Haha!! Finished this before going to school today!! Thank god today we start late! Yes!!! The classes are shortened!!!
Anyways, here we go!!!!!
Soulless Affections Chapter 9
I sat up quickly, frantically looking around the place I was in.
I seemed to be in a dark room. There was a small nightstand to the left of the bed with a small lamp. To the right was a small window that was covered with dark purple drapes. On the right side of the corner of the wall was a small chair. To the left was a wooden door.
Just then, yesterday’s events came in like a bullet.
I sighed. That’s right. That’s what happened.
After buying groceries with Makoto, we were attacked. I think their names were Terain and Yuri . . . . .
I shook my head and wrapped my arms around my leg, hugging it close. I sighed.
Just then, a knock came on my door. I didn’t look up or answer.
I heard the door open but it didn’t close. I looked up to see one woman standing there, holding a box.
The woman looked really pale, faded slightly curled blonde hair, and although she had blue eyes, they seemed empty.
“Master wants to see you. He says that you’re going to have to wear this dress.”
I looked at the box she was holding. I sighed again and got off the bed. I walked over to her and carefully grabbed the white box from her.
“I will wait for you outside.” She walked out and closed the door.
I walked over to the small bed and set the box down. I opened the lid and looked at the dress. The dress was surprisingly . . . . . . Beautiful.
I sighed and put it on.
The dress was soft silky. It was a mix of black and dark green. It seemed to show some . . . . . . Cleavage. Besides that, it’s pretty beautiful.
I put on the shoes that looked like a maids shoes. I folded my clothes and put them neatly on the bed.
I sighed, walked over to the door, and opened to find pale blondie waiting for me like she said.
“I will take you to Masters’ now. Please follow me.” She turned and led the way.
Soon, we entered a large room with lots of candle lights hanging down from the ceiling. There was a long dining table in the middle of the room, filled with plates of food. Lots and Lots of food.
The pale blondie led me to a seat at one of the ends of the table. A pale guy wearing a black suit pulled the chair out for me and I sat down.
“It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Miss. Hikari.” A deep charming voice said somewhere in front of me.
I looked up to find a man sitting at the other end of the table.
The man had both his elbows on the table, his chin resting on his folded hands, smiling at me. He had black hair that looked out of place and gray eyes. I have to admit that he is kind of good looking.
“My name is Saito Haruka. I’ve been watching you ever since you’ve started living with Hayate’s pack.”
“So you know Hayate?” I asked carefully. This guy must be the “Master” that Yuri was talking about. So this guy is the enemy of Hayate and the others.
“You interest me, Miss. Hikari. The first time you meet supernatural creatures, you show no reaction of being afraid. Even here right now, you’re in enemy territory. Yet you don’t seem afraid.” He cocked his head to the side. “Why is that?”
“In truth, I don’t really know.” I admitted. He still looked at me, smiling, so I continued.
“But I know why I’m not afraid of Hayate and the others. Hikaru and Ein saved me from Blondie back there when the town was going to be destroyed. I knew that none of them had any intention of hurting me.”
He leaned forward, as if to take a closer look at me. “Well then, you should be very afraid here. None of your friends are here to save you. I move my location depending how much people are after me.” He sits back, still smiling. “The dress looks lovely on you.”
I blushed a deep shade of red and looked down at my hands that were folded on my lap. That freaken pervert.
“Please help yourself to some food. You must be hungry considering that you haven’t had breakfast yet.”
My head shot up as I looked as my eyes widened. “Breakfast . . . . .?”
He chuckled. “You’ve been asleep for so long. I’m sure the others found Makoto already and took him home. Hayate would most likely be searching through his head to see what has happened.”
My eyes dropped onto the plate that the pale servants were food on.
That’s right. Makoto tried to protect me but instead I went with Yuri and Terain so that he wouldn’t get hurt anymore. My hands clutched into fists.
I looked up and saw one of the servants pouring some kind of red liquid into a fancy looking cup.
“What is it, Miss. Hikari?” Saito asked, his eyes curious.
“Um. I don’t drink wine. I’m under aged.” I said.
“How old are you?”
”16 . . . . .” I answered carefully.
The conversation died as we ate our food peacefully and quietly. The food was actually pretty good.
“Do you think that they’ll come after you?” He asked, breaking the silence.
