yes journals were u can invade the privacy of.....anyone
i plan to write basicly wats on my mind what im doing so on so forth....but yeah
dear me today is christmas but sadly, im cannot open gifts yet for it is 3:45 in the morning (which is just 6 minutes off from my last journal Dsmile but yea mah ears are hurtin cuz of my headphones being in my ears for over 3 hours. but hey, i found some good music
anyways, christmas. the day with many gifts and when little girls and boys may or may not get what they want from santa yus tis a weird day. OH! i just rememberd somthin you know how jesus died, and came back to life 3 days later and so created the day we know as christmas? well, my birthday is 3 days before christmas. yup jesus died on mah birthday D: eek XD it took 16 whole years and a day to notice that silly silly me