Elie Ichigo Cross Full Profile
Elie Ichigo Cross the only known survivor of the noble Cross family.She is now Byakuya Kuchiki younger sister.She was born on Apirl.7.Elie is a young beautiful women.Who is the age of 21 and yet she acts like a a young child.Her emontions sometimes get the better of her.Her only goal in life is to be like her older brother Byakuya.This goal started to form in her mind at the age of 6.
In Elie's childhood,she was never really happy.The only happy moments she remembers was when she was with her mother and father.That all changed the day of her 4th birthday.Her mother and father being of a noble family,gave elie a birthday party.Elie's father:Hayate Cross.(Photo below)

*Hayate Cross:The head of the Cross family. Born on January.30.He died at the age of 35 protecting his young daughter Elie and his wife Sara.He was the sumcaptain of 5th company and he was first to ever handle Dark phoniex within the time period of 3 days.He was a strong and care giving father.Who always laughed and smiles when he was around his family.When he was on duty he was emotionless and overprotective.He loved his family and the only gift he lefted Elie was the Beautiful Cherry Blossom Orchard.That he and his wife are burried in.*
He thought it was time for Elie to get the blade the was handed down among the Cross family for years.He talked to his wife:Sara Cross(Photo below)

*Sara Cross:The wife of Hayate Cross.Born on April.21.She was a beautiful women.Who died at the age of 30.When she dove
over her daughter Elie to protect her from a bomb that hit the Cross Manison on Elie's 4th birthday because of two hollow reapers.She loved cherry blossom and the wind going throught her hair.Her daughter Elie Ichigo Cross is her legacy.She was always a happy easy going person and she loved to walk in the cherry blossom orchard with Elie when she was younger.*
She though Elie would enjoy a sword,but she had her doubts about giving her the Dark Phoenix at such a young age.But Elie's father gave it to her and said."Elie this sword is the dark phoenix and now it's time I gave it to you.Please take good care of it and protect it with your life and it will do the same for you."After those emontionly words from her father.A big boom came from the celing and the right wall of the family room.The Cross Manison was being attacked.(Photo of the Cross Mansion below.)

*The Cross Family Manison or Dojo has been in the family for 10 Generation.Here are many Cherry blossom trees here and beautiful clear streams.It has 4 stories and in the back yard here are many beautiful gardens of white and red roses.The grass is always green and you can see the sunset perfectly off in the distance.*

*Toya Cross:Elie grandfather who died at the age of 100. He was born on August.15.He was the one who found out the secert fire power the Cross have today.After he found the power the Crosses had to contorl fire.The dark phoenix gave him a blood red cape that should be pasted down with the sword to each Cross child.That should be able to handle the dark phoniex. He was the 8th one to carry the dark phoenix and to master it.The training told effect later in his life and he was slowly dieding because of it.In his youth,(Photo below)

he was a powerful soul reaper who was in 9th divison.His skills were quite powerful,but he never knew his blade's name.So later on he went the Cross training grounds and he finally pushed himself to see the dark phoniex's true power.From then on out...his body was more weak and yet he never paid any attention to it.But once he turned 30......he's powers went out of contorl and he make the choose to leave the 13 court guards.*
Yet the dark secert behind the Cross Family is that their high Spiritual perssure can be senced from a good distance and so the hollow reaper who attack Elie's family were the enemies of Elie's grandfather Toya.In Toya youth he went on a mission and he got into a big fight with two hollow reapers.Before Toya killed them....the hollow reapers disappered and said evily."Once you get married and have a son. Your son,once he gets married and has one child.On it's 4th birthday we will kill every last one of the Cross."
Toya died the day before Elie's birthday and his last words to her were"My beloved granddaughter.Please grow up and become a beautiful,responable women."Elie loved her garndfather and she was hit hard by his pasting.On Elie's 4th birthday just like the hollow reapers said.They came and killed Hayate and Sara right before elie's eyes.Once they finish her parents they put their icey cold baldes against her neck and said."We'll be back for you later young one.Happy Birthday Brat." After the the death of both her parents she ran in the rukongai area.She hide and she lived by herself till the age of 16.
At the age of 6.(Photo below)

Elie wanted to fill in with the child.She asked them if she could play with them,but they only pushed her to the ground and said to her."Go home little brat....oh wait you can't your mommy and daddy are gone.You're just a stray rat with no one to love you."Elie knew what they had said were true.She had bruises and small cuts from the beating she got from the child.But one day that all changed when a noblemen came to the rukongai area.Elie looked into his cold purple eyes and all he did was stair down at her.He was followed by a red haired male........when he said his name.He said is calmly."Captain Byakuya kuchiki.The first needs to see you."Once Elie heard his name she told herself one day she would become a captain and be strong just like Byakuya.
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