The first version of the categorical imperative suggests that every action should be considered as if it were universal law. As if everyone in the world would do it.
Say, If -by categorical imperative- Sex is bad................ Everyone would die off.
Or, If everyone were to jump off a bridge................ Everyone would die off.
If we were to all jump off a bridge over a cliff................ Everyone would die off.
If we were to all jump off a bridge over a cliff which happens to be right over the firey pits of hell................ Everyone would die off.
If by chance, we were to all jump off a bridge over a cliff over a sea of spikes in the firey pits of hell................ Everyone would die off.
So, if you were standing on a bridge, and you saw someone else everyone jump to their ultimate demise off a bridge over a cliff, which happens to be the sea of spikes in the firey pits of hell................ Categorical Imperative says... You go too, buddy. Sayonara~
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