I looked at him. Well that question has certainly caught me off guard.
“No.” I answered after giving it a thought for a bit.
“Why do you think so?”
I sighed. What is this? 20 questions?
“Well, Hayate told me that I as long as I was with them, then they would protect me. Now that I’m in your hands, they won’t worry about me anymore. They won’t have to worry about me getting in their way of their duties and missions and all.” I explained.
“Interesting.” He said, amused. “That is really logical. But in my opinion, I believe that they WILL come to rescue you.”
I looked at him with a shocked expression. “Why? Why would they come just to get me? I’m nothing but just a mere human who just happened to be caught up in a fiasco between supernatural creatures.”
“But I’m sure that you and the others have become so fond of each other.”
“Impossible.” I retorted.
He laughed. “Well we’ll see about that. I’m sure that in about a few hours, things will get destructive. But I’ll just let you know this, Miss. Hikari. Those people will grow to become important people to you and you will grow to become important to them. You will become something that all of them will give their lives to protect. Especially Hayate. Hayate doesn’t like loosing people that they’ve come accustomed to protect. They will come for you.”
I shook my head furiously. “No. They won’t come for me.”
“Why are you denying it?”
I looked at him then, stunned by his question. I didn’t have an answer for that.
He still looked at me, his expression showing amusement, waiting for me to answer.
Damn this guy. Catching me off-guard like this.
I slammed my hands on the table and stood up. “They WILL NOT come for me!”
“And what if they do come for you?”
“Then I will only turn them down!”
“Hhmmm. . . . . . . So you don’t mind giving yourself to me?”
Shock over-whelmed me. “Eh . . . . .?”
Then out of nowhere I was pinned against the wall with Saito hovering over me, his hands holding my hands against the wall to keep me from escaping. He seemed to be as tall as Hayate.
“And why do you want me? To be your servant?”
“That and another reason. But just so you know, I will still hunt them down and kill them. They’ve been alive long enough. Don’t think that just because you’re my servant doesn’t mean that I will not harm them.”
“Either way you will hurt them . . . . .” I repeated as I looked away from him.
“Does that make you sad?” He whispered.
I looked up at him then. His eyes and his expression were soft.
Anger filled up inside me. “Why the hell would you care!?” I muttered angrily.
I felt his head on my left shoulder; I tensed.
“Is it illegal for me to care for someone?” He sighed. “Then please allow me to tell you the truth.”
“Truth? What truth?” I demanded, surprised that my voice came out in a whisper.
“I’ve been watching you . . . . . . . . . . watching you ever since you came to Winter Night town.”
My eyes widened. He’s been keeping his eyes on me ever since I came to Winter Town? I was still a freshman at the time.
“Why have you been . . . . .?” My voice trailed off.
“You seemed to have caught my interest.” He said, explaining, his voice still soft. “I knew everyone who came to that town. I’ve always been watching the people who’ve been going to live in that town. When you came to the town, I just decided to watch you for a few days since I was bored. I would see you in your room reading a book called Twilight that was about Vampires and Werewolves. I would see you talking to yourself about the affection you have for supernatural creatures. That part caught my attention and I became interested in you. It was then that you became friends with this girl named Kasumi. You had a dark personality, you didn’t speak your mind so easily and you would sometimes turn down an offer when she asked you to go somewhere with her. I heard you say something like how you moved to another boring town. You wanted something exciting to happen; the town being attacked, an unknown creature to take you somewhere away from the boring human world. I was determined to take you away from that world. I was shocked that I actually thought about that. The next thing I knew it, I realized that I fell in love with you.
“Then, you met Hikaru in sophomore year. You two became friends instantly so I kept my eyes on him to. Then, one of my subordinates came and attacked the town. I searched frantically for you everywhere but I couldn’t find you. It was then I realized you were with Hayate and his pack. You learned about our existence then. Though, I couldn’t see you when you were in the same house as Hayate because he’s the only that can repress my powers. I became impatient and was just about to launch an attack when I saw that you were at a store with that elemental, Makoto. I decided to use that opportunity to take you. I wanted to see you so bad. I meant no harm to your friend but I just got tired of waiting. Please forgive me.”
I stood there, my eyes wide, stunned by his explanation.
