Name: Dyle
Birth Date: 3/13
Age: 13
Height: 61 cm
Weight: 15.5 kg
Skills & Abilities: She is able to use justsus, control water and fire ( can't control fire well though ),
Personality: Her personality changes depending on who she is with. She can be cold and evil and kind the next.
Crew: No One (for the time being)
Side: Bad (nice to some people)
Purpose: Unknown
Element Nature: Water & Fire
Scars: One on both hands from fire ( Wears gloves to cover it ). a slash mark under her eyes from birth.
Likes: Playing with her Ewdy's antenna, gaining money , adventure, making smiles, poking things with her stick ,
meeting unnormal people, Playing with her hair ribbion , stealing.
Dislikes: Losing money , boring days, staying in one place, getting poked , meeting people who dislikes her fluff, being made fun of, remembering painful memories , people asking about her scar.
Character Bio: Dyle is young girl, at the age of 13. She doesn't live with anyone, but her little companion Fluff. Dyle had run away from her home, and she left her mother and older sibling behind. Although, she took their money. She often steals from other people. She stays alone, but Ewdy the Fluff is normaly there.
Dyle never really got to know her father. She was too young to remember. And sadly, her father died. She grew up kind, but her mood would change so very often. If she was in a room with someone she didn't like, she would become angry, or start acting evil toward them. They figured it was just a phase. Overtime, Dyle grew to have mood changes alot. Around her family, she was kind, but then she ran away.
She doesn't exactly recall, but before leaving her mother had been talking about getting her help. One of the reasons she ran away. The other reasons lie a mystery. Not much more is known of Dyle, seeing as to the fact she hides away stealing from people. She is one big mystery herself.