Kiki was taken in by Toya Cross (Elie's garndfather.)He was the one who gave her a home,food,a loving family,and a place to called her own.Kiki only being a kitten at the time of Elie's birth,was very contected with Elie.Has Elie grew up.So did Kiki,but that day when Elie's parents died.Kiki hind and she only remember Seeing Elie run into the Rukon area.Kiki had lost a good friend and she walked a loney road,till Elie came back to the Cross mansion.Elie remember Kiki cleary,but Elie was older now,and Kiki knew that.She swore to herslef she would protecet Elie and be here for her till the ever end.In human years Kiki is only 6.Her birthday is unkown,but Toya gave her the birthday of January.6.
Has Elie grew up, she notice she was more free and that her life wasn't all tears and pain.At the age of 21,Elie became Captain of Squad 4.She was very good at healing and she knew her life would change.Even thou every time she is depressed all she can think about is the hard time,but she also knows she has her brother,kiki,and her family watching over her.Now that the age of 21.Elie is grow up to be a beautiful young women,but her emontions still get the better of her.She has master the power of fire and it's healing.Elie loves being a Kuchiki and Cross,but she knows she has to protect the ones near and dear to her.But Elie has a dark secret only her brother has seen.Elie has a true form.Were her hair turns teal and her eyes are black.She only uses this form when it's time for battle.But Elie knows she has to protect those she loves,even if it means dead.She will deliver the Cross family into greatest once again.(Photo below of what Elie lookes like now.)

Elie Ichgio Cross:Age 21 Captain of 4th Company
Now the next Photo will show you, Elie's true self and how she goes into battle.Her perfect teal hair and Black eyes.

Elie has a few things she would like to share with you all.
Her likes:
*Raspberry flavored Tea
*Cherry Blossoms
*Long moonlite walks
*Listening to rain fall
*Being with friends and family
Her dislikes:
*Hollows and Arrancer
*Total darkness
*Dead of a loved one
*Remembering her past (That times she hates it,other times she loves it.)
These are going to be Elie's last words when she dies.
"I knew you all care,but I must leave you now.I have left something with each of you.....had thing is love.To my brother and family.Thank you for being here and always showing me the right path to take.To my friends,thank you for the time we have had together.But lastly to my squad,you're all special to me and you all work hard.I'm just happy I could see your smiling faces one more time before I pasted.Please be happy and just move on.You don't need to forget me,but just don't cry over me.I love you all."