A white wolf appeared in the forest of Panll and sat on a hill, watching the forest take life in the morning. "What are you doing up so early Whitedeath?" said another wolf coming up to the white wolf. The other wolf had a gray-blue pelt, with brown ear tips, tail tip, and front paws. Whitedeath smiled. "I’ve come to enjoy the morning scenery, nothing more. What about yourself?” The gray black wolf sat beside the elder. “I have patrol soon, so I decided to clear my mind first.” He said, growling. Whitedeath chuckled. “I’m guessing Foxteeth is in your patrol if you’re already upset.” The other wolf nodded. “Well, the sooner you finish the patrol, the sooner you can part ways after.” Whitedeath rose to her feet. “Just make sure you guys don’t go into the border past the Fall Oak. Then you’ll run into trouble.” The other wolf stood up as well. “Thank you for the warning. I’ll keep that in mind.” And with that he ran off, towards the deep forest. Whitedeath looked in the direction that the wolf had run off at.
‘I don’t know why, but I have a bad feeling about this.’ She thought.
Chapter 1
A dog jolted in surprise from her dream. She groaned and tried to sleep again. It’s been a whole month since she has the same dream of her mother and father. In her dream, she was a pup, with her brother besides her. On the other side, laid the body of her dead mother. Her father was fending off the intruders so to make sure that they would not come into the dens. Howls and barking would echo through the tunnel to the place where she was motionless. Then, all of the sudden, silence flowed through the tunnel. She and her brother start to wonder if their father had defeated the wolves. But then a growl rumbled through the hideaway, followed by the rumble of paws padding on the ground. Then they got louder and even louder. And that’s when the dream blacked out. The dog was very fond of the dream, but for some reason, she was always so terrified by it each day. Sometimes even howling from her frightening dream. ‘I wonder if that really happened.’ She thought in wonder. Then she growled. ‘No, it’s just a dream.’ But when the humans fond her and her brother, they did say that they had teeth marks that came from wolves. “Hey Twilight, what are you doing up so early?” a voice asked. Twilight turned in alarm, but only to see that it was her brother. “Jeeze, don’t scare me like that Darken.” She growled. When she looked out the window, she noticed that it was barely dawn. She sighed, wondering after a month of this, why she wasn’t tired. Darken sat next to her, with a worried look on his face. “You had the dream again, didn’t you?” he whispered. Twilight nodded, suddenly thirsty. She got up, walking to the water bowl. While she was lapping up some water, her brother had a troubled look on his face. “It’s weird. I’ve had that dream as well. You don’t think that it actually happened?” Twilight stopped drinking, with sarcasm on her face. “No, it would be a coincidence. Plus, we don’t have any proof to test that theory.” Darken glared at her with his red fire eyes. “You don’t have to get idiotic.” “WHAT DID YOU SAY!?” She turned around snarling. Shadow was looking out the window acting oblivious to what’s going on. “Hmph shows that your name suits you.” “Well, the humans found marks on us when we were pups that LOOKED like wolf bites, but they weren’t sure.” Darken mumbled, sounding dazed. Twilight looked at him in sarcasm. “Hey, have you seen Roxan?” Twilight asked trying to change the subject. Darken still faced the window. “She and the human left earlier, for an appointment I think.” Twilight smiled, knowing that Roxan was having a hell of a time. The sun finally came over the fence, giving Darken brown outlining over his almost black fur. ‘Just another day’ Twilight thought.
Foxteeth felt a nudge on the side of his stomach, and groaned, not wanting to get up. Seeing who it was made him jump to his feet in shock. “Dude, I told you not to be late!” the brown wolf growled. Foxteeth grinned nervously, giving a sheepish laugh. “Sorry about that, I couldn’t help but sleep longer.” The wolf gave a stern look at Foxteeth, and then lowered his head, gesturing to lower Foxteeth’s head too. When he did, the wolf whispered, “Ok, so I was able to get Cosmos to away from Destiny, you just have to do the rest.” Foxteeth lifted his head, cocky legible. “No problem Kami.” Was all that he said, and then he ran straight toward a wolf with a golden pelt. “Hey, Destiny.” He yelled, smirking. Before he got a chance to get to her, another golden wolf came up in front of Foxteeth, snarling and his teeth gleaming. ‘Aw crap’ Foxteeth thought, skidding to stop. “What do you want with Destiny?” the golden wolf growled, visibly agitated. Laughing nervously, Foxteeth said, “Nothing, just tell her I said hi.” The golden wolf still was irritated, but seemed to have calmed down. “Hmph, are sure that’s all?” the wolf growled. “Well of course Cosmos! Everyone here is smart enough to just say that-“
Foxteeth began, but Kami cut in saying, “He just wanted to mess with her.” ‘Craaap....’ Foxteeth thought
Twilight looked out the glass door, trying to get some z's, while her brother was sleeping. Then the door unlocked. A woman with a Welish Corgi in her arms walks through the door. While the human put her stuff away, the welish corgi jumps from her arms with a huge grin on her face. "Well, I guess the commercial went well" Twilight barked smirking. "You bet it did!" the corgi yowled. "Uuuugh....just when I thought I would get some peace." Darken growled. "Ok guys. Time to go out side." the human said, smiling. Darken growled but got up and walked outside to the backyard. The corgi and Twilight followed Darken, and the door shut behind them. "Sooo, Roxan, how was your totally fabulous job since you woke me up?" Darken asked in a girly voice. Roxan smirked but explained her morning. Twilight dazed through her explaining, since she ALWAYS makes the explaining long as possible. But, in the middle of her explaining, Darken started to growl. "Wh-what's wrong Darken-san?" Twilight was about to ask too, but she got her answer when an oak brown wolf jumped over the fence. Darken jumped to his feet and snarled at the intruder. "Who are you?" he growled in immediate disgust. The wolf smirked and said, "Well, well, well. Look what the monsters dragged in."
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Truekitty's Mind
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C.O. of the Light Malitia