(WARNING: this is going to be a really long entry so if you don't like reading go away)
OK so today started out horrible. I woke up at 7:20 which was just 20 minutes before I was suppose to be at school. I didn't wake up because my brother stole my phone again! So I got out of bed (in a bad mood) and I looked for my clothes and I realized that my shirts for school were in the washer still. So I ran to the washer and they weren't there, so I looked in the dryer, and they weren't their either, so I looked around for about 8 minutes and my brother told me that my mom thought they were my other brothers and threw them into my brothers room while he was gone, and she didn't even bother drying them! So I had to put them in the dryer for another 25 minutes while I tried to get myself ready for school. Normally I like to be a half-hour early to school so I can hang out with my friends but normally my brother keeps me waiting so I normally get there to late. So this really pissed me off because it was the one day my brother wasn't at home! So I ended up getting to school at 8:08 and on the way I saw my friend Chelsie walking to school, which from her house is about 3 mile.
So I go to school and I meet up with my friend Jacob and we walk around the first floor for a bit and annoy people. Then I went upstairs with my friend Shay and Ryan and then Shay went to her homeroom, and then I was forced to go to mine. And unfortunately for me we had benchmarks. (Which is like this really long test thing.) And I hated everyone in my homeroom so I was in my homeroom from 8:30am to 1:40pm. And during that period we went to lunch, so when I got there they wouldn't let us sit where ever we wanted, So my friend Rachel, Shay ,Jordan, and Ryan were all in the cafeteria at once and I had to sit with the people I hate the most(My homeroom) So after its done I went to my science class and I had to take a CBA(which I have no idea what it is, all I know is that is a test) and then another quiz right after it in like 30 minutes. Then I went to my math class(Heres where it gets better) I get there and I find out my teacher is absent, so for people from my math class, like the only four I actually like have to go to a different math class, and we were all sent to my friend Shay, Garret, and Brenna's math class. The teacher was a total b***h but I still had fun, even though I had to take two more quizzes and do some other sheet. So I'm sitting there talking with Shay and Noah threw notes, and we look at the teacher and burst out laughing after we watched her put her cell phone in her bra, which was rather disturbing. Then we got out report cards for the first marking period of school, and I found out only one of my grades was below 91, and that was math at a 82. So then we leave class for the buses, and I have to go meet up with Jordan because he has shay's Mp3 player and was suppose to put music on it for her a few days ago, but he didn't,lol.
So we end up meeting up with Shay and Chelsie anyway because Chelsie had to ride out bus today. So Shay planned to go to the park, and we ended up inviting Matt, Noah, Jordan, and well Chelsie had to come with us.
So we get on the bus and talk about s**t, and then like the fattest kid on the bus yells to my friend Shay thats shes a fat Gothic b***h, and then he was saying that shes going out with some guy who he thought was a girl at first. He was revering to me. So Shay called him a fat wigger. and also said he looked like a marshmallow when he wears white shirts. So then the fat a** finally shut but then starting throwing stuff at us, so Shay threw a ruler at him and then he got off the bus. Then my friend Chelsie, who now that I think about isn't really my friend I just hang out with her, bites me on the hand. Now I have a purple bruise on my hand, and then I got one on my arm from her.
Then we got off the bus and went to shays house where Chelsie kicked me in the balls. Then we headed to the park. We got there and I had to walk home and get dressed, so I grabbed my cell phone and my ipod, and headed back to the park. Then a few minutes later my friend Noah arrived, and then a few minutes later Jordan arrived. So we hung out at the park, while Shay and Chelsie yelled at the guy with no shirt on, how sexy he was. Then my friend Noah wanted me and J.B.(Jordan) to help him in a game of basketball against that guy, but the thing is J.B. and me didn't really want to, plus the guy is there everyday playing basketball so we would probably get out asses kicked.Then Chelsie kept trying to hit kick me and stuff and put rocks down my pants, and back, and then my friend J.B. also got into it. But I'm a lot faster then them (they says its because I'm Mexican) but I have asthma so I couldn't run for that long, So J.B. just chased after me and then Chelsie tried to kick me so more. so finally I said "Listen b***h stop ******** kicking me!" then she kicked me really ******** hard in the a**. ( of course!) and I kicked her back as hard as I ******** could. I she freaked out and went to Shay and Noah. Then Jordan freaked out on me because I hit a girl, but I told him I don't give a s**t what gender they are if they won't stop I'm gonna ******** hit them back. Then I sat down on my knees because my a** hurt like hell, and my friend Jordan was calling me a baby because of it. Then we went over to the baseball diamonds and walked around on the roof of the building that controls the lights and everything for the fields, and signs. Then Shay had to go home so we all walked to her house, and talked for a while once we got there. Then Shay's parents got home and Shay gave them her report card, and she did the best she had ever done, and her parents were really happy. So Shay became un-grounded. Then he mom said to us if we all bring out Report card back to them tomorrow and were all passing shes gonna buy us some pizza and were gonna watch a movie at Shay's house. So I thought that was pretty cool. Then Shay had to go somewhere, so the rest of us went to the Homecoming parade. Where we ran into my Friend Rachel, and some other people from our bus like Matt, and his girlfriend. So J.B., Rachel, Chelsie and I headed to chelsie's so she could change out of her school clothes. And while were there We heard the noises from the Police, ambulance, and fire trucks, signaling the parade was about to start. So We all ran back to main street and met up with our friend Ryan. So we talked while the floats, and bands, and people walked by and threw candy at us(which hurts by the way). Then this stupid kid from my school came up at the end on his four wheeler trying to show off. So we all made fun of him. And then Rachel and Chelsie thought the guys from this one band were really hot so they ran after them. So me, J.B. and Ryan ran after them. And then they ran into Brenna, so we all walked off to the Highschool parking lot where the floats, and stuff were parked, and we hung out there for about 10 minutes. Then J.B. had to go so he walked back home, and then Rachel had to go, So Ryan, his friend, and me followed Rachel to the ninth grade campus, while we waited for her dad. We didn't know where Chelsie or Brenna went cause they just kinda disappeared. So Rachel left then I walked back to the football field with Ryan, and his friend. Then I had to go home because it was 7:25 and it was getting dark out. So I said good-bye and walked home past the apartments, Shay's house, and the park, where people were still playing baseball. So I came home and now I still have to do my homework due tomorrow. But I'm not gonna let it ruin it because I had a ******** amazing day!
And I'm hopping the tomorrow will be they same, but it might not be.
Because today I was suppose to clean the house because my dad is coming home on Sunday, and since I didn't today I might have to tomorrow, but I'm hopping I'll be able to hang out with my friends Again cause tomorrow we have to show Shay's parents out report cards, and also the Homecoming game is tomorrow so we might go there as well.. mrgreen
But I gotta say I'm in a lot of pain, cause I'm not use to walking around cause in New York I didn't live in the town so I couldn't
So Lets see
My a** hurts,
My Legs hurt
My feet hurt,
and my Ankle hurts because Chelsie had this big wooden stick and Jordan took it from her and threw at me and it ended up hitting my ankle right where that bone sticks out on both sides.(I don't know what its called.)
and My arms hurt cause Both J.B. and Ryan punched me in one.
And the whole left side of me Chest and stomach hurts,
and I have a Headache, but still today was AMAZING!
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