You and I
Here we are you and I, staring face to face in silence. My heart beat racing, my face blushing,and my body sweating. I try to speak to you but when I open my mouth nothing comes out. All I can do is stare into your beautiful eyes and wish this moment would never end. You seem so different to me now that we're older and things have changed. I look at you now and wonder: "what does he think of me?" "Does He like someone else?" "Will he ever feel the same way I do?" "I love you don't ever leave me." I've never felt these things for you before......It's all so new. Remember the days when we just hung out together not feeling these things and just go on like nothing happened? But now everything is different. When you take my hand or hug me I'd wish you'd never let go. Whenever you pass me and say "Hi!" or "How are you?" all I can do is stare or just wave my hand, because I'm worried I'll say the wrong thing and you'll leave me. So here we are face to face, staring at each other with our faces blushing out of love, and all I can say is: "I love you."