random thing#1!!!
I just got done taking a shower and while i was in there i got to thinking. These last few weekends i have had drama, drama, and more drama. My friends tend to attract drama like a stick would attract a retard. ( no offense anyone) some times i get tired of all the drama at school and at home. I just wish the world was perfect. but in this so called perfect world how would we have fun??? everything we do when were not supposed to do it makes it more entertaining. (especially in teenagers.) Like when your mom or dad says "dont run in the neighbors yard he is crazy." the first thought would most likely be "lets go get some friends and do it." so you get a couple of buddies and your running in the neighbors yard when you hear a gun shot and the earth in front of you goest up in dust. you look at the shot and see your neighbor with a shotgun. why didnt i listen to dad? you ask your self and haul butt out of there. well thats it for now. until next time im my journal of random things!!!