Today was so bad the whole day, the whole day because of what i did. I moved instead of resting like God wanted and moved without being told.....so i put myself into a battle i wasnt prepared for, this wouldnt of happen if i would of waited on God's timing. I put myself into battle without a mission or the armor and weapons i need so i became exhausted and worn. It was like going into battle as a soldier in an army with out my gear, my weapon, or a mission briefing and the training......im facing this battle but i realized im not alone ever God is right here with me trying to help me and get me out of it so he can prepare me for it, this battle.....We are soldiers for the Lord's Army if we want to win battles we need to focus on the Lord and let him train us, send us through his boot camp, of breaking and remolding, of teaching and understanding, of when to move and when to rest, he knows what is best for his people, his children. So have faith in our Father for he is with us and knows when, where, how, who, why..........we must listen to the steady beat of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah....we must hear his voice, his quite ever present voice......Glory to our Father God......A friend of mine who i never would of thought would say something from God spoke tonight because the Father had an anwser, a word for me to hear to inspire and prepare me for the battle i have entered......the word was: Like a soldier in the real army we must learn to adapt to the situations and battle we are in, and let the Lord our God, our Commander guide us through, for he will never leave and we may enter a battle we yet arent ready for us but God will turn that bad situation into something good, that will teach and prepare us.....So all of you who are in battle, about to be told to go into battle, or didnt lissten and entered the battle without being told to, Trust the Father and what he can do through you even when not prepared because he will prepare you and guide you...................Glory, Glory be to God who was and is and is to come. Amen.
JesusFreak_Nazarite_4Ever · Wed Oct 29, 2008 @ 05:01am · 1 Comments |