I should of know you weren't diffrent
you just wanted to be the same
just the shadow of another one
instead of being a plain jane
I should have known you were another copy
of what other people have molded
and all this time
I thought you were your own person
and all this time
I never would have known
That you were just like every one else
just like the high school preps
just like the t.v. drama queens
just like a goth wannabe
but thats on me I should have
I should have saw
a copy and a clone when I never would of thought
but enough with the onslaught
just get back to the mall and leave me.
I saw you today
and you weren't the same
no individual mind
jsut playing a game
follow down there path and leaveth me behind
and in the end i'll end up with my mind
cause I know
how you think
and I know how you stare
and want s o hard to be them
but in the end
if were supposed to be them
you would be the same
but I wouldn't know
no I couldn't see
but it was a oblivious to set aprat me
that your jsut like every one else
thats how you'll be
i can't spend my time being a barbie wanna be
or maybe a chique retro punk
but in the long run i'm not behind
for I am special and one of a kind
I have an adittude and thats alright
I am a glow stick in this endless night
but thats on you
if you turn out like them
and its like you if your just a handful of cheap gems
and its alright if your just a toy
but never mind me koi
i'm just being me
so leave me be
I CAN only be me
-Marshmellow_Maiden- Community Member |