I've had a pretty dang awesome Thanksgiving break so far. On Wednesday, my brother came to visit. Total awesomeness! We hung out in his room watching TV until he went to go hang out with his friends. He'd been telling me that I stayed home too much, so I'd texted my friend Kayli and asked if anything was going on in her town. Little does Clayton know that the reason I don't go to parties is that nothing's ever going on. Anyways, since there wasn't any parties I went to Kayli's house and we watched a movie. Clayton took me, since he was going that way, and he said I had to be the Designated Driver on the way home.
Me and Kayli watched this Beatles documentary thing, which was just a bunch of Beatles footage, including interviews and lots of screaming girls. We pretty much watched that and slept for a couple hours. I know I have true friends when I just spend 15 minutes driving to their house, then we just go to sleep. So, Clayton came to pick me up, but I was tired as hell so I didn't want to be the DD. But he hadn't had too much to drink, so Clayton was probably more capable of driving than I was. Plus, it was dark and foggy. I hate driving in the dark and fog. Clayton was okay, he retains his alcohol very well.
The next day was Thanksgiving. Wooo! We went to my grandma's for lunch, then we headed to Austin for the UT vs. A&M game. Which we won. 49 to 9. We are beasts! I was happy I got to go, it's the first college football game I've ever been to. We went tailgating with my brother and some of his college friends. It was horrible. All they had was freakin' beer. Bud Light, Natural Light, and Natural Ice, whatever the heck that offbrand crap was. There wasn't even anything semi-decent, like Smirrnoff(I know I spelled that wrong) or any type of Alcopop(if you don't know what that means, google it). Had to walk at least half a mile to get to a 7-11 to get some dang Propel.
The game was pretty fun. I got to sit in the student section with my brother and a few of his friends. Clayton has some awesome friends, by the way. They like to party, but they're nice. They shook my parents hands and asked them how our Thanksgiving was when we met them. I totally almost had to sit by myself(well, not by myself, but with people I didn't know) because I had a ticket for section 27, and Clayton's was for like Section 29 or something like that. This one lady at 29 wouldn't let me in with Clayton, so we went to the next section and some cool guy let Clayton in. I was pulling off the "scared little kid" look the whole time and Clayton was like "this is her first game, let me at least show her where to sit." In the end, we got into the seating place and found seats. We didn't sit much, though. People like to stand in the student section.
It was really, really fun. People were yelling and going crazy. There was like 90,000+ people there. If we're really lucky, there'll by 500 people at our high school playoff games. So, a lot more people than I'm used to. I loved the enthusiasm, though. One guy was in a Longhorn Santa outfit. It was crazy. All the cheers were awesome. By the end of the game, I'd sorta figured out a few of 'em. Close your ears, young people.
"Give 'em hell, give 'em hell, make 'em eat s**t!"
I think that's how it went.
So, I've had a good week so far.
Playoff game tomorrow. Let's hope we win that, too! Woooo!