Bout killing and murder, right?
But you know what else I want to do? To Kill?
I've said that I wanted to murder everyone in this so-called family.
But I said I wanted to murder "everyone", right?
And I do mean EVERYONE.
I never admited it, but I just want to murder and kill my friends.
*sigh* I don't know. Logic seems to be slipping out of my mind. Sucks, I know. I guess because my urges to kill has gotten a whole lot stronger lately; I don't know why.
But here I am, sitting on this brown, comfy chair, drinking a Mocha Frappuccino and listening to songs on my itunes.
Oh and guess what?
I finally got to talk to Renee today. Well, on the phone.
Lyndsay, Kimmy, and Renee invited me to hand out with them today but I couldn't.
My mom won't let me go out with my friends on her work day so I called Kimmy back and told her that we could hang out on Tuesday since my mom doesn't work that day.
I was really looking forward to hanging out with them too!
Well yeah, Tuesday. Hello! It's Fall Break! Hallelujah!!!
Damn! If only I didn't slack off at home, I could've turned in my Personal Narrative and gotten an A+!! But nooooooooooo!!!
Instead, I let myself get distracted by Anime and Transformers!! Mostly Transformers.......Lol
Speaking of Transformers.....
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
But you know what sucks soooooooooooooo bad?
I'm going to miss the release of the Twilight Movie!!!
Because I'm going to be in Austrailia for a cousin's wedding!!!
Okay, my mom took me and my Aniki to school, right?
Aniki went first to hang out with his friends and me and my mom went to see our Principal. We talked about our credits getting taken away and all that crap.
Okay, so after we talked with Principal and I bid farewell to my mom, I opened the doors that led outside from the office and a friend named Austin said, "Hey! It's Vannaka!"
So I told them why I was late((Cause I'm usually the first one there out of everyone else XD)) and then Lyndsay asked me when I'm gonna leave and I said, "Novemeber 17."
Then Christine said, "You do know that you're going to miss the release of the Twilight Movie, right?"
I stood there, dumbfounded then I yelled out [********]
All of my friends started laughing then and I hit my forehead on the wall of the office building saying, "Ow" in the process.
Omg, Lolz!
Now what else did I want to say? I thought of something to say while writing that Paragraph but now I forgot.....Damn....
Oh and, I actually found a person that has the last name Cullen.
I was just on Wikepedia((I know I know. The unreliable site)) just to look at the Transformers Cast and what other movies they starred in.
I think the dude's name was Peter Cullen, yeah. It is. Peter Cullen.
Anyways, this CULLEN person did the voice of Optimus Prime and when I saw that I was like, "WTF!?!?!?!"
Cause ya know......CULLEN.
Carlisle CULLEN
Renesmee CULLEN
Okay, Transformers then.
I just love that part where they were at Sam's house and Sam and Mikaela were looking for the glasses and Sam's parents came inside his room and the Autobots were hiding from the parents. I love that part!!!
I also love the music from when Sam and Mikaela are getting in the car after the "Giant Droid Death Match"((That's what Mikaela said. Lolz))
It's called Before It's too Late by the Goo Goo Dolls. But I just want the instrumental version((without the lyrics))
Ya know what? I want a Camaro as my first car or something. I just want a Camaro. It'd be cool if it could transform into a Huge, Advanced Robot. That's be sooooooooooooo Kick a**.

Bumblebee all the way!!!
I sooooooooooo wanted to kill Megatron when he tore Jazz apart!!!
I screamed, "NO" when I saw Bumblebee's legs tear off when the missle hit the Furby then hit Ironhide and Bumblebee!!!
I couldn't stand to see his legs fly off but I bore with it.
Anyways, I'll leave it here and go since I'm super duper bored.