![User Image](https://i279.photobucket.com/albums/kk129/Darling214/HPIM1917.jpg)
lol I had to edit it a bit... but changed the saturation too much... stupid flash. stare
ANYWAYS its been interesting.
I was writing with a really cool pen- the kind that make me wonder why I'm not a pen- fanatic.
I have discovered, after months of not noticing, that on my profile my "about me" thing has "somehow u have stumbled across my profie." or something like that... xD anyways I lost a letter somewheres along the way, so after I'm done with this I'll go fix that. xDD
Also these past few nights my bro and sis have been keeping me up past midnight what with their very loud music and bright lights and constant talking on the phone. stare The good thing: my sketchbook is getting a run for its money. cool Although I am better off at realistic things... did a kind-of self-portrait thinger and it turned out kinda okay... =3
Oh yeah... dad's side of the family had their Christmas the other night (time is warped- don't ask me what day it is. x.x)... it was suck-ish. Mother, as always, went and screwed it up for us (for many reasons): 1. it was supposed to be a light sandwich kinda thinger, and mom brought (what else) CORN! freakin' A that's not a light snack... stare 2. Gifts. She had supposedly been sent an email saying that she could either buy us gifts, or do like EVERYONE (even the little kids) else did and participate in the exchange. Welp, we got our own gifts, pretended to be surprised, and left out on all the fun.
She was also pretty mad and me and my brother for not doing our memory work for Sunday School either. Frankly, I had tried to learn it, but finding no time to do such petty things as memorize things I'll forget in 2 days, procrastinated on it until it was too late. we had some sorta awards ceremony thinger after church (was supposed to be a "party," but kenny arranged it so it was suck-ish. stare ) and they all got chocolate for doing their memory work whilst I was sitting there enjoying cake I took from the adults. xD
Chris came over tonight. He has this thing where he talks really fast and uncomprehendingly, (its actually a word! biggrin ) so ya... rolleyes I had to baby-sit them part of the time... was none too pleased because I had to get up from a very nice nap to do it... Karen got him a sweatshirt (from the Big & Tall section at JCPenny's xD) for Christmas... (like u really needed to know, right? =P)
Homework... WOOTNESS PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE!!!!!! whee I am *almost* done with the Jungle (haven't journaled past 16 though- keep notes on each chapter though so its fine) and my butterfly is turning out nicely... but I remembered the other day I also have to make a resume (accent "e" wink and cover letter for BPA before Jan. 9th... cry ah well. Then I have to prep for an interview, too.
oh and our Hispanic worker, Cosme, and his brother, Alberto, brought us a gift! Its this really delicious mocha cake stuff... >.< we give them cookies and free meals once in a while... xD quite fun...~
-.- drat. my notes ran out. (the compy kept freezing so I made a list with the cool pen of everything I wanted to say and had to do =P) ... I added a lot of songs to my profile yesterday. kinda fun. not that I really really really like them- just stole them offa my sister's list. (its gone now... wonder where it went...?)
so's ttyl folksies... have a good night, a good week, a good year, and a good life. cool