He then pulled me into a tight hug. “I’m sorry. I know that this is unforgivable because I’m their enemy. But I’m glad that I finally get to have a chance to get this off my chest. I’m really sorry. I love you, Aerean.”
I stood there in the small room, looking out the small window.
How can he fall in love with me so easily when he doesn’t even know me? I’ve never spoke with him before and I don’t even know him. I really don’t mind me being here. As long as he doesn’t hurt the others just to get me, then I’m fine.
I sighed. What am I doing? Protecting them, eh?
I walked over to the bed and lied down. “Then can come for all I care.”
Then, a huge blast came. I sat up quickly and I saw the door break out of the small window.
“What the hell . . . . . .?”
Once the smoke kind of cleared, I saw two people standing there, looking at me.
One of them had black hair with long bangs that covered his eyes but you could still see them and he had his hair tied back into a ponytail. His skin was pale and his eyes were a light orange color. He wore a Chinese looking outfit.
The other one had dirty blonde hair and his skin was kind of pale. His eyes were reddish orange and he had pointy ears with 4 earrings on each side. He seemed to be wearing a black suit.
“Is this the girl?” pony tailed boy asked.
Pointy-Eared nodded and turned to me. “I believe that you are Aerean Hikari, the human girl that’s rooming with the Mongrel and his pack. Our Master wishes to see you.”
There was silence between us. I raised an eyebrow. I made an irritated sigh.
I took a deep breath. “What the hell is up with you creatures wanting to see me!?” I yelled out in one breath. “First those people that Raiko sent and now new people show up!” I threw my hands up in frustration as I got off the bed. “So what!? Kidnappers are going to kidnap me from the kidnappers who kidnapped me!? This us utter BULLSHIT!!”
“Come with us then. Our Master only wishes to speak with you. We mean you no harm.”
“Well I suggest you leave before you get hurt.” A new voice said that belonged to a girl. There, standing at the place where the window used to be at was a white haired girl. The girl seemed to have white hair of course that reached down to her waist. She seemed to wear a black and white dress. She seemed to wear a headband that looked like it would belong to a maid. She really did look like one; if it weren’t for the sword she was holding and her . . . . . . Black wings?
She turned to be and I saw that she had violet eyes. Who is this girl?
As if she read my mind, she said, “Miss. Aerean Hikari. My name is Rin. I am a friend of Hikaru. As you see of my wings, you may think that I am a Demon but I’m not. I am a Dark Angel. I have roamed earth for ages. I ran into Hikaru when I was walking around. He told me the situation along with Ein. Then I promised them that I will bring you back to them, unharmed if possible.”
“How do I know if I can really trust you?” I challenged.
“Aerean? Aerean! That is you!!” another voice said.
I stood there stunned. I know that voice. I’ve heard it somewhere before.
There, at the door way stood a girl. The girl had chocolate brown hair and dark blue eyes.
“K-Kasumi!?” I exclaimed in shock.
“Aerean!” she shouted happily. She ran up to me and hugged me tightly. “Oh my god! I’m soooo glad that you’re all right. I thought that you were . . . . .” Her voice trailed off, not wanting to say the word.
I returned the hug. “I’m also glad that you’re all right.”
She stepped back and I saw Rin walk over to us to put herself between us and the boys that want to kidnap me. “All right. It is great that you two are reunited but this isn’t the time. We have to get Miss. Aer out of here.” She turned to me. “Now do you trust me?”
I nodded.
Kasumi gasped.
I turned to her. “What is it?”
“Rin! How the hell are we going to get out of here? You can’t carry us both at the same time! We’re going to be too heavy for you to handle!”
She turned her head at us but her bangs blocked her eyes. A smile spread across her face.
Then, I felt a hand on my head.
“You’re late.” Rin said.
“Shut up.” A new voice said.
I gasped and looked up. “E-Ein!?”
“Next time you run off like that with the enemy, I’m giving you a huge lecture.” He said.
“What the- Akimoto! Get your hands off her!!” Kasumi shouted at him.
“Well, well, well. Look who’s alive.” He said, grinning.
“You will explain why you’re here later.” Kasumi threatened.
“Now, now. We don’t want any blood spilling amongst out comrades now, do we?” another voice said.
There, in the air to the right where the wall was broken, was Hikaru; flying in the air.
