Anyway, in 5th period social studies, Mr. Southard's, we didn't do a lot. Just a review of Central, South, and East Asia.
My 6th period class is science with Mrs. Carter. We got new lad partner like we do every 4 weeks, I'll really miss sitting by Haley.
We then started a lab on the heart system and breathing system.
Last period of the day was spanish with Mrs. Kerr. Nice, Branden, and I had to act out a scene, and Nico was a pickle, Branden was Elvis, and I was a banana!
It was so fun, but then we had to do 23 words and their means 3 times, but I finished in 20 minutes, i was soooo easy.
and just a little thing I forgot about, I was chosen today to be in Jr. Beta... Ima do it!
Also, Ima have a picture of my in my banana suit tomorrow, so stay tuned for more...