My Gaia Username: azora natashi
This is my name: Chouko Ledith
This is my gender: Female
This is my dorm number: 013
Talents: Being a creepy, silent, cynical and professional girl. She is also a blood wielder, a power that has been handed down in her family for long then history books can date back to. She is allowed to use her blood as a shield, including the blood she consumes and accumulates from having her victims absorb her blood through their skin and using a principle of repulsion, the victim explodes, their blood spraying from all over, turning them into a pile of mush, and then their blood molecules are rearranged and become her ultimate supply of blood. Though she uses it quite fast.
My hobbies are: Studying, being as perfect and professional as possible
Springs I have seen: 12
But I've really lived this long: 15
Bio: She never seems to surprise her parents at her enthusiasm to be the perfect daughter. She studies, a little too hard perhaps, and sits in her room, studying, all day. She is in such a hurry to become a woman, her parents worry about her, and in fact encourages her to go out more, which she despises. She is confident, but not a tyrant, too unprofessional, and she respects power, and those who have it, and make good use of it. Her past is short as she has only lived some few years, but it has been, to say the least, eventful. She has been stalked by a very clever and cunning foe, they have been trying to track him since he started to attack when she was 10 but there was no stopping him and she has been resorting to running, staying away from home, her family and such. They are all sure, whoever it is, it wants revenge on the family, starting with the weakest and youngest vampire, herself. Did we mention she has irregular aging patterns, so when she was 10 she was still 2 feet tall, she had not grown an inch since she was 5 and now she is taller, at a very amazing 4 feet.
When I look in the mirror, I see:

What i use to defend myself: My blood shield and bloody butterfly.