1. You said you never left me alone.
It was Lie
2. You said you never cheat with me
You Lied...
3. You said you gonna remember me forever
4. You say that you never gonna brake up with me...
Do you think that I'm some fûcking toy. Do you think I can handle this forever?! Do you think I can still love you if you cheat with my mind?! DO YOU THINK I CAN BE ALIVE IF YOU BREAKE UP WHIT ME?!
No... You just Cheat with me. Left me alone in the darkness. You never remembered me when we were together in somewhere. YOU BRAKE UP WITH ME! LIAR!

I'm Just a Ragdoll? Oh yeah. So I took my heart away. Cause i'ts broken so keep it! YOU BROKE IT! YOU SEE IT?! I'ts broken! No... You can't fix it Cause it's part of my ******** soul! YOU SEE IT! I'm lying in the cround AND IM FÛCK OFF DEAD! DEAD, DO YOU HEAR IT?!