didn't get a chance to upload it until just recently. I am pretty happy about this picture.
The theme for this picture is all of the "end of the world" theories rolled into one picture. I made it in the hopes of relieving any tension about the whole thing by putting my sick and twisted humor to the topic.
What 'theories' are we looking at here? Well the big red buttons with the row of cannons in front of them are a part of theory one: "Nuclear War causes pollutants and mass destruction, causing the end." The larger than life hands pressing down upon the red buttons are the hands of former president George W. Bush and another leader that claims to have said nuclear weapons.
The robots are to represent the "computers and robots will get too smart and rebel against humans" theory.
The meteor is kinda obvious. It's the "a meteor will hit earth and cause mass destruction" theory.
The volcano is the theory about all or some of the major volcanoes around the world erupting and causing a good amount of the world to flood in red hot magma. d:
I would have put Obama in it seeing as how another theory was that he was supposedly the anti-christ that would lead the world into destruction, but I figured Bush did a good enough job at that anyway so I kept that out. xD
That's all. Leave comments if you wish. If not, that's good too. Have a wonderful day. smile
Yulia Olegovna Volkova · Wed Feb 25, 2009 @ 10:18pm · 3 Comments |