Xeenx is split into two realms, each realm having five major cities and the occasional small village along the borders between them. The controlling city sitting in the center. In order to attack the main city, all the four surrounding cities must fall first.
LumenLumen is the realm of light, protected and ruled over by Jasontekka (Jason) Minusuto. USUALLY but not always: Wolves, Cats, and Birds, will choose this land, having the lighter and more positive spirits. The leader of this land is a well respected scientist, married to a beautiful woman named Arcan with two lovely daughters, and one artificial daughter.
AtraAtra is the land of dark, ruled by Durion. Bats, Snakes, and Tigers rule this land prominently. If there is a single cat or bird found among them they will be slaughtered. However, since wolves are the strongest of the spirit animals, they are welcomed with open arms. However, since there has not been a single Wolf that has chosen the side of darkness, Durion is often angry even though they have the second strongest, bats. Durion has no children and is unwed, but he is far younger than Jasontekka. (Durion is exactly 23)
Map of Xeenx:
http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm300/xoxCrimsonxox/Xeenx.jpgSpirit Animals EVERYONE born into the world of Xeenx was born at the death border, the border separating Lumen and Atra. Once crossing the border, you cannot cross it again unless you are INCREDIBLY strong or are given permission by either Jasontekka or Durion, depending on where you hail from. At the border each child is born with a spirit animal who chooses what side the child will live on. Parents and babies are often separated this way. Each spirit animal is given a symbol that they must wear somewhere on their body. The symbol system is as follows:
ShapesCircles: Wolves
Triangles: Bats
Squares: Tigers
Octagon: Snakes
Irregulars: Cats/Birds, depending on the overall shape. If its more circular it’s a Cat, if its
more jagged and misshapen it’s a bird.
Necklace pendant given to children at birth:
http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm300/xoxCrimsonxox/shapes.jpgThe spirit animals also have elements, names, and specialized weapons. The animal will tell the child its name at birth and only the child will know its name. The weapons, while varying in many ways, are similar in the fact that they remain vaguely the same in structure but differ in use.
ElementsWolves: Daggers
Bats: Needles/Poisons
Tigers: Swords
Snakes: Staffs/Tonfa
Cats/Birds: Archery/Projectiles.
WeaponsWolves: Pure energy (light)
Bats: Pure energy (dark)
Tigers: Earth
Snakes: Water
Cats/Birds: Fire/Wind