She knew she was going to die today. She had no idea how or when but she knew. Now she was very cautious. Ready for anything to happen. Nowhere was safe anymore for Aqua. Aqua is a water faerie. She can heal, kill, and/or sense death and fear. This time she was sensing her own death. Her death was seen in a nightmare the night before. You see, this is how she receives the deaths and fears everywhere. It haunts her, but helps others.... Her village makes her stay asleep through the entire nightmare. Strapping her down, so she cannot escape from the nightmares roaming around in her head. Waiting for good or bad news. Last night, her village made her sleep through her own death. It was going to be today.
So now you know the gift that is within Aqua. I will be posting a second part very soon
So now you know the gift that is within Aqua. I will be posting a second part very soon