THE EPIC RETURN OF SKULLZ MC NEAL!!!!!!....and Pedro ^-^....
CHELLO MATEZ!!!!!!!!!! whee Geez its been years since i've last been on mate. and i know some of u's might be wondering "were the heck have ya been skullzy?" confused wel mate, .....i've been sleeping in me bed actualy sweatdrop see, we had this huge wind storm which totaly kicked are asses by suprise mate, left the whole town without power. (which was kew Z since i didn't have to go to work of a full week mrgreen ) but alot of treez and power lines were KO'd because of it so it took the light company a whikle to fix it. which ment no TV, NO REFREGUATORZ, and most importantly.....NO COMPUTERZ FOR SKULLZ AND PEDRO!!!!!!!!
Pedro: crying
but lucky for us, it was Fixed! mrgreen
Pedro: blaugh
yep yep, everything was working like normal Z.....but the computer died
Pedro: emo
So we had to wait another week to get a totly awsome, brand new, kick your spine out and shove it up your grannyz bum CoMPUTER! mrgreen
Pedro: 4laugh *dances a bit*
3nodding So i'm back mates! and the contest shall continue until halloweeny mrgreen ....if ya forgot what it was, just check me last jornal thingy k Z. mrgreen Smell ya later Z dramallama