“W-What!?” Kasumi looked at him, shocked. “Hikaru! Are those. . . . . . Wings!?
He smiled and chuckled. “Don’t worry, Kasumi. We will explain everything later. Right now, our first priority is to get Aerean-Chan out of here.”
“I-Is Hayate here?” I asked either of those two.
“Yeah he’s here.” Ein replied. He looked down on me. “And he’s not happy.”
Kasumi looked at us, confused. “Who is-?”
“Don’t worry, Kasumi. I promise you, we will explain everything when we get home.” I assured her.
No. Hayate’s here. That’s so not good. Damn. He might give me a huge lecture or something. Most likely yell at me.
Pointy Eared looked at Rin, to Ein, to Hikaru, then Rin again. “Looks like we have no choice but to take her by force.”
“Too bad. We won’t let you.” Ein retorted.
“Oh we’ll see about that.” Pointy Eared then pulled out a medieval looking sword and Pony Tailed also pulled out a sword.
Can you hear me, Aerean?
I gasped. Was that. . . . . .
Yes. It’s Hayate. Now, Ein; listen to me. I need you to take Aerean downstairs into the dining room and quickly. Raiko isn’t happy with us and Keisuke’s servants butting in like this. Leave her in the dining room and you can join the fight. I will take her with me and we’ll meet at the town park, midnight, sharp.
“I’m sure you guys heard that.” Ein said.
Rin and Hikaru nodded.
“Don’t worry. We’ll take care of them.” Rin said. “Kasumi. Remember what I taught you.”
“Right.” Kasumi responded. She turned to Ein and I. “Just so you know, I also heard that message. You have better take care of her or else.”
Ein nodded.
Do not worry, Miss. Narato. All of us are here to take her back and protect her.
“You better keep your word.” Kasumi muttered.
Then, Rin and Hikaru, Pointy Eared and Pony Tailed charged in.
Ein pulled me onto his back. “Hold on. This is going to be pretty dangerous.” Then, two black transparent wings came out of his back.
He ran, or lets say, flew out of the room, sword in hand. I gripped his shoulders tightly so I wouldn’t fall off.
Then, a few pale people came and blocked the way. I recognized one of them as the girl who lead me to the dining room.
“Get out of my way!” Ein shouted and he sliced all of them.
I kept my eyes open, afraid to close my eyes.
He flew down the stairs quickly, slicing everyone who was in the way.
Then, we finally arrived in the dining room.
I climbed off his back and looked around. It was empty.
“Damn it, Hayate. Where the hell is he?” Ein muttered angrily.
As if on cue, a huge brown wolf burst out from a door on the left and landed on the dining table, crushing it.
“Is this . . . . .” My voice trailed off, speechless. I looked up at Ein.
He nodded. “Yeah. Hayate is his wolf form.”
Wolf Hayate walked to us and was but only a few feet away.
You may return to battle, Ein.
Ein nodded and flew off. It was just Hayate and me now.
I looked down at my feet, not that I could see them.
“I-I’m sorry, Hayate.” I stuttered.
What are you sorry about?
“For going off with the enemy.”
He didn’t say anything so I went on. “It was just only me and Makoto. And there’s no way that Makoto can defend me when there were two people, not to mention one of them was Yuri. I couldn’t bear to see Makoto hurt like that so I just went with them. I must’ve upset you a lot. I’m sorry.”
I’m not angry with you.
My head shot up, startled. “Wha . . . . .”
I was desperate to know if Saito has done anything to you. I was angry with him when Makoto told us what happened. I had just planned something that all of us could do together. A vacation. I was planning to tell you two when you came home but you two took so long. I called but Makoto didn’t answer his cell so I got worried. So I sent Haruka and Nya after you two. Nya because he knows both of your sent and Haruka in case something bad happen and he could help out. When they finally reached you guys, you fell unconscious and were taken away. Are you sure Raiko didn’t do anything to you?
I nodded. “I’m sure . . . . . . . . . Except for the weird fact that he confessed his love to me.”
He cocked his wolfy head to the side. What the hell. . . . . . .?
I sighed. “I don’t know.” I shook my head.
Then I heard a growl rumble from his chest. “Hayate?”
He walked closer and leans down. Get on, Quickly.
I climbed onto his back, hesitating a little.
