As you would have noticed from visiting my profile, my previous six-some of rats have all passed away from old age and irreversible illness the last couple of years. So now I have two other rats.
Rascal and Scamp (notice a theme?)
I got Rascal (the black hooded) not all that long after losing Mischief as a companion for Trouble. Rascal was a baby at the time, so now he's close to two. I got Scamp (the agouti hooded) about two months ago, as an adult, after losing Cassidy and finding myself with one rat and not enough time to socialize with him properly everyday. So here I am with two boys again, and they sure are characters. Rascal is the more human-social of the two, and likes to get on the floor and run around. Scamp is more anti-touchy and bold... he's known for chasing the cats off the windowsill while Rascal runs and hides.
So... more pics...
 Scamp, the day I brought him home. Which happened to be right before Thanksgiving so I was lucky to have even gotten the parking space to PetCo to go pick him up. XD
 Rascal, wondering why I'm pointing the camera at him again.
 We fit! Barely. Big boys in a little purple igloo. (little blurry, camera was trying to focus on the bars and the rats at the same time)
 Scamp found a new toy! A box full of paper.
 Rascal, judging the distance from the windowsill from my bed.
 Rascal: I can make it! Scamp: Where you going? (no, these weren't chronological, was actually a couple days apart... but he does this all the time)
Kachie Katti · Thu Feb 05, 2009 @ 07:21pm · 0 Comments |