well would you look at that, it's another day. it's 3:07 AM on sunday morning. rather nice, actually. it's dark, quiet, mi madre is asleep, and that means i get to relax... i got Bully again, the game by Rockstar. For those of you who don't know what Bully is, it's this game where you play as this kid named Jimmy Hopkins. Pretty much you've been sent to this boarding school cuz your mom ran off with another guy, so you go to Bullsworth Acadamy. Now somewhere along the way you come up with this great idea to take over the school, so guess what you do? you take over the school. one clique at a time. it's a pretty good game actually... this will be my second time playing it, and i've forgotten enough to where it will be enjoyable. anyways. school starts back up tomorrow... to be honest i'm looking forward to it... i've missed my friends. long breaks always make me restless, i have the bloody lips to prove it. (i bite my lip when restless) anyways. i'll be happy to get out of the house again... not so happy to have to do work... i don't care for work... at all... then again, who does? oh well... *sigh* well, that's all that's on my mind for now. see ya later loves.
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