It has been one year since I have been on Gaia
3nodding xd . And Iam really happy to know that I can keep making new friends
3nodding xd . Some of my friends aren't on anymore but the memories are still there
3nodding xd . I want to thank all my friends and everyone in Gaia for always being there for everyone
3nodding smile . Oh and Happy Birthday seffy_chan
xd heart . I wish you the best
whee . As a gift I wil draw a Avi Art of your avatar
3nodding smile . If anyone else wants avi art (anime style) or anything else in Anime style. You can pm me. I haven't had an idea for how much though
sweatdrop . I will let you decide
3nodding smile . Here are some samples
3nodding xd 
Easy Bake Oven
smile . The first one I drew
heart . She said she would have given me 2000gp
eek , if she had enough money
3nodding . But maybe I will do it for free for sometime and see what people think about my art
3nodding xd .

~Bohemian Romance~ I gave her a avi art because she gave me one
3nodding . And as a thankyou this was for her
3nodding xd .
I hope everything is well for eveyone and I will make more and put it in my journal
3nodding xd
Community Member