Show me or tell me what you’re thinking.
“Um, this is going to be my first time riding a werewolf.”
I could tell. Are you afraid?
“Just don’t crash into anything. Oh and I’m also afraid that I’m going to fall off.”
He gave a cough of laughter.
Hold on tight, then.
I clutched his fur tightly as he started running.
I kept my head low as he ran past the pale servants.
He ran into a few walls on purpose. Hah! A short cut!
Before I knew it, we were outside but he jerked to a stop.
I raised my head to see why he stopped. There stood Saito.
Saito looked at Hayate for a moment. Then, looked at me, I was locked into his gaze.
“I thought you said you would turn them down when they came for you.” He said, his voice emotionless.
I shook my head. “I never did say that I would really say that, did I?”
I saw his hands clutch in a fist.
Hayate gave a low threatening growl.
“Shut up, wolf!”
Then out of nowhere, Emiko came and stood between Saito and us. “Please go and get Aer-Onee-Chan to safety, Haya-Nii.”
“E-Emi-Chan!?” I exclaimed.
She turned and smiled. “Please don’t worry, Aerean. Though I may not look like it, I can fight. I’m part wolf after all.”
Then, out of nowhere, she was in front of me and she leaned in and gave me a tight hug.
“Please wait for my return, Aerean.” She withdrew and gave me another smile.
“You’re lying.” I said, my voice shaking.
She then hopped down and hugged Hayate. She walked back over to where she was and turned to us. She raised her right hand and waved, smiling. “Bye-Bye.”
“Wha . . . . Emi-Chan!”
Then, Hayate turned and darted into the forest.
Hayate kept running until we reached a big huge tree. I climbed off his back and looked at the big huge tree.
You’re angry with me for not stopping her, aren’t you?
“Yeah I am. But . . . . . . . . . I know that no matter what I say to her, she wouldn’t listen to me.”
She’s a persistent one.
I nodded. “Yeah.” I turned and looked at him. “What are we going to do now? Go home?”
He shook his wolfy head. No. Not yet. We’re going to wait for the others. We’re going home altogether.
“And Emiko?”
She can take care of herself. She may not look like it but she’s strong.
I sat down on a huge trunk and smiled. “Yeah. All I can do now is just believe in her words.” I sighed. I wrapped my arms around my legs. “I just hate sitting on the side lines. I hate being useless. But sometimes, I know that it can’t be help, like now. I’m sorry.”
Why are you apologizing?
“For troubling all of you. If only I had refused to go with them, Haruka and Nya would’ve arrived, and they would’ve possibly withdrawn. Right now, we would be on vacation, having fun altogether. I’m sorry for being such a burden and troublesome person.”
I felt a hand on my head and my head shot up to see Hayate in his human form.
“Don’t you ever say that you’re a burden to us ever again. If you were really such a burden then we would’ve left you at that other town.”
Oh yeah . . . . . . . That’s true. We’ve already come across another town but they haven’t kicked me out yet.
I made a small smile. “Yeah. You’re right. I’m sorry. I guess I just lost sight of that there just now.” I laughed a little.
He smiled and nodded. He held a hand out for me and I took it.
“HEY!!” a voice called from above.
We looked up to see Ein, Hikaru, Rin and Ichiro land on the ground.
Then ran in Nya, Makoto, Kasumi, Haruka, and Devarion. Looks like everyone’s here.
“Everyone’s here, right?” Hayate asked, looking at each and every one of them.
Kasumi walked up to me and smiled at me. Her eyes darted downward and she looked uneasy.
It was then I noticed that my right hand felt unconditionally warm then I realized that Hayates’ hand was still around mines.
“All right then everyone, we’re heading home.” Hayate said.
“How far is home?” I asked him as we all started walking.
He smiled down on me. “That depends on how fast we are. We’re really not in a hurry so we’ll just take our time. For now.”
“For now.” I repeated. “That’s nice.”
Kasumi then stepped in front of us and she glared at Hayate.
“What is it?” He asked her.
“C-Can you PLEASE take your hand off her!?” she said, angrily.
Hayate looked down at our hands. I felt his hand tighten around mine.
He leaned in to her until their faces were just inches apart. “No.”
“Are you TRYING to piss me off!?”
“Don’t worry, Hayate. She’s always like this.” Ein said. “Always so protective and short tempered and all.”
“You shut up, Akimoto!”
I sighed. This is so ridiculous.
“I agree.” Hayate said and pulled me around Kasumi.
“Why you . . . . .!”
“Calm down, Kasumi!” Rin said. “Get used to it. When she gets a boyfriend, she’s going to be holding hands with him.”
I blushed at that but I kept my head low.
Everyone was quiet then.
I looked at our hands. Hayate’s hand is so warm compared to my cold hands. So warm. . . . . . . Warm always makes me fall asleep or tired.
Tired . . . . . . . Come to think of it, I’m pretty sleepy right.
I wonder if Emiko is okay right now. I just can’t help but worry over her.
Well, it seems that everyone here will be protecting me, including Kasumi who learned some fighting moves thanks to Rin.
I wonder if I’m going to fight. Kasumi and Hikaru should know that I hate sitting on the sidelines. Hayate should also know too since I told him.
Hah! That’ll be so funny! Especially if one of them gets badly wounded, I would most likely snap, grab anything that looks like a deadly weapon, and beat the living crap out of that person. Hah. That’d be fun. Hilarious! Seeing them moan in pain like that! Begging for their puny little lives. I smiled. That’s something they should expect if they make a human snap like that! Scream in pain! Beg for your lives! Say you’re sorry and you won’t pick on us ever again!
I made a pleased sigh. “That’d make me feel good.”
I felt that Hayate had stopped walking. I looked up at him to see him staring down on me.
“What?” I asked.
“Um, Aer?” Kasumi asked, smiling.
I looked at her. “What?”
“You just talked to yourself out loud.”
“Oh? Really? Well I guess I’ll tell all of you now that I talk to myself out loud a lot so yeah.” I said.
“ ‘That’d make me feel good.’” Devarion repeated. “What the hell were you just thinking about?”
I started at him, and then I smiled. “You don’t wanna know.”
Then, Devarion seemed to have gone paler then usual.
“Stop thinking perverted, you idiot!!!” I yelled.
Then, Nya jumped to my side and held my left arm. He looked at Kasumi. “Hey, Kasumi. Have you heard Aer sing before?” He asked her as we continued walking.
“Hmm . . . . . . . Come to think of it, I’ve never really heard her sing before.” Kasumi replied, thinking.
They all looked at me as we kept walking. “If you guys think that I’m going to sing in front of you guys, think again. I don’t like singing in front of a crowd of people. I get stage fright.”
“Try singing in your head then. That way, no one can hear you.” Hayate suggested, grinning.
I shot him a glare.
“If not singing, then why won’t you hum it?”
I sighed. “Okay, fine. Here’s something for you to listen to.”
After a few minutes, Hayate looked at me. “That’s a beautiful piano melody. Didn’t you tell us that you like to play piano?”
I nodded. “Yeah.” “Did you compose the song?” I shook my head. “No.”
He waited.
“I don’t know who the real artist is but it was composed by Edward Cullen.”
“Edward Cullen from that Twilight book?” Devarion asked.
I nodded. “It’s in the first book. Edward takes Bella to go see his vampire family. Bella learned that Edward could play so she urged him to play it so she could hear. First he played a piece that was Esme’s favorite. Then he moved on to another piece, telling her, ‘You inspired this one.’”
“That’s so romantic.” Rin said, smiling a bit.
I nodded. “It’s funny how in the beginning, they hated each other, but now they’re unconditionally in love with each other. Now they’re married, Bella is turned into a vamp, and they have a daughter named Renesseme, that Jake nicknamed, Nessie.” I smiled. “It’s such a beautiful story. I wanted to cry after I finished Breaking Dawn.” I sighed. “I haven’t even read Midnight Sun which was a Twilight version but from Edwards perspective.” I sighed again.
Kasumi laughed. “Don’t worry, Aer. You’ll get a chance to read it sometime!” she then looked at me from head to toe. “I have to admit that dress looks good on you. A Gothic Loli-Shota.”
I smiled. “Thanks. All I need to do is get my hair black again.”
“Black? Your hair was black before?” Nya asked, curious.
I nodded. “Black is my real hair color. I kept getting stressed out at school until my hair turned gray or silver, as I like to call it.”
There was silence between all of us again.
I noticed Nya had stop walking when I was jerked back due to Nya was holding my arm. I turned and looked at him. “Nya? What’s wrong.”
Everyone had stopped walking to and looked at him.
Then, the earth started shaking. Then huge, thick, green vines exploded from the ground.
“Damn. That Keisuke is persistent.” Hayate mumbled. “Guys! We’re taking flight! Ichiro. Take her. It’ll be dangerous if she’s with me.”
“Right.” Ichiro responded. He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me close to him. Then two dark red transparent wings sprouted from his back.
“Cool.” I commented, wrapping my arms around his neck. Then he jumped in the air as the ground below us exploded. I looked down to see Hayate in his wolf form and Devarion run off. Hikaru carried Nya, Haruka carried Makoto, and Rin carried Kasumi while Ein floated in the air, carrying no one.
“Damn!” I yelled.
“What is it?” Ichiro asked, alarmed.
“I forgot my favorite sweater back at Saito’s place!” I wined. That was my favorite jacket! I’ve had it for 4 years ever since I was in 7th grade!!
“Oh well.” Ein said. “We’ll get it back later. Now’s not the time.”
I stuck my tongue out at him like a little kid and everyone chuckled except for Ein who shot me a glare.
“AHHHH!!” a voice cried.
I turned to see a huge, big, green vine knock out Rin and wrapped itself around Kasumi.
“Kasumi!!” I yelled.
Then, all these other vines came and constricted all of us.
Then the big vine that held Kasumi went down and headed toward the ground.
“Kasumi!!!” Rin yelled. She sliced the vine with her sword that she managed to materialize in her hand and she flew down to Kasumi.
“Not a chance!” another voice yelled.
We all looked down to see Pony Tailed knock back Rin.
He landed gracefully on one of the vines. “Sorry. But if we can’t have the girl, then we’ll have her friend.”
“You let her and us go, Damn Pony Tailed b*****d!” I yelled. “No offense, Makoto.”
“My name is Satoshi. So please stop called me Pony Tailed.”
“Hayate.” Everyone mumbled at the same time.
Makoto. Use your lightning element.
“What!? But Hayate. If I do that then…”
It’s the only way to get you all free. I can’t fly and neither can Devarion. Use your lightning element. Aerean, think you can handle it?
“ ‘A broken heart is more painful then a broken arm.’” I quoted from one of my own quotes that I made up years ago. “I can handle it.”
Okay. Makoto. Do it.
Then, a piercing sound came through. The yellow light was visible and it came to us like slithering snakes. The lightning shocked all of us then.
“What!?” Satoshi exclaimed and was then also hit by the lightning.
“A-Aer. How are you holding up?” Ichiro asked, wincing, holding me tighter.
“I-I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.”
Makoto. Strengthen your lightning. It looks like he isn’t giving up.
“Damn it, Hayate!” Makoto yelled. “AHHHHHH!!!!”
Everyone screamed as it pierced everyone again, a lot more power in it.
Then, the parasite finally gave in and let all of us go, wining with pain.
I felt myself falling. I couldn’t open my eyes; I couldn’t move my body.
Then, I felt strong arms wrap itself around me. The arms were cold. It felt so good.
“Aerean? Aerean! Can you hear me? Aerean!” the voice pleaded. I recognized the voice as Devarions.
“D-Devarion?” I whispered, my eyes still closed. My voice sounded weak.
“Hayate! I think that lightning was too much for her to handle.” Devarion shouted.
I then felt a warm hand caress my cheek.
“Damn. We had no choice that time. We need to hurry home now.” He said.
“No.” I mumbled, forcing my eyes open. I pushed myself out of Devarions arms and started walking, holding my left arm. “I have to go rescue Kasumi from that Parasite.”
My legs gave out and I felt another set of arms wrap around me and into his arms.
“Aerean. Listen to me. I promise you. We WILL go rescue Kasumi. We need to pull back for now.” Hayate said.
“You better keep that promise. If not, you’re going to have an appointment with my fist.” I threatened. I felt myself falling into unconsciousness. Before my eyes completely closed, I thought I saw a soft smile; a soft expression on his face.
And now here are the characters that were introduced in the story!!
Saito. I hate him so much


The Pointy Eared dude. His names Takashi

And here's Two pics of Rin

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