stole this from jess: xd i want to do it...
name: Samantha, Sam, Kirsten(more commonly known by friends)
siblings: 1 brother
hair color: extremely dirty blonde, and slowly turning brown
eye color: light blue/ gray
height: 5'4"
been in love: tons of times...never had a boyfriend though
eaten an entire box of oreos: nope--half a box
been on stage:nope--well...sung in a choir...on stage...*edit* just kidding! i was kindly reminded {by jess} that i have been in ballet for eight yrs and during that time have been in the nutcracker for 5 of those yrs...some other show which i forgot stressed for 2 yrs and alice in wonderland... 3nodding
gotten in a car accident: yes! our car flipped over one got hurt though eek
dyed your hair: umm...not offically...
ran around naked in front of people: never
choked in front of people on your own spit or drink: o yeah sweatdrop
gone to school in your pajamas: wont let me! stare
gotten a detention: *stare* maybe...
loved someone so much that it made you cry: ummm wen my grandpa died...does that count?
last talked to: jess...and she was being mean... stare
cold / hot: warm
blue / red: blue
rain / snow: both
give / receive: both?
wool / cotton: silk
rose / daisy: rose
private school / public school: definitely private been to the whole public school thing...hated it
chocolate milk / plain milk: i dunno...
celsius / fahrenheit: ummm...
spring / fall: spring
history / science: histoy
math / english: ummm...wat kind of question is that? duh xd ENGLISH
country / rock: country
coke / pepsi: pepsi!!!!! whee
cherry coke / vanilla coke: cherry coke!!!!!
sprite / 7up: sprite
love / lust: theres a difference? i guess
sleep / eat: both!!!
do you like someone right now: umm yes... 3nodding
do they know: no...i would make it a whole lot easier xp
what do you look for in the opposite sex: funny! kind! likes me for who i am! acts real! old fashinoned (in a sense)
do you think you could see yourself marrying this person you like: not really
do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: I wish i had a this rate im goin to end up living alone with my 13 cats... whee
who do you see most often: ummm...jess (when she actually tells me when she isnt going to go to school!)
who is your most annoying friend: Diana and jess 3nodding
which one do you wish you saw more often: dawn
who do you email the most: jess...although she never answers back!!!
whos the loudest: around friends? me! blaugh
whos the shyest: me! (in general) stare
who are you jealous of: jess because she has talent in so many more ways than she thinks...
who has the best room: i dunno...sarah??
whos the most horny: no comment?
who do you trust the most: all of them!
who knows the most about you: jess
one you usually miss: all of them!
had a serious talk: with my parents
hugged someone: my mom... redface 3nodding
missed someone: no one today...
gotten along with your parents: not really
fought with a friend: nope
cried: yes...
felt empty: no..
give hugs: sure...why not?
give back rubs: like to get them!
go to the beach: sometimes.
watch tv: yea!
do homework: depends? if im in the mood (unlike now)
play in the snow: yes!!!
work out: yup...sometimes...
talk on the phone: depends whom im talking to
go online: surf the web
do freaky things: sure...
be wild: o yea!!!
x WHO.. x
is most likely to grow up to be a model: be on the safe side...everyonE!
have known you the longest: dawn...(since 7th grade)
do you know most about: ummm...dunno...
been to a concert: no
been out of state: yes! lets see...D.C/maryland/virgina/florida/washington state/arizona/colorado/north carolina....
gone skinny dipping: no!
broken a bone: nope...gotton stitches twice tho...
met a famous person: saw robbin williams at the shopping center
bought something and then sold it: not that i know of...
stole from someone or somewhere: yup...
talked someone: huh?
x LOVE x
single or taken: single, unfortunately
if you were gonna go out with anyone, who would it be: George..or Brian..or rupert grint..or Orlando Bloom! heart
had an online relationship: no! how stupid is that!
what really makes you mad: fake people
x NOW x
where are you: in the den
are you wearing any jewlery: yup
when was the last time you showered: yesterday...
what color pants do you have on right now: black
what song are you listening to right now: watching, nickelodean
what is the last thing you said: "good bye" to my mom
what is your computer desk made of: um? wood?
what was the last thing you ate: smoothie
what would you really want to be doing right now: at disney land riding the rides!!!
if you were a crayon, what color would you be: blue
who would u like to spend the rest of your life with: umm...
The Basics
Full Name: Samantha Ann Schwerin ( pernounced: shereen)
Hair Color: extremely dirty blonde, and getting browner
Eye Color: light blue...
Height Currently: 5? 4?
Glasses/contacts: nope
I Was Born On: August 27, 1988
Star Sign: zodiac? virgo
Siblings: 1 bro
Sibling Age: 13
Location: half moon bay
College Plans: east coast!
Any Piercings?: ears
Social Life
Best Friends: sarah, jess, dawn, diana..i guess
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: I wish?
Current Crush: *see above*
Hobbies: shopping, listening to music, reading, talking on the phone, surfing the internet, swimming, soccer...etc:
Are you a Center of attention or a wallflower: depends..
What type of automobile do you drive: dont drive
Are you timely or always late: depends...
Do you have a job: yes..
Do you like being around people: depends on who it is?
Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: Brian Troxell
Have you ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did: extremly mad
Do you have a ?type? of person you always go after: depends...
Want someone you don?t have right now: yes..
Ever liked a close guy/girl friend: no..
Are you lonely right now: maybe...
Ever afraid you?ll never get married: not really...the single life can be fun!
Do you want to get married: maybe?
Do you want kids: maybe?
Room in house: mine!
Type of music: I like all types
Song: I have many...
Day of the week: friday
Color: blue
Perfume or Cologne: yup!
Flower: white rose!
Month: december, august, january, febuary
Season: winter/summer
Place to be kissed: on a ride at a theme park/ alone at a park or somewhere/ anywhere romatic...NOT THE MOVIE THEATER...
Location for dates: *see above*
In the last 24 hours, have you?
Cried: yes
Bought something: no
Gotten sick: no
Sang: yes
Said I love you: to my mom
Wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn?t: no
Met someone new: no
Moved on: ???
Talked to someone: mom, brother, dad
Missed someone: no
Hugged someone: mom again
Kissed someone: no
Fought with your parents: yup
Had a lot of sleep: yes
Wanted this survey to be over: kind